Write4U's wobbly world of word salad woo

You don't get to ask that. Question is if my original posits true at some basic level .

They are not true at the basic level that is the whole point. Mixing up wave, wavelength and frequency and bunch of other concepts illustrate that.

This is a forum not a university so I suppose you can still keep going according to the forum rules. For me personally I think it is wrong to post this kind of stuff, other people, young people could read it and think the post is from a source of some authority when it is not. Send them on the wrong path, kids like to browse these sites if they are geeky. A good thing to be in my eyes.

I will leave this now to the other guys (second time) for want of committing the act of deceased equine flagellation.
They are not true at the basic level that is the whole point. Mixing up wave, wavelength and frequency and bunch of other concepts illustrate that.

This is a forum not a university so I suppose you can still keep going according to the forum rules. For me personally I think it is wrong to post this kind of stuff, other people, young people could read it and think the post is from a source of some authority when it is not. Send them on the wrong path, kids like to browse these sites if they are geeky. A good thing to be in my eyes.

I will leave this now to the other guys (second time) for want of committing the act of deceased equine flagellation.
It's for fear of that that I sometimes get involved, in the hope of straightening out some of the wrong or garbled ideas.
It's for fear of that that I sometimes get involved, in the hope of straightening out some of the wrong or garbled ideas.
I am done trying to convince him of making a right turn BUT I will correct any posts going forward from him.
For the sake of the observer.
I will leave this now to the other guys (second time) for want of committing the act of deceased equine flagellation.
It's about time. If you are trying to be a teacher, you are failing miserably in your "clever rendition of "beating a dead horse". You haven't shown me a single "truth".

I don't respond well to ad hominem by complete strangers. It smacks of prejudice and authoritarianism to me.
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It's about time. If you are trying to be a teacher, you are failing miserably in your "clever rendition of "beating a dead horse". You haven't shown me a single "truth".

I don't respond well to ad hominem by complete strangers. It smacks of prejudice and authoritarianism to me.

I did not do a PGCE or B.Ed. (UK) but I have trained dozens of new starters and student placements over the years.

Mainly how to use the technology, the underlying science and best way to handle and interpret the data.

That was part of my job, often the student had English as a second language.

German, French, Portuguese, Italian being the first.

33 years and still counting.

If you think I am failing miserably as teacher that is probably because you are unwilling to learn.

I have not shown you any “truths” because I tend to leave that kind of a thing to philosophers.

I was happy to show you some structure behind some of the concepts, but you were not interested.

I don't respond well to ad hominem.

“Ad hominem?” Every single objection I have raised is to do with what you have posted.

Have I now reached certain conclusions about your methods? Your approach? You?

Well yes. You keep repeating the same behaviour, if you post 9 things one way I expect the 10th to be similar.

Plus you keep confirming this behaviour telling me what your approach is, that is not Ad hominem, that is using the scientific method to make predictions about the outcome of an event.

“It smacks of prejudice”

Why on earth would I be prejudiced? Because you are young? Old? Male? Female? American? I have no idea of your demographic.

“and authoritarianism.”

We do not have authorities in science and technology we have experts.

An unknown PhD student can potentially overturn a consensus with their thesis if verified.
Why on earth would I be prejudiced? Because you are young? Old? Male? Female? American? I have no idea of your demographic.
. You seem quite eager to sling ad hominems. You said I am incapable of understanding from a few words I used?
I don't care if you "mean well".
I expect you to act civilly and respectfully as I have afforded you.

I don't study how things work. I study what they mean. You should have noticed by now that missives are almost always accompanied by quotes from peer-reviewed publications. If I introduce something from a less reputable source it is because it introduces a new perspective on a lesser-known area that is nevertheless of interest.

I am interested in the very subjects that have given science fits for many years, not because I want to solve the equations, but to understand what it is that makes them seem in conflict, which IMO is impossible.

The universe has no conflicts. It started from a simple imbalance of a fundamental state and expanded in accordance with universal mathematical guidance. All potentially conflicting conditions throughout the universe have long since been naturally resolved, not by humans but by itself.

My main interest right now lies in microtubules and the growing field of knowledge in the role of MT in the emergence of consciousness an area of interest to Roger Penrose.
If there is any question about my methods of research and study, check out the 140+ pages of pertinent and tangently related articles by very reputable scientists.

My second interest is in the generic mathematics of the universe that deal not with human-symbolized numbers but with physical interactive values. 'The language of the Universe".

I particularly like the development of CDT (Causal Dynamical Triangulation) which proposes a fractal (mathematical) essence to spacetime that allowed for the emerging orderly patterns rooted in the fractal unfolding of spacetime.

