
I can fix Newton's law of gravitation, but I can't do anything about ignorant and arrogant people.
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This is the only thing GR cultists can do, this world is fooled and controlled by GR cultists.
Your thread TY-Gravity was moved to a different forum. Reason: Moved to a more suitable subforum
This is the only thing GR cultists can do, this world is fooled and controlled by GR cultists.
Well, no. GR "cultists" can also accurately predict time distortion caused by relativistic effects in GPS satellites. Tinfoil hatters can't.
Please do not insult other members
Well, no. GR "cultists" can also accurately predict time distortion caused by relativistic effects in GPS satellites. Tinfoil hatters can't.
Western physical science is shameless to such an extent. Don't you feel ashamed?

This is a science forum controlled by a bunch of physics idiots.
I can fix Newton's law of gravitation...
It's not broken (other than to the extent that GR "fixes" it). It doesn't need your help.

Besides, your work - the work you have shown us here - appears to be worthless pseudoscience. That sort of thing won't fix anything.
Western physical science is shameless to such an extent. Don't you feel ashamed?
Don't you feel ashamed that you've wasted so much time producing "work" that is scientifically worthless?

You should have taken the advice of the many reviewers who told you why your work is unpublishable, instead of trying to ad hominem them.
This is a science forum controlled by a bunch of physics idiots.
Coming from you, Tony, I think we can almost take that as a compliment.

Clearly, you can't tell the difference between a physics idiot and a genius.