Would you sell your dog?

I don't have a dog these days, so obviously couldn't sell.

However, I would PAY if someone would take my neighbors dog..

Hate the little bastard.:bugeye:
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I have a 9 week old pup, and even though I love her very much I cannot deny that there would be a price I'd accept.
...Let's say someone offered 1 billion dollars, I simply can't believe she would refuse..

The Third Noble Truth says that it is quite possible that some of us value our dogs much more than we value any amount of money, self included. 88 pounds of Yellow Labrador love and slobber, and drop dead gorgeous to boot.
some people love their pets more than their children or even other people.

as for love, pets know a good deal when they have it. they sure aren't paying your rent, all they have to do is act cute and they will be taken care of. sometimes they will defend you but it seems they get more out of the bargain. lol

as for pets though, they do seem to understand what the meaning of family means truly. you can actually trust them and will not hurt you.
well, if I had a pet horse, I'd sell it. If I had a pet dog, I could probably sell it as well. Mainly because if I had either one, there would be a purpose for me having it and a lot of training/skill would be involved. You don't just give away a trained guard dog or a trained cattle dog.
Depends what said peole are going to do with my doggie. If they provide him\her with a good home then sure...why wouldnt i sell the dog? i can just get a new one. Depends on the price and if i want to sell the pooch though.
My dog Hooligan is totally irreplacable. He's my friend and I love him to bits. Even if he "escapes" he always comes back home, he loves me too. I would no more sell him than my daughter. The answer is no, not at any price. Loyalty is its own reward.
Depends what said peole are going to do with my doggie.

For the sake of the question, 2 black suited gentlemen will show up with the money, take your dog, and you will never hear about it and you won't know the fate of it. He/she might end up in a loving home or in a science lab or in a Chinese restaurant.

So would you sell it????
as for pets though, they do seem to understand what the meaning of family means truly. you can actually trust them and will not hurt you.
Mark Twain said, "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a man and a dog."

And Will Rogers said, "If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."

I mean geeze really, how could you call a place with no dogs "heaven?"
(assuming you love the beast)

This is a similar question to the Would you sell out? I asked my wife for how much she would sell the dog, and she said there is no amount, it is like selling her kid.
Well, a dog is not a child, but I understand the analogy. Still, EVERYTHING has a price, even a well loved dog.

Let's say someone offered 1 billion dollars, I simply can't believe she would refuse. Imagine just how much good she could do (opening up non-profit animal shelters, etc) with that much money, beside never having to work again.

My guess is that people who say they would never do this or that for money know that the question is hypothetical, thus it is easy to be "moral". But if there was real money involved, most of us would name a price. It is just a question of How much? not Would you do it?.....

So anyway, anybody here who would never sell your little doggie??

Anything above 10.000 and it goes.
Any body want 2 schnozzles cheap! They are suppose to be Schnauzers, but looks can deceive. The gray one acts more like cat then a dog