What if God calls it quits?

A God, if such exists, who have created a universe in which we live would not be dissapointed in the first place ever, since creating this universe takes the spirit which is much higher level than anyone ever to exist.
Taking things for granted is the issue. What if God decides to wind things up and move to another universe? What if he gets so disappointed with his own creation that he commits suicide and takes everything with him to oblivion?

Is it wise to take things for granted?
care to discuss?

seeing that god/heaven doesnt exsist then nothing will change it will still be the same!!
What do nationalism and atheism have to do with eachother ? Im certainly not a nationalist.

perhaps, but I think you would agree that a greater opportunity for exploitation exists under the banners of nationalism - if you disagreed you would probably smash shop windows
What if God decides to wind things up and move to another universe? What if he gets so disappointed with his own creation that he commits suicide and takes everything with him to oblivion?

Why would an omnipotent life form have emotion to begin with? Why would such a life form experience disappointment? Clearly emotion is necessary for human survival, but what would it have to do with a 'God'?
Why would an omnipotent life form have emotion to begin with? Why would such a life form experience disappointment? Clearly emotion is necessary for human survival, but what would it have to do with a 'God'?

Properties or qualities That Come in Degrees
(1) In chains of causes and effects the cause is or has more than the effect.
(2) As the sun has more light and heat than the sunrays.
(3) As a lecturer has more knowledge than given in a lecture (and ideally he will increase in knowledge).
(4) So there is an Entity that has all properties to the maximum possible degree, and is increasing in properties or qualities.
(5) Hence the Perfect Being exists.
Properties or qualities That Come in Degrees
(1) In chains of causes and effects the cause is or has more than the effect.
(2) As the sun has more light and heat than the sunrays.
(3) As a lecturer has more knowledge than given in a lecture (and ideally he will increase in knowledge).
(4) So there is an Entity that has all properties to the maximum possible degree, and is increasing in properties or qualities.
(5) Hence the Perfect Being exists.
Either you don't understand physics - or you're deliberately using logical fallacies... I'm not sure which.

1. If something has no effect - it does not exist. Existence is only defined by the effect. Likewise a cause is only known by an effect it has.

2. To equate total cause to the "sun" and total effect to the "sunrays" is a logical fallacy. For a cause to be in any way more or less than the effect is to defy physics and the laws of the universe. Yes - you can cherry pick what you deem as the "cause" and the "effect" - but doing so is nothing more than an absurdism of sophistry designed to make your argument appear valid.
Nice try though.

3. Again - sophistry. The lecturer is not a "cause" and his lecture is not an "effect". Pathetic reasoning, LG.

4. This is a Non Sequitur - it does not follow from the previous statements (even if the previous statements were accepted as unflawed). Further, to say something has a property to the "maximum possible" and that they are still increasing implies that they do not yet have that property to the infinite level - and thus are inferior to the Entity that does.
You are trying to have your cake and eat it.

5. Non Sequitur.
perhaps, but I think you would agree that a greater opportunity for exploitation exists under the banners of nationalism - if you disagreed you would probably smash shop windows

Im confused, what did nationalism have to do with anything considering this thread ?
Properties or qualities That Come in Degrees
(1) In chains of causes and effects the cause is or has more than the effect.
(2) As the sun has more light and heat than the sunrays.
(3) As a lecturer has more knowledge than given in a lecture (and ideally he will increase in knowledge).
(4) So there is an Entity that has all properties to the maximum possible degree, and is increasing in properties or qualities.
(5) Hence the Perfect Being exists.

What Sarkus said and regardless, this does not answer the question I asked.
What if God decides to wind things up and move to another universe?
Supposing that god existed, in a hypothetical scenario:
Leave a viceroy. Duh.
Or at least a Governor-General figure.

