Was 9-11 a government conspiracy?

leopold99 said:
i think you mentioned a video, something with the word "nightmare" in it
if you did can you repost it?

Ah yes, Adam Curtis' "The Power of Nightmares" 3-part documentary. Be sure to catch all three, I recommend watching them in order since they proceed chronologically.

Please try this link, click a video (part 1, 2 or 3)- on the next page click "Download"... again, you'll want all three parts. Google has them listed as "The Rise of the Politics of Fear" but they have slightly different titles (see wikipedia link) including "Baby, It's Cold Outside" and "Shadows in the Cave"... let me know if it isn't working for you, sir.

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quelquechosedautre said:
You need to understand the world's biggest lie is...
The Truth is

...So when the people vote in someone who is a crazy psycho, how ever much they complain, it is just when they get a good hiding by all the other countries their own Government's harmed.
Yes, i completely agreewithyou that it takes two. ie., the fascists an the fascists that put them in. but you also have to dig that theones with thepower. vast amounts of money who kind of stage manage beHIND the front 'salesmen'/politicians, are very savvy with PSYCHOLOGICAL TECHNIIQUES. do you agree with me here?
James R said:
The term "Jew dick sucking bitch" is anti-Semitic, dkb218.

No James R, It's not antiSemitic. If I had said "Black dick sucking bitch" or "White dick sucking bitch" or "Irish, German, Latin, One Horned One Eye flying purple eater dick sucking bitch" you would have never said I was anti- anything.

But because the world Jew was mentioned you call me antiSemtic? If someone is sucking a jews dick, how the fuck is it anti Semitic to bring that up? Did my comment paint any Jew in a unfavorable light? No, it didn't! Ban me if you want - I really don't give a flying fuck at this point cause it's starting to sound like you are sucking the ----- fill in the blank!

I'm supose to sit here and listen to all the bullshit you bastards talk about my people but when a Jew is mentioned it's "...you will be banned the next time?"

Dude, you shouldn't be a mod on this forum.
quelquechosedautre said:

That's the whole point.

The people who stage manage these people ARE the people, who, in general, use the tactic of making those "in power" feel important and free as if they are achieving some secret world domination plot. True, these folk do have more than the average level of wealth and power, but they also carry the can when it goes wrong.

me)))))if you have wealth and power, then you wanna keep it ishow i see what they do. i really beliefve you only are getting a bit of whats going on fr may reasons. clues i've picked. speeches from those at the top. knowledge about secret psychological manipulation of the 'masses' by Edward Bernays. have you heard of him for example. i amintereated to know if you have or not?
also propaganda. Bernays was a major major player in propaganda techniques. for both consumerism--getting people o unknowingly buy what they dont need--and for war.
you must be mad if you feel people wnt war. this is why there is propaganda, so as to COERCE them. frst an 'ENEMY' has to be created by prpaganda and of course big media propgates this fear

have you heard of 'Psy Ops' these are covert means to provoke psychological truama. '9/11' was xtremely trauamyic wasn't it? and then hey presto still years after therer is still death and chaos going on in Iraq, talk of war in Iran,and our ligberties are going away. EVEn non-conspiracy-theorits in some of the media are saying so. so.....

Its like an express train. All the power seems to lie in the engine at the front, when , in truth, it hardly matters what the engine does at any given moment, its the sheer weight of the inertia of the dozens of carriages behind it that is the dominant factor.

me)))))))which is why i am saying so much emphasis is given to psychological manipulation. TV is a drug, all media. notice the war on drugs---SOMEdrugs. that is a HUGE hint of their love for mind control. GAIN AN 'ENEMY' IS CREATED..the 'drug addict' as well as the enforcement of 'normalcy' via the pohibition of drugs that help oe see THROUGH their sheenanigins, and their pushing of psychiatric medication onto people. all of tis has to be taken into consideration regarding this subject

The brutality of any given ruling elite is usually merely the personification of those it represents, particularly in a democracy. Had Hitler said in 1941, "Jews are great people, be nice to them, he'd have been lynched". Believe me, regardless of whatever people tell you to your face, when they are in the polling booth all that's in the voters minds is, "Which patsy has got the commitment to his half-baked ideas to do what I think needs to be done to benefit me and to follow it through before we have to boot him out again in 4 years when he gets too cocky?"
why then did they indoctrinate children and adults with evil propaganda films about the 'dirty Jew' if this antisemiticism was as natural as you argue it was?
dkb218 said:
- I really don't give a flying fuck at this point cause it's starting to sound like you are sucking the ----- fill in the blank!

I'm supose to sit here and listen to all the bullshit you bastards talk about my people but when a Jew is mentioned it's "...you will be banned the next time?"

Dude, you shouldn't be a mod on this forum.
it's kind of obvious that you don't give a flying fuck
what the hell is a flying fuck anyway?

i don't consider myself a bastard, why are you attacking everybody like this?
and who are "your people"?

james r. is fair and knowledgeable, the only two things required to be a mod, agreed?
White dick sucking bitch"

Sounds pretty racist to me ... unless it's a sex-oriented forum.

What's racist about it? All that phrase means is one who sucks the dick of white people. Hell, want me to send you a link to some porn where girls suck the dick of black people? Is that porn now racist?

