UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

You should actually accept the fact MR, that you can only ever play the "victim" card just so many times, before even people that at one time may have been sympathetic to your cause, wake up and realize that you are actually the problem.
I'm reaping rewards and pleasures that you strictly deny yourself all in the name of being rational and consistent.
What rewards and pleasures are these MR? Is it that warm inner glow that religious people get when they believe they are going to spend eternity in heaven? Or is it simply your renowned anti science methodology fanaticism that prompts you to accept the existence of ghosts, goblins Aliens etc? How about Lochy? You know, the Lochness Monster...is that him in your avatar?
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? or the Ester Bunny?
Really, I'd like to know.
You do your darnedest to try to portray me here as some stupid and gullible fool who needs to be educated on how to think properly.
No MR. You get 100% of the credit for that.

No one makes you say the things you say.
No one makes you say "I will believe a complete stranger I've never met, if he isn't trying to sell me anything."
No one makes you say "A hoax or prank is just too implausible to even consider."
No one makes you say "I believe in ghosts and spirits but God is too implausible."
No one makes you say "Photographs do not lie."
No one makes you say "Human perception is completely reliable, and records an accurate image of whatever is seen."
No MR. You get 100% of the credit for that.

No one makes you say the things you say.
No one makes you say "I will believe a complete stranger I've never met, if he isn't trying to sell me anything."
No one makes you say "A hoax or prank is just too implausible to even consider."
No one makes you say "I believe in ghosts and spirits but God is too implausible."
No one makes you say "Photographs do not lie."
No one makes you say "Human perception is completely reliable, and records an accurate image of whatever is seen."

LOL! All paraphrasings of statements taken out of context. Is that the best you could do?
LOL! All paraphrasings of statements taken out of context. Is that the best you could do?
They were outrageously naive in context - as was pointed out at the time.
Pad is right to point out that you have no business playing the victim card.
You have only yourself to blame.
They were outrageously naive in context - as was pointed out at the time.
Pad is right to point out that you have no business playing the victim card.
You have only yourself to blame.

Yeah right. That's consistent with your unfailing agenda of making personal attacks on me. Why should I expect anything more from you? You're as bad as James with all the projections.
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Yeah right. That's consistent with your unfailing agenda of making personal attacks on me. Why should I expect anything more from you? You're as bad James.
If you asserted "2+2=5", and someone said "No, it's 4." you would be screaming about personal attacks.

Neither James R nor I have attacked anything that you have not freely put forth for discussion of your own volition - notably, including your own opinion of your alleged expertise.
Neither James R nor I have attacked anything that you have not freely put forth for discussion of your own volition - notably, including your own opinion of your alleged expertise.

No..you don't attack my statements. At least not in context. Rather, you attack me as a person, maniacally obsessed with always derailing the thread into making it personal against me. If you have such a low opinion of me, why do you continue to post to me? I'm evidently some stupid, naive, hypocritical fool who likes to play the victim. Why would anyone want to discuss anything with someone like that? But that's just it. You don't discuss. You only attack and malign and slander to give yourself some much needed ego boost. Which is what eventually gets you ignored. It's not a winning strategy that's for sure.
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You only attack
I dismantle poorly-made arguments.
If you respond to double-down with more poor logic and faulty conclusions (see examples) then, at some point, the faulty logic is merely a symptom of someone who is engaged in active and wilful anti-rational thinking to the point of merely being argumentative.

I draw your attention to your complaint at James R for dismantling your arguments just dozen posts ago. I'm not sure what you expect. Do you think you can just post whatever you like and it will go unchallenged? You're in the wrong place if that's what you think.

Recall, I have spent many, many, many posts back and forth with you, patiently explaining well-known established science (recall the hundreds of posts about cognition and perception in another ghosts thread), which you freely admit you are demonstrably ignorant of. I don't think anyone here has engaged you and attempted to educate you as much or as patiently as I have. If you take that as a personal attack , that's on you. You are entitled to your own opinions; you are not entitled to your own facts.

And remember, you and I are not the only ones reading this. It is the duty of every knowledgeable person to shine a light on flawed logic and ignorance where it is put forth as if factual.

Keep posting videos. Make sure they're the best you can find. We will poke holes in them. You can refute them.
But you have no business getting pissy merely because the evidence you submit is of low value and easily explained. A banging door is evidence of nothing but a banging door.

