Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

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There was no "trick" in the video I presented to you. The change in the colours of the t-shirts and the tablecloth etc. were all right in front of your eyes. You just didn't notice them.

No..the shirts and the table cloth and the backdrop were each changed when the camera was zoomed away from them. Watch it again. They were not changed before my eyes. It was a trick of the camera using the additional distraction of the card trick. So what? That doesn't prove anything about people not seeing ghosts. When people see full bodied apparitions walking before them there is no distracting going on while a crew behind the scenes changes things. Again, you can't by trickery prove misperception where there is no trickery involved.
I don't think you get it. When you don't notice something so obvious as a person's shirt changing from black to green, your powers of observation are obviously not as finely tuned as you would have us believe. Since you don't notice things that are there, what makes you think that everything you do notice is actually there?
I don't think you get it. When you don't notice something so obvious as a person's shirt changing from black to green, your powers of observation are obviously not as finely tuned as you would have us believe. Since you don't notice things that are there, what makes you think that everything you do notice is actually there?

It only proves you can be tricked into not noticing changes that are performed off camera. It says nothing about you hallucinating a full body apparition walking right in front of you with no distraction or trickery at all. There is nothing in that video that I hallucinated. You ARE still sticking to the hallucination hypothesis aren't you? That normal people will often spontaneously hallucinate transparent people walking right in front of them? What does that have to do with the video?
Magical Realist:

I'd say the same, except when they claim to have experienced incredible events which for other reasons are unlikely to be true.

The paranormal is only incredible if it never happens. The fact that it does happen and quite often makes it quite credible.

I think you'll find that in reality there are very few obnoxious nuts obsessed with proving everything they hear. Apart from anything else, that would require way too much effort.

It would be. It would also be a sign of serious mental illness, this demanding of evidence for everything.

I think if you pick 100 random people off the street, only a small minority will claim that they have ever personally seen a ghost.

"Nearly one-in-five U.S. adults (18%) say they’ve seen or been in the presence of a ghost, according to a 2009 Pew Research Center survey. An even greater share – 29% – say they have felt in touch with someone who has already died."===http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/10/30/18-of-americans-say-theyve-seen-a-ghost/

Similarly, reports of alien encounters these days tend to include descriptions of gray-headed bald aliens with big black eyes. Does that mean all these people are seeing these aliens? Or could it be that people are indoctrinated to report grey aliens with big black eyes? Or even to see grey aliens with big black eyes under the right circumstances (e.g. a particular mental problem).

Perhaps they are. It's certainly not something any normal person would routinely hallucinate on an ongoing basis.

Dead people who continue to live on, who are partly transparent, who can walk through walls, who can appear and disappear, etc.? Not that extraordinary? Really?

No more astounding than electrons that can be in two places at once and pass thru barriers. It just depends on how open you are to reality being more than you can understand.

No. I'll bet you didn't even spot the "obvious" changes of clothes in the video I posted above, until you were told about them.

I was being distracted by the card trick and the camera zooms. That says nothing about people hallucinating ghosts.

That is a trap. You see what you expect to see. If you think you're going to see ghosts, probably you'll see ghosts.

Many people do not expect to see a ghost. Many people who have seen them did not even believe in them until they saw them. And even people who believe in them don't WANT to see them. It's a jolting experience. Nobody wants that.

That would be a mistake. Autobiographies are often self-serving, and the memories that people have are subjective and often unreliable.

There are tons of events and experiences the autobiographer will know over the biographer. It doesn't mean they made them up. It just means they were there when the biographer wasn't.

Sure. It's an interesting study into human psychology, mass delusion and the like.

It's an experience that needs explaining. Hallucinations doesn't do that.

You seem to be claiming that people never hallucinate anything. Is that what you think?

Right..I'm claiming normal people who not on drugs or who don't have a brain disorder don't hallucinate things. I never have and I believe in ghosts. It takes a malfunctioning brain to hallucinate.

So you're among the vast majority of people who have never seen a ghost. Hmm...

I've never met a giant squid either. Lot's of things I haven't met. Does that mean they aren't real?

No. It means that people like to club together with like-minded people, and just about any excuse will do. Very little of this "scientific measuring" you mention is actually reliable. Noneof it convincingly shows what it is claimed it shows.

You've probably never observed a paranormal investigation in progress ever have you? I've observed hundreds of them, and they are very critical and exact in their usage of infrared cameras, digital recorders, motion sensors, and temperature readers. The results they obtain are real and abundant.

I agree that it is not all hallucinations. It's just not supernatural beings. Probably mostly raccoons. :)

Sometimes. But not always..

And "eyewitnesses" of ghosts, of course, are never distracted, but are always perfect observers who never make mistakes or see things that aren't really there, or don't see things that are there.

It's hard to mistake a person in period dress that is transparent and then disappears. What could possibly be misperceived here?

That's true universally, is it? Nobody has ever faked a ghost. Well, thanks for letting us know, Magical Realist.