Wow, too many PC Police around here. Go ahead and say his words are vulgar and inappropriate, but don't talk outta your ass and say it's racist. I'd hate to see the accusations if he used the word "goat" in place of white/jew/etc.

- N
leopold99 said:
it's kind of obvious that you don't give a flying fuck
what the hell is a flying fuck anyway?

i don't consider myself a bastard, why are you attacking everybody like this?
and who are "your people"?

james r. is fair and knowledgeable, the only two things required to be a mod, agreed?

Fair to who? When did I attack everybody? "my" people are the flyng purple people eaters.

Sounds pretty racist to me ... unless it's a sex-oriented forum.

To say someone whose white, black, jew, what have you is a dick sucking bitch is not racist or anti anything. It was referring to one person...Not an entire people. But again, why does everybody have to love the Jews? Why can't people be anti-semitic? A few people here are anti-black. Anti-white. Anti-latin. Anti-Mexican. Why is it a problem for anyone when someone is anti-jew? [anti-semitic implies that one is againts jews as well as arabs.]

My argument with the mod of the forum is the fact that any other race [not that "Jew" is a race] can be mentioned using the same words "...dick-sucking-bitch" and no one gets the threat of being banned. The second someone says somethng that may be misunderstood as being negative about jews, its a problem. I didn't think this was a JDL forum.

If I recall my original post, it didn't referred to a Jewish person. It was referred to someone who seemed to be a apologist of certain behavoirs of certain Jews. Now if I had said something like all {fill in the blank} are dick sucking bitches then yes, I would seem to be anti what-have-you. That was not the case.

but let's get back to the point of this forum. The next time you feel that I am anti -whatever, please ban me. I'd gladly leave.
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dkb218 said:
Fair to who? When did I attack everybody? "my" people are the flyng purple people eaters.
well since i don't go around denigrating purple people eaters
i guess i am exempt from "everybody".

i understand your frustration
that is one of the primary goals of a racist
to stir up anger and hate

james r. really needs help from the posters in this area (racism).
maybe if you can come up with solutions for him
instead of bitching at him he can eliminate a lot of it.
dkb218 said:
My argument with the mod of the forum is the fact that any other race [not that "Jew" is a race] can be mentioned using the same words "...dick-sucking-bitch" and no one gets the threat of being banned. The second someone says somethng that may be misunderstood as being negative about jews, its a problem.

Isn't that true about the entire world? You can call Allah a terrorist, but if you say something "anti semitic", off to jail you go.

dkb218 said:
I didn't think this was a JDL forum.

All forums are JDL forums. Mention the word "jew" and trouble will come for you. Go try it. Pick any random forum on the internet. Go talk about anything jewish.Israelis will come out of the wood work to attack you. Then they start a campagin crying to the mod to ban you. Look at how GeoffP reacted to me. Calling me all kinds of names. Then asking James to ban me.

That is how Israeli World Domination controls the internet. I can personally direct you to 5 or 6 forums where, if you mention anything critical of Israel, you will be attacked, warned, then banned. Doesn't matter how courteous, polite, or rational you are. The only thing that matters is that you dared to criticize Israel.
quelquechosedautre said:

...have all appeared from nowhere to hijcack the debate.

Just who do they work for?

I attempted to get the debate back on track... and by the way, who do you work for? :eek:
quelquechosedautre said:
*** WOW ***


We have a discussion on 9/11 being a conspiracy.

Lots of facts come out.

Then, Illuminati are mentioned.

We start having an intelligent discussion on facts and theories and then...


A bunch of clowns hijack the discussion trying to stir up the most extreme of views.
It is standard tactic, DISRUPT REASONABLE DISCUSSION OF FACTS by dumping in a whole pile of extremist tosh, that either drives people away or causes them to get railroaded into irrelevence or get them to discredit themselves.

These folk exist and this interruption of our discussion, complete with name-calling shows exactly how easily the average man can be sidetracked by an agent provocateur.

Just who do these people work for and why are they so disturbed by a tiny discussion on such a minor web site.

Listen... It was not my intention to hijack anything. Someone made a comment that I made a statement that HE/SHE thought was anti whatever.

I do believe I added some useful information to this debate. If you wish to continue with the debate then let's us do so.

Yes, I do believe 9/11 was a government job. What are your thoughts on the matter?
dkb218 said:
Listen... It was not my intention to hijack anything. Someone made a comment that I made a statement that HE/SHE thought was anti whatever.

You're not very good at this are you?

The minute they have you apologizing to them for one of your actions, they own you. You will spend the rest of your relationship aplogizing to them. You are the slave, he is the master.
Happeh said:
You're not very good at this are you?

The minute they have you apologizing to them for one of your actions, they own you. You will spend the rest of your relationship aplogizing to them. You are the slave, he is the master.

No, I guess I'm not. :p

I was apologizing for what could have been seen as taking this thread off the original subject...Nothing more.
dkb218 said:
No, I guess I'm not. :p

I was apologizing for what could have been seen as taking this thread off the original subject...Nothing more.

That is how it works. Get you to give in on little bitty things. Then keep pushing you to see how far they can take it.