What if he gets so disappointed with his own creation that he commits suicide and takes everything with him to oblivion?
Why would it take everything with him/her?
That'd be like saying Britain would collapse if Queen Elizabeth died.
Supposing that a god existed, it would probably have a successor lined up.
If not, the figure is too stupid to deserve the position of a god.

seeing that god/heaven doesn't exist then nothing will change it will still be the same!!
Obviously. But in a hypothetical scenario, certain things are taken as given.

you have direct perception that god and heaven doesn't exist?

do tell ...

ok, babies dieing, mums dieing, famine, droughts, floods, hurt, pain, sexism, unfairness, severe weather conditions, murder, rape, child abuse, if he did exsist why does he let all that happen, and please dont say because people have got free will because that is just a cop out and for people who dont know the answer.
ok, babies dieing, mums dieing, famine, droughts, floods, hurt, pain, sexism, unfairness, severe weather conditions, murder, rape, child abuse, if he did exsist why does he let all that happen, and please dont say because people have got free will because that is just a cop out and for people who dont know the answer.

then, your personal philosophical issues aside, you don't have direct perception that god doesn't exist

(I would argue that you have flaws on the platform of theory - namely understanding the proper definitions of god, the living entity, the material world and the relationships between all three)
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Do you have a direct perception God and heaven DO exist ?

if I said yes, how would you propose to determine if I was lying?

Im confused, what did nationalism have to do with anything considering this thread ?

Quantum opened with the question "should we take things for granted?"

I suggested that if people entertain the idea's he suggested, they would take things more for granted

You suggested that was a good thing

I suggested that the mood of exploitation leads to civil unrest (smashing shopping windows)

you evidenced that atheists don't smash windows en masse

I suggested that is because greater opportunities for exploitation exist under the banners of nationalism (if the power that holds the national identity, ie law and order, wavers, then you get smashed shop windows etc)

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Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Properties or qualities That Come in Degrees
(1) In chains of causes and effects the cause is or has more than the effect.
(2) As the sun has more light and heat than the sunrays.
(3) As a lecturer has more knowledge than given in a lecture (and ideally he will increase in knowledge).
(4) So there is an Entity that has all properties to the maximum possible degree, and is increasing in properties or qualities.
(5) Hence the Perfect Being exists.

Either you don't understand physics - or you're deliberately using logical fallacies... I'm not sure which.

1. If something has no effect - it does not exist. Existence is only defined by the effect. Likewise a cause is only known by an effect it has.
I can't see how my post contravenes this statement
2. To equate total cause to the "sun" and total effect to the "sunrays" is a logical fallacy. For a cause to be in any way more or less than the effect is to defy physics and the laws of the universe.
so the desire for an effect (say, a burning match stick) that is understood to manifest through a cause (say, striking a matchbox with the said match stick) is a logical fallacy?

3. Again - sophistry. The lecturer is not a "cause" and his lecture is not an "effect". Pathetic reasoning, LG.
so for a person desiring to learn something from attending a lecture (an effect), it is not a requirement that the person giving the lecture also attends (a cause)?
4. This is a Non Sequitur - it does not follow from the previous statements (even if the previous statements were accepted as unflawed). Further, to say something has a property to the "maximum possible" and that they are still increasing implies that they do not yet have that property to the infinite level - and thus are inferior to the Entity that does.
You are trying to have your cake and eat it.
the quality of knowledge and the quality of omnipotency necessitates expanding potency and expanding knowledge - if an entity knows the extent
of their potency, their potency no longer becomes omnnipotent

5. Non Sequitur.
for one subscribing to atheistic ideals, perhaps ...
Ok let's try again

Originally Posted by Crunchy Cat
Why would an omnipotent life form have emotion to begin with?
see number 2

Why would such a life form experience disappointment?
we experience disappointment but god doesn't
Clearly emotion is necessary for human survival, but what would it have to do with a 'God'?
emotion is necessary for our thinking/willing/feeling - if god also possesses similar (although much greater) capacities for thinking/willing/feeling (like say we will to organize the kitchen and god wills to organize the universe) the need for emotion arises
has any of you perhaps, noticed the nature of this thread?

as if all of our comments are being directly related to the thread starter?

or is this just me