It would be very hard to fake a ghost. It would require alot of light projecting and audio and people behind the scenes. This equipment would be very obvious on any haunted location. Most haunted locations are empty houses or buildings. They are checked for other people before the investigation begins. So pranks are always ruled out.
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No more astounding than electrons that can be in two places at once and pass thru barriers. It just depends on how open you are to reality being more than you can understand.
Yes, certainly outstanding and science admits that they are unable to understand quantum weirdness: But by the same token, anyone and everyone could be a witness to such weird events if he chose to.
I have never seen a ghost like the majority, and like the majority I don't expect to...why? Simply because they don't exist: All that may exist is unexplained phenomena which the likes of you and river, immediately like to equate with the supernatural or the paranormal/
Perhaps too much X-Files? "I want to believe" :)
"There is one insuperable obstacle to a belief in ghosts. A ghost never comes naked: he appears either in a winding-sheet or "in his habit as he lived." To believe in him, then, is to believe that not only have the dead the power to make themselves visible after there is nothing left of them, but that the same power inheres in textile fabrics. Supposing the products of the loom to have this ability, what object would they have in exercising it? And why does not the apparition of a suit of clothes sometimes walk abroad without a ghost in it? These be riddles of significance. They reach away down and get a convulsive grip on the very tap-root of this flourishing faith."===Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
When one sees a ghost before oneself, there is no distracting trickster changing anything on them. .
You've asserted this about a hundred times during this thread. You've built up this story as if witnesses are well-rested, sitting in comfort, in an empty, well-lit room, minding their own business - when, a 3D apparition appears at the (well-lit and unobstructed) door, calmly walks across the room toward them, while they sit upright and observant, as well as unalarmed, taking notes the whole time. That the entire event occurred in a vacuum of mitigating circumstances, the only thing that happened to them before, during of after the event, is the event itself.

Your account has distilled the events to try to convince yourself and us that there are no mitigating factors involved in these case and that they occur under the ideal apparition-witnessing circumstances.

Like the witnessess before you, your account of the events you originally read about has been altered and cannot be trusted to represent the facts.

People change their stories. You changed your story.
You've asserted this about a hundred times during this thread. You've built up this story as if witnesses are well-rested, sitting in comfort, in an empty, well-lit room, minding their own business - when, a 3D apparition appears at the (well-lit and unobstructed) door, calmly walks across the room toward them, while they sit upright and observant, as well as unalarmed, taking notes the whole time. That the entire event occurred in a vacuum of mitigating circumstances, the only thing that happened to them before, during of after the event, is the event itself.

Your account has distilled the events to try to convince yourself and us that there are no mitigating factors involved in these case and that they occur under the ideal apparition-witnessing circumstances.

Like the witnessess before you, your account of the events you originally read about has been altered and cannot be trusted to represent the facts.

People change their stories. You changed your story.

Still waiting for that study showing people hallucinate full body apparitions right in front of them. Backpeddling and changing the subject won't work here.
Still waiting for that study showing people hallucinate full body apparitions right in front of them.
There you go, I have never made any such claim.

Since neither you, nor I, nor anyone else, believes that people hallucinate under the circumstances being discussed, there is no reason to keep mentioning it.
There you go, I have never made any such claim.

Since neither you, nor I, nor anyone else, believes that people hallucinate under the circumstances being discussed, there is no reason to keep mentioning it.

LOL! Then there is no study and you are retracting your claim. That's what I thought. And as already defined twice for you, seeing a person in front of you who is not there is the definition of hallucination. Which is what you claimed people who see ghosts are seeing. Are you denying that you were arguing for that now?
LOL! Then there is no
study and you are retracting your claim.
I have made no claim of any study.

You have made a claim. I have showed you that - the criteria by which you judge the veracity of the claim - is false.

... seeing a person in front of you who is not there is the definition of hallucination. Which is what you claimed people who see ghosts are seeing.
Show me where I claimed it was a hallucination.

It is a normal aspect of flawed human perception, interpretation and recall - as I have said all along, despite your trying to insert your own words in my mouth. Your continued attempts to do so are a sure sign that you have no valid arguments left.
I have made no claim of any study.

You have made a claim. I have showed you that - the criteria by which you judge the veracity of the claim - is false.

Show me where I claimed it was a hallucination.

It is a normal aspect of flawed human perception, interpretation and recall. As I have said all along, despite your trying to insert your own words in my mouth.

Right here:

I said: "Things are filtered out. So what? But never does one hallucinate a full bodied person in detailed clothing walking in front of them. It just doesn't happen."

You said: "It is a fact."

And then for like 3 pages you tapped danced around never supporting that alleged fact. Now you are lying that you never claimed it. Are you high now?
Are you able to make a case against someone who was level and rational? Or for you to score a valid point, would I have to be high?

Argumentative and resorting to ad hominems. Why don't you just argue the issues?

LOL! I just showed where you claimed it was a fact that people hallucinate full bodied persons walking in front of them. Are you still denying you claimed that and have been arguing for that for 3 pages now?
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