Improve your ability to exhibit critical thinking - remove your personal ego from your submitted content, so that dismantling it doesn't feel like dismantling you - and you will find this a much more personable place.
I dismantle poorly-made arguments.
If you respond to double-down with more poor logic and faulty conclusions (see examples) then, at some point, the faulty logic is merely a symptom of someone who is engaged in active and wilful anti-rational thinking to the point of merely being argumentative.

I draw your attention to your complaint at James R for dismantling your arguments just dozen posts ago. I'm not sure what you expect. Do you think you can just post whatever you like and it will go unchallenged? You're in the wrong place if that's what you think.

Recall, I have spent many, many, many posts back and forth with you, patiently explaining well-known established science (recall the hundreds of posts about cognition and perception in another ghosts thread), which you freely admit you are demonstrably ignorant of. I don't think anyone here has engaged you and attempted to educate you as much or as patiently as I have. If you take that as a personal attack , that's on you. You are entitled to your own opinions; you are not entitled to your own facts.

And remember, you and I are not the only ones reading this. It is the duty of every knowledgeable person to shine a light on flawed logic and ignorance where it is put forth as if factual.

Keep posting videos. Make sure they're the best you can find. We will poke holes in them. You can refute them.
But you have no business getting pissy merely because the evidence you submit is of low value and easily explained.

Improve your ability to exhibit critical thinking - remove your personal ego from your submitted content, so that dismantling it doesn't feel like dismantling you - and you will find this a much more personable place.

Nothing is ever dismantled. It's always the same madeup bullshit of it being a hoax or the planet venus or an airplane or a weather balloon or indoor "wind". Nothing is ever debunked either.

I think that is what gets to you guys. You strut around bragging about how you can refute anything, and then I post evidence that is compelling and credible. And then that's when you attack me. As if it's my fault that you can't refute it. I'm just the messenger here. If you can't debunk the evidence, then blame the evidence. Don't blame me.

Quit making it personal. This is not a flame board. It is a discussion board. Learn how to have a serious civil conversation without insulting posters and being an obnoxious prick. You will find yourself less ignored in the long run.
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Nothing is ever dismantled. It's always the same madeup bullshit ...
Still struggling with where the burden of proof lies, I see.

... have a serious civil conversation ...
And when we do, you whine about how we "argued the contrary of every single sentence" you stated (the nerve!), and then make obnoxious insults.

pad nailed it. You play the victim card even while being the worst offender.

Now wipe your tears and post some quality on-topic content, or drop it.
And when we do, you whine about how we "argued the contrary of every single sentence" you stated (the nerve!), and then make obnoxious insults.

That's what he did. Argued with a post of mine line for line where I wasn't even claiming anything about ufos. I was just arguing against the thesis that they are military craft. A pretty harmless view that hardly required a debate style refutation of every sentence. That's not discussion. It's obsessively rebutting people's statements just for the hell of it. That's what the problem was. And I don't insult. I protest a poster's behavior. The things they are doing. That's not insulting who they are and making it personal like you and James do. Learn how to discuss like adults and quit insulting me or get yourselves ignored. The choice is yours.
I think that is what gets to you guys. You strut around bragging about how you can refute anything, and then I post evidence that is compelling and credible. And then that's when you attack me. As if it's my fault that you can't refute it. I'm just the messenger here. If you can't debunk the evidence, then blame the evidence. Don't blame me.
''I post evidence that is compelling and credible''
People want to know why you think your ''evidence that is compelling and credible'' is ''In defence of space aliens''? You still choose to post under this thread's title.
You know perfectly well we have been more than patient with you.
Knock of the hypocritical whining and post some quality content.
''I post evidence that is compelling and credible''
People want to know why you think your ''evidence that is compelling and credible'' is ''In defence of space aliens''? You still choose to post under this thread's title.

See post #2182.


Also post #2148.


Also post #14.


Also post #50.


See post #119 and #120 of this thread:


Also post #1 and post #2 of this thread:

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You still choose
to post under this thread's title.

To answer your question, I post here because this is the closest thread to one to post ufo evidence in that we have. James R actually created and named this thread as a strawman since I don't claim to know if ufos are piloted by space aliens. I remain open to learning whoever they are. But till we reach that point, I remain content to stick with the phenomenon of ufos themselves and the many compelling encounters of them thruout history. For a thorough list of these encounters see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_reported_UFO_sightings
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And so on.

No need for the list of posts, the following explains your modus operandi.
In reply to:
Magical Realist:
So, let's be clear before I start on this. Are you going to follow it through, answering my questions etc., or are you going to quit as soon as the going gets tough?
Your reply
I'll answer whatever I feel like answering.