The psychology of atheists and theists

Perhaps that is why the bible gave instruction on how to administer punishment.
And who shall give punishment? A husband to his wife? Your priest? That would be ironic
Is there not something about; "let him who is without sin cast the first stone".

I find it amazing how many people declare themselves without sin by casting the first stone.
Carlin will tell you straight.
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So, have you stopped beating your wife? Because the Bible told you so?
I think its your slave that you are allowed to beat so long as they dont die in a few days as a result...wife beating I think you can only use a stick as thick as your finger...
So, what you're saying essentially is: all theists are psychopaths by choice?

I meant to say all atheists not theists.

Big change without the letter "a".

No, really...


But, if far dichotomy, maybe it's the same?
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I think its your slave that you are allowed to beat so long as they dont die in a few days as a result...wife beating I think you can only use a stick as thick as your finger...
Yes, so much more civilized. Teach her to obey at all times.
And who shall give punishment? A husband to his wife? Your priest? That would be ironic
Is there not something about; "let him who is without sin cast the first stone".

I find it amazing how many people declare themselves without sin by casting the first stone.

Carlin will tell you straight.

That's not the point.
If we take a wild dog for example (not saying people are wild dogs), it can train a dog not attack everybody, even though it is in its nature to do so. Eventually that impetus can almost, if not completely, be removed.
You can do the same with humans, but in a way that benefits humans.

Of course you can imprison those humans who are considered wild. But what if virtually the whole society is wild.
What if the whole society was like the worst ghetto, where life is not valued at all? Where might, is right? How do you contain that?


I meant to say all atheists not theists.

Big change without the letter "a".

No, really...


But, if far dichotomy, maybe it's the same?

An atheist as a person who simply does not believe in God.
It doesn't mean they don't know the difference between good and bad.
It means they don't accept that God is the source, and the standard of goodness.

An atheist as a person who simply does not believe in God.
It doesn't mean they don't know the difference between good and bad.
It means they don't accept that God is the source, and the standard of goodness.
Why is God the standard of goodness?
While it is funny to see people speak past each other using the same arguments that were used almost 2000 years ago ..... "now for something completely different"

Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the mass suicide at Jonestown in Guyana. If you want to understand the psychology of people whom adhere to blind faith then this is a cautionary tale EVERY ONE should fully understand.

This is not the first nor will it be the last example of blind faith gone wrong, it just happens to be the most well documented.

If you want to really know the psychology of the "faithful" this should be mandatory knowledge. Jim Jones enchanted non believers too so don't think this was a case of ignorance or knowledge. We are all human.

Here we are 40 years on and to many people are unaware, or just don't care about how manipulation works and how we all can fall victim lest we forget Jim Jones, The Peoples Temple and Jonestown.

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While it is funny to see people speak past each other using the same arguments that were used almost 2000 years ago ..... "now for something completely different"

Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the mass suicide at Jonestown in Guyana. If you want to understand the psychology of people whom adhere to blind faith then this is a cautionary tale EVERY ONE should fully understand.

This is not the first nor will it be the last example of blind faith gone wrong, it just happens to be the most well documented.

If you want to really know the psychology of the "faithful" this should be mandatory knowledge. Jim Jones enchanted non believers too so don't think this was a case of ignorance or knowledge. We are all human.

Here we are 40 years on and to many people are unaware, or just don't care about how manipulation works and how we all can fall victim lest we forget Jim Jones, The Peoples Temple and Jonestown.

Faith in things for no good reason is just as perilous as similarly misapplied doubt.
Faith in things for no good reason is just as perilous as similarly misapplied doubt.
A generalisation ....but doubt I think is preferrrable may have saved lives at Jonestown.
Anyways nice to see you back I hope you have been alright.
A generalisation ....but doubt I think is preferrrable may have saved lives at Jonestown.
Anyways nice to see you back I hope you have been alright.
You could talk about us entering an anthropocene age empowered through the agency of blind doubt.
The fact that we only hear of "blind faith" and not blind doubt is representative of the bias of our age.
Faith in things for no good reason is just as perilous as similarly misapplied doubt.
Xelasnave.1947 said:
A generalisation ....but doubt I think is preferrrable may have saved lives at Jonestown.
Anyways nice to see you back I hope you have been alright.
Could it be possible that both of you are correct?
Faith in things for no good reason is just as perilous as similarly misapplied doubt.
Are you suggesting that "social justice, equality, common desire for freedom" is not something worth putting our "faith" in?

These are the themes used by Jim Jones.
Are you suggesting that "social justice, equality, common desire for freedom" is not something worth putting our "faith" in?

These are the themes used by Jim Jones.
I am saying that there is never only one extreme : There are always (at least) two, and furthermore, either option, taken to an extreme, is capable of delivering identical results.
I am saying that there is never only one extreme : There are always (at least) two, and furthermore, either option, taken to an extreme, is capable of delivering identical results.
So you are saying that Jim Jones is an anomaly? You say there are two extremes yet your examples in this specific case do not "wade in the water".

Is Freedom, Social justice, equality something that can be exploited? How would that be happening today?

I say yes it can be exploited. That is the lesson to be learnt from Jim Jones. Should we gives a fuck if others can exploit these fundamental truths?
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