Your 10 dream sports


Registered Senior Member
What are your top 10 dream sports?

This is the list of sport that I wish I could do, but because of many limitation
(time, money, skill), I can't experience it yet or as often as I dream:

1. Horse riding
2. Archery
3. Bungee Jumping
4. Surfing (on the ocean, of course)
5. Ballet
6. Rafting (river rafting ride). It is once literally entered my dream in my sleep :p
7. Ski
8. Hang gliding
9. Rock climbing
10. F1 (will likely never come true)

Oh I am so jealous !!!! :bawl:

I actually don't have any "dream" sports for I have done all of the sports that I have ever wanted to try. I've raced cars and motorcycles in different styles of racing. I've horse back rode many times. I've raced power boats and sailing boats. I've bowled, flown aircraft, bicycled, skateboarded, roller skated, ice skated, swamp buggy raced, air boat raced and ran in a 5 mile mini marathon. All of the things that I was interested in doing I have done even though it might not have been competing with the real professionals at least it was doiing what I wanted where I was at.
I'd probably like to learn archery and horse riding (did it a bit as a kid, doesn't count any more), but not as a sport.
I'm a bit afraid of horse riding because of the high risk to get a backbone trauma.
And my eyesight I'm afraid is too poor for archery.
Yeah, surfing, specifically bodysurfing is the best sport ( it's really a pastime) ever, rockclimbing, skiing and rafting are great, but the last time I rode a horse, the fucker stopped abruptly causing my nuts to be flattened like pizza bases against the unforgiving saddle.
Top ten sport...nuh!
1. Rodeo
2. Archery
3. Bungee Jumping
4. Long board surfing
5. Synchronised sleeping
6. White water rafting
7. Cricket 20/20
8. Hang gliding - no, then again its against my philisophy, if at first you don't succeeed, WTF, you don't get a second chance. Perhaps then falling with grace.
9. Dambusting
10. Degustation
1. Snowboarding
2. Surfing
3. Skiing
4. Horse riding
5. Archery
6. Rock Climbing
7. Pot Holing
8. Cycling
9. Running
10. Judo.

All of which I do/have done.
I take part in my top 10 sports, so I don't really know what I would love to do but can't.

Oh actualy, I always wanted to have a fight with my friend in zero gravity conditions, we always said that if there was a way to stay in zero gravity for a long period that we could afford we would go up there and bring it on. I know you can go on those zero G planes and I looked into it and was going to book a place but I found out how long you remain in zero gravity for, I was dissapointed such a small amount of time.

But yes zero gravity MMA competitions. I can feel a TV series comming on.

Zero ~G warriors.

But yes zero gravity MMA competitions. I can feel a TV series comming on.

Zero ~G warriors.

I can see that ending up being a thai clinch kneeing festival, or a choke-a-rama, as I can't see many other submissions working without a mat and gravity, and striking isn't going to work that well, unless you can somehow cling, ....
In no particular order

1. Volleyball
2. (American) Football
3. Mountain biking (freeriding)
4. Rally racing
5. F1 racing
6. Motocross racing
7. Wakeboarding
8. Snowboarding
9. Gymnastics
10. Mixed martial arts
Not much into sports I'm afraid, but I would love to fly in a monoplane, though it would probably make me sick.

Also sailing, would love it. I don't like horse riding, its too jarring.

But if I had the chance, I would play golf.
I used to be a tom boy of sorts growing up. I used to play almost all the sports at school and was on the track team. Now I really couldn't care less about playing them or watching them.
Not much into sports I'm afraid, but I would love to fly in a monoplane, though it would probably make me sick.

Also sailing, would love it. I don't like horse riding, its too jarring.

But if I had the chance, I would play golf.
Wait, what do you consider a monoplane?
Did you mean a hang glider?
The technical term for a monoplane is just an airplane with one set of wings (i.e. the WWI planes with two pairs of wings were biplanes).

And in that order.

(Ps. Sorry I can't think of ten, these are just personal dream favoriate)
Soccer is war of war. One ball, one position of men, and one goal. Tactical anihilation of the other team using full on war.

Football is similar and many great football players have been seen over the years all with great reasons. I wonder why? Similar to Soccer but a little more specific rules.

Tennis and the similar, on the table game (I forget it's name ping pong?) is also a full on skill match. Each player has no ability to cheat, just as they have no ability to be better than their player (ie. losing or winning). This is straight up skill. Very clever.

Basketball is also an amazing game and has a lot of things about it I have not experienced however I have thought about it. Nice game indeed.

Baseball is a little slower similar to golf but also a very interesting sport due to this fact.

Golf is a little boring to me and only sometimes interesting due to the fact of how the game is played. I've played it before.
Interesting game.

I couldnt' think of any other ones really, and thought these were the most specific examples.
I don't know why the multi quotes function doesn't work on firefox, but anyway:

5. Synchronised sleeping
8. Hang gliding - no, then again its against my philisophy, if at first you don't succeeed, WTF, you don't get a second chance. Perhaps then falling with grace.

Lol, synchronised sleeping ^^ You did try the hang-gliding? Cool..!

I take part in my top 10 sports, so I don't really know what I would love to do but can't.

Oh actualy, I always wanted to have a fight with my friend in zero gravity conditions, we always said that if there was a way to stay in zero gravity for a long period that we could afford we would go up there and bring it on. I know you can go on those zero G planes and I looked into it and was going to book a place but I found out how long you remain in zero gravity for, I was dissapointed such a small amount of time.

But yes zero gravity MMA competitions. I can feel a TV series comming on.

Zero ~G warriors.


Fighting in zero gravity reminds me to dragon ball Z!

Cliff Diving
Ice Skating

I've got to google for lacrosse :p

In no particular order

1. Volleyball
2. (American) Football
3. Mountain biking (freeriding)
4. Rally racing
5. F1 racing
6. Motocross racing
7. Wakeboarding
8. Snowboarding
9. Gymnastics
10. Mixed martial arts

Do you still do mountain biking, Mike? And oh, haven't seen you for long, welcome back!

Not much into sports I'm afraid, but I would love to fly in a monoplane, though it would probably make me sick.

Also sailing, would love it. I don't like horse riding, its too jarring.

But if I had the chance, I would play golf.

Nah, S.A.M., golf is for grandpa!! :p

I used to be a tom boy of sorts growing up. I used to play almost all the sports at school and was on the track team. Now I really couldn't care less about playing them or watching them.

What about the kids, Shorty, do they play any sport? I used to play basket ball
with my brothers, miss them :(


And in that order.

(Ps. Sorry I can't think of ten, these are just personal dream favoriate)

Sisy likes to play ball sports ^^

in no paticular order
umpiring and playing aussie rules

I have to google for umpiring..!