Eventually you will find that certain common denominators tie seemingly disparate subjects together in a grander landscape. And that is where there is little information because it is at scales and dimensions previously outside our ability to observe or test. CERN was a tremendous human accomplishment and allowed Higgs to "tease" the
elusive Higgs boson from the bosonic field.

I don't use my info, I use scientific info. Even if my conclusion seem wrong , you cannot fault the science.

And as far as my usage of scientific terminology, yes I make up "strings" to condense what might otherwise take half a page and I am just making a general observation in a "conversational" manner.

It is true, I lack knowledge of scientific jargon. But I always use a valid dictionary definition and is easy to test "common denominators" between the two.

The results as I see them speak of a symbiotic relationship in a mathematical sense.
Why is the proper biological term to refer to a human as a biome?

IMO, the mathematics of this universe must be compatible at all levels or we could not wonder at the majesty of a quasi-intelligent "guiding force" without having to resort to an imaginary "motivated" sky-daddy.

This is why mathematics are the proof of
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. You seem quite eager to sling ad hominems. You said I am incapable of understanding from a few words I used?
I don't care if you "mean well".
I expect you to act civilly and respectfully as I have afforded you.

I don't study how things work. I study what they mean. You should have noticed by now that missives are almost always accompanied by quotes from peer-reviewed publications. If I introduce something from a less reputable source it is because it introduces a new perspective on a lesser-known area that is nevertheless of interest.

I am interested in the very subjects that have given science fits for many years, not because I want to solve the equations, but to understand what it is that makes them seem in conflict, which IMO is impossible.

The universe has no conflicts. It started from a simple imbalance of a fundamental state and expanded in accordance with universal mathematical guidance. All potentially conflicting conditions throughout the universe have long since been naturally resolved, not by humans but by itself.

My main interest right now lies in microtubules and the growing field of knowledge in the role of MT in the emergence of consciousness an area of interest to Roger Penrose.
If there is any question about my methods of research and study, check out the 140+ pages of pertinent and tangently related articles by very reputable scientists.

My second interest is in the generic mathematics of the universe that deal not with human-symbolized numbers but with physical interactive values. 'The language of the Universe".

I particularly like the development of CDT (Causal Dynamical Triangulation) which proposes a fractal (mathematical) essence to spacetime that allowed for the emerging orderly patterns rooted in the fractal unfolding of spacetime.

Eventually you will find that certain common denominators tie seemingly disparate subjects together in a grander landscape. And that is where there is little information because it is at scales and dimensions previously outside our ability to observe or test. CERN was a tremendous human accomplishment and allowed Higgs to "tease" the
elusive Higgs boson from the bosonic field.

I don't use my info, I use scientific info. Even if my conclusion seem wrong , you cannot fault the science.

And as far as my usage of scientific terminology, yes I make up "strings" to condense what might otherwise take half a page and I am just making a general observation in a "conversational" manner.

It is true, I lack knowledge of scientific jargon. But I always use a valid dictionary definition and is easy to test "common denominators" between the two.
Ill sum it up in THREE words.
Dunning Kruger.
Yeah, yeah, here we go.
I really tried with you! Read my posts back.
I actually thought posters were harsh with you when I joined the site until I engaged and came to the same conclusion.
That's is what happens when you apply the scientific method to a situation.
If you still think you are being attacked or whatever that is your issue.

You may be a wonderful human being, that is not my bone of contention.
IF you post silly nonsense, I will point it out.
You think it is appropriate to use the term "differential equation" to mean something other than its accepted meaning in mathematics?
So, you think that differential equations do not apply to real-world problems?

Let's see:

Differential equations
In Mathematics, a differential equation is an equation that contains one or more functions with its derivatives. The derivatives of the function define the rate of change of a function at a point. It is mainly used in fields such as physics, engineering, biology and so on. The primary purpose of the differential equation is the study of solutions that satisfy the equations and the properties of the solutions.
Differential equations have several applications in different fields such as applied mathematics, science, and engineering. Apart from the technical applications, they are also used in solving many real life problems. Let us see some differential equation applications in real-time.
1) Differential equations describe various exponential growths and decays.
2) They are also used to describe the change in return on investment over time.
3) They are used in the field of medical science for modelling cancer growth or the spread of disease in the body.
4) Movement of electricity can also be described with the help of it.
5) They help economists in finding optimum investment strategies.
6) The motion of waves or a pendulum can also be described using these equations.
The various other applications in engineering are: heat conduction analysis, in physics it can be used to understand the motion of waves. The ordinary differential equation can be utilized as an application in the engineering field for finding the relationship between various parts of the bridge.

