What does God want?

But there is no repulsive force that opposes gravity.
I beg to differ. A super nova is a clear example that pure energy is a dynamic (if not repulsive) force which is very much the opposite of gravity.

Is that not what is proposed as the ultimate universal attractive and repulsive patterns caused by Dark Energy and Dark matter (gravity)?

If nothing opposes gravity, why is the universe still expanding?
Impossible! In order to maintain balance both positive and negative are required.


Since any action can be regarded as positive OR negative, which depends on subjectively opinion, no such animal as balance exist


Since any action can be regarded as positive OR negative, which depends on subjectively opinion, no such animal as balance exist

Regardless of perspective, each is part of a potentially dynamic condition, no?

You cannot have one without the other. In physics, it is demanded by the related mathematics.
Cause/Effect is the ultimate equation. It is a universal mathematical imperative.

What are the mathematics of the wave function?

p.s. I hope this is still pertinent to the OP question....:)
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If nothing opposes gravity, why is the universe still expanding?
My opinion is that it is still under the effect of the big Bang

Since there appears to be nothing outside of our Universe (ie no resistance) why wouldn't the force of the Big Bang still be in play

Moving stuff will continue to move unless acted on by another force


Sure but as the expansion continues, the gravity constant weakens

The stuff at the outer edge of our Universe is at the extreme edge of a gravity bungee cord, which, while it will not snap, it will be so thin it will not have the strength to pull the outer limit stuff back, as in the Big Crunch

Regardless of perspective, each is part of a potentially dynamic condition, no?
Correct - NO

It is what it is


Only obtains good / bad value subjectivly

Which are arbitrary

Cause/Effect is the ultimate equation. It is a universal mathematical imperative.

Ok now if you are meaning physics Cause / Effect they are always I contend they are neutral rather than in balance

But maybe that's my Humpty Dumpty view

Sure but as the expansion continues, the gravity constant weakens
From what perspective? Gravity is a result of mass and the entire universe has mass.
But if anything it supports what I suggested. Energy is the only opposing force to gravity.
It's one or the other......:)

p.s. Just a musing. As the universal expansion speeds up, does universal time slow down..:?
From what perspective? Gravity is a result of mass and the entire universe has mass.
But if anything it supports what I suggested. Energy is the only opposing force to gravity.
It's one or the other......:)

p.s. Just a musing. As the universal expansion speeds up, does universal time slow down..:?

Energy is the only opposing force to gravity . Agreed

What is " Universal Time " ?
W4U said,
Regardless of perspective, each is part of a potentially dynamic condition, no?
Michael 345 said,
Correct - NO
It is what it is
Right, what it is, is as I defined it; "each is part of a potentially dynamic condition". Perhaps something like CDT (Causal Dynamical Triangulation).
keyword; potential = that which may become reality (as the universe)
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What is " Universal Time " ?
Any arbitrary chronological accounting of the duration of existence of the universe.
It is relatively experienced by all organisms as homeostasis (duration of maintenance) and inanimate objects as duration of decay. A "passing experience"
Any arbitrary chronological accounting of the duration of existence of the universe.
It is relatively experienced by all organisms as homeostasis (duration of maintenance) and inanimate objects as duration of decay. A "passing experience"

The Universe duration of existence depends on the space that it expands into and why expansion ceased .

Which in every galaxy is different
river said:
The Universe duration of existence depends on the space that it expands into and why expansion ceased .
Which in every galaxy is different

Er what?
Expansion occurring in galaxies?

Better put , each galaxy is pulled apart . In the bigger picture of the Universe , Because both energy and matter require a certain minimum amount of space in which to exist and then manifest .

Hence expansion

Once the space required for energy and matter to exist , exists , the expansion will slow down . Providing that the space the Universe is expanding into is not limited .
Better put , each galaxy is pulled apart
No they are not.

Galaxies are not expanding any more than stars, planets or rocks are expanding. All are held together by forces far exceeding that of Cosmic Expansion. Cosmic expansion is so weak that it doens;t even have a discernible effect between galaxies, it only manifests at the scale of galaxy clusters.

"... ...the model is valid only on large scales (roughly the scale of galaxy clusters and above), because gravitational attraction binds matter together strongly enough that metric expansion cannot be observed at this time, on a smaller scale. As such, the only galaxies receding from one another as a result of metric expansion are those separated by cosmologically relevant scales larger than the length scales associated with the gravitational collapse that are possible in the age of the universe given the matter density and average expansion rate."

A simple analogy:

Glue a bunch of pennies to a balloon. Blow up the balloon. The pennies move apart from each other - but the pennies themselves do not get larger as the balloon is blown up - the cohesion of the penny itself far outstrips the meager pull of the balloon.
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Win a few bets, win a few quid on the fruit machines, plenty of dope, a bigger kitchen, 2 million quid, oh and for the messiah to get his arse into gear.