Who is the most mediocre member?

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^^^ draqon is the least mediocre; I doubt even he knows what he is saying :D
How about the cesspool....because this thread has gone to shit.

jesus...I could start a thread titled "Why I think rainbows are pretty" and y'all could find a reason to fight about it.:)
How about the cesspool....because this thread has gone to shit.

jesus...I could start a thread titled "Why I think rainbows are pretty" and y'all could find a reason to fight about it.:)

Everybody knows they're pretty because of all the loot at the end of em. :bugeye:
How about the cesspool....because this thread has gone to shit.

jesus...I could start a thread titled "Why I think rainbows are pretty" and y'all could find a reason to fight about it.:)

I wasn't fighting; I just got interested in Orly's definition is all. :bawl:
No, I used to be a hick. I've never been a redneck. I probably could have been trailer trash, except my folks owned the trailer park. I don't see why living in a trailer is any different than living in an apartment...in fact I would think it was better. You get to have a yard and you don't hear your neighbors through the wall.
I always knew you were low-class. You grow and grow in my esteem.

The rest of you nincompoops: IGNORE BUTTON.
How about the cesspool....because this thread has gone to shit.

jesus...I could start a thread titled "Why I think rainbows are pretty" and y'all could find a reason to fight about it.:)

You know what MacG. I didn't start this. She started this on page 1. Even when she realized that her idea of a REDNECK was out to lunch she continued with her insults, insteading of giving it a rest. Now she plays stupid like she didn't start this and was the one who took this off topic.

Then she tries to bring up the fact that I am anti-gay...racist whatever.
Taking everything I ever said out of context in a thread that isn't even about it.

If I had done this.......I would have got infracted for off topic trolling insulting members. That is what I am getting sick of.

I call 'em as I see 'em. <cowboy accent>

From her posts here, she appears to be a non-churchgoing populist with rural values (anti-nudity, anti-gay, with issues about color and race). She's also highly unsophisticated (I yam wot I yam) and concerned only with herself. Thats typical redneck to me. Me, mine and ours, limited worldview or interest
Yeah, I'm explaining my definition of a redneck and why I thought it fit you. Its an objective assessment, not meant to be insulting. You can point out which part of the definition is wrong
Oh so the above statement you made is not insulting? Who the fuck are you trying to kid? Then you are trying to tell XEV that I am anti gay....which I don't think she bought from her answer.

In case you have not noticed SAM is now doing damage control.

You can go back and read my posts from my perspective; all I did was define that shory is not average American in her thinking (as Orly said), but redneck and then gave my explanation why.
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