Differential equations examples in real-life applications .

Linear Differential Equations Real World Example
To understand Differential equations, let us consider this simple example. Have you ever thought about why a hot cup of coffee cools down when kept under normal conditions? According to Newton, cooling of a hot body is proportional to the temperature difference between its temperature T and the temperature T0 of its surrounding. This statement in terms of mathematics can be written as: dT/dt ∝ (T – T0)…………(1)

Differential Equations Applications

Differential equations have several applications in different fields such as applied mathematics, science, and engineering. Apart from the technical applications, they are also used in solving many real life problems. Let us see some differential equation applications in real-time.
1) Differential equations describe various exponential growths and decays.
2) They are also used to describe the change in return on investment over time.
3) They are used in the field of medical science for modelling cancer growth or the spread of disease in the body.
4) Movement of electricity can also be described with the help of it.
5) They help economists in finding optimum investment strategies.
6) The motion of waves or a pendulum can also be described using these equations.
The various other applications in engineering are: heat conduction analysis, in physics it can be used to understand the motion of waves. The ordinary differential equation can be utilized as an application in the engineering field for finding the relationship between various parts of the bridge.
Now, go through the differential equations examples in real-life applications .
Differential Equation applications have significance in both academic and real life. An equation denotes the relation between two quantity or two functions or two variables or set of variables or between two functions.
Differential equation denotes the relationship between a function and its derivatives, with some set of formulas. There are many examples, which signifies the use of these equations. The functions are the one which denotes some sort of operation performed and the rate of change during the performance is the derivative of that operation, and the relation between them is the differential equation.
These equations are represented in the form of order of the degree, such as first order, second order, etc. Its applications are common to find in the field of engineering, physics etc.
In this article, we will learn about various applications in real life and in mathematics along with its definition and its types.


Mathematics (differential equations) apply and are deterministic to every physical interaction in the universe.
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So, you think that differential equations do not apply to real-world problems?

Let's see:

Differential equations


Differential equations examples in real-life applications .

Linear Differential Equations Real World Example

Differential Equations Applications


Now, go through the differential equations examples in real-life applications .


Mathematics (differential equations) apply and are deterministic to every physical interaction in the universe.
You don't understand mathematics, why are you posting this?
So, you think that differential equations do not apply to real-world problems?
No, I don't think that. Why would that be something you took away from what I wrote to you? I said nothing of the sort.
Mathematics (differential equations) apply and are deterministic to every physical interaction in the universe.
You don't understand mathematics, why are you posting this?
Sure, he has no idea at all what a differential equation is, even though he has just read what it is (and in spite of previous explanations from me and others).

He's lost his grip on the meaning of words. You can see that even with his use of "deterministic". Your attempt to point out that QM precludes deterministic behaviour (which is why Einstein was unhappy with it) will sail right over his head.
Sure, he has no idea at all what a differential equation is, even though he has just read what it is (and in spite of previous explanations from me and others).

He's lost his grip on the meaning of words. You can see that even with his use of "deterministic". Your attempt to point out that QM precludes deterministic behaviour (which is why Einstein was unhappy with it) will sail right over his head.

I addressed quantum way way back. May I remind you that quantum is still a mathematical function.

What Is Superposition and Why Is It Important?
Imagine touching the surface of a pond at two different points at the same time. Waves would spread outward from each point, eventually overlapping to form a more complex pattern. This is a superposition of waves.
Similarly, in quantum science, objects such as electrons and photons have wavelike properties that can combine and become what is called superposed.


Credit: Shutterstock
While waves on the surface of a pond are formed by the movement of water, quantum waves are mathematical. They are expressed as equations that describe the probabilities of an object existing in a given state or having a particular property.
The equations might provide information on the probability of an electron moving at a specific speed or residing in a certain location. When an electron is in superposition, its different states can be thought of as separate outcomes, each with a particular probability of being observed. An electron might be said to be in a superposition of two different velocities or in two places at once. Understanding superposition may help to advance quantum technology such as quantum computers.
more.... https://scienceexchange.caltech.edu/topics/quantum-science-explained/quantum-superposition

Quantum Superposition doing mathematics in a computer? Can you explain that?
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I addressed quantum way way back. May I remind you that quantum is still a mathematical function.

Quantum Superposition doing mathematics in a computer? Can you explain that?
"Quantum is still a mathematical function".

Er, right.:confused:

No further questions, m'lud. :D