The psychology of atheists and theists

You do know UTube is not a reliable source for accurate information yes? I'm sure/hope you do.
It is a reliable source of any information you wish to select, it is possible the connections suggested but I will look into it more.
It seems to fit.
I gather you hold no specific objection to the matters in the vid or you dont want to even look.
Have a great day at work.
Precisely why he went on my Iggy a looong time ago

Yes I know but you cant go to the pub these days and have an arguement ..someone gets out their phone looks up the answer and it doesnt even begin.
Rational drinkers.
Hope you are enjoying yourself.
Keep close to high ground.
If you could explain how you know, then we'd have the answer to both questions, wouldn't we?

Everybody knows. It is innate.
The effort is put into denying and rejecting God.

Is your God belief the only area in your life where you claim to know something yet can't say how you know it, or are there other areas of knowledge where you can't tell how you know?

Have you stopped beating your wife?

As you will recall, I invited you in another thread to tell me what evidence should entail, and moreover to provide specific examples of such evidence. You came up blank. If you, as a theist, can't tell me what evidence for God would entail, or show any, how do you expect me as an atheist to produce some for you?

I gave you a source to go and find.
It seems you came up blank.

Doesn't it worry you at all that you've hit this wall?

About as much as you are worried about the bruises all over your beaten wife’s body.



As usual, you have it backwards. If there is no evidence, then (maybe) there's no God. That's how it works for me.

You’re not interested in evidence for God, it would seem.

In contast, you're on the record as saying you don't give a damn about evidence for God.


The psychological motivations behind that attitude of yours are the real topic of this thread, not the evidence itself (which we can discuss elsewhere, if you ever find .

From my perspective, the psychological motivations behind the explicit atheists, are the real topic of this thread.

You seem like an intelligent person. You do know UTube is not a reliable source for accurate information yes? I'm sure/hope you do.
That is a hasty general conclusion. There is plenty of excellent material in the arts and sciences on Youtube. Any video presentation of live campus lectures by bona fide scientists and or professors is as good as being on campus.
The trick is to be selective. You don't call a supermarket unhealthy for selling twinkies among wholesome foods.
There are lots of problems with this scenario, both conceptual and logical.

It is a hypothetical situation, that simply asks if a type of behaviour can ever be regarded as good.
Secondly, when you write "would it be okay ... to rape and/or murder...", what do you mean? Would it be okay from an evolutionary perspective, evolution being morally blind? Or would it be okay from the perspective of a moral human being making a decision?

You mean, when I ask if it would be okay?
The question is put to whoever reads it.

The answer the question from an evolutionary perspective is often more complex than it appears on the surface. Although rape might be an "okay" way to spread ones genes, in a morally neutral sense, there tend to be social repercussions to going around raping people.

We know that.
But why would it be wrong from an atheist perspective?
I appreciate that it may not be everyone's cup of tea. But why, is it actually wrong?

Being evolutionarily "fit" in the Darwinian sense means having good "fitness" in all the circumstances you find yourself: environmental, personal, and social. Being a rapist doesn't usually endear somebody to his fellow human beings, and that has inevitable impacts on his evolutionary fitness. So, even from a morally neutral Darwinist perspective, the rape strategy is often not an evolutionarily productive one, for many reasons.

Can we discuss some of those reasons?

Would you object to a group lobbying to the government the freedom to rape females who can't have children, who have no jobs, or extended families?
If yes. Why?

There is doubtless an interplay between other evolutionary pressures and the social environment in which codes of behaviour and "morality" develop, in both human beings and other animals. So, what is considered morally evil often has correlates with what is evolutionarily a bad strategy for survival and reproduction. The idea that this is always the case is, however, false.

So how do we determine what is ''morally evil''?

Where else could morality come from, other than from human beings? Who else talks about or writes down moral codes and discusses what it means to be a good person?

It is expressed by humans, but it isn't developed by humans. There seem to be a moral standard that humans adhere to.
Which is demonstrated by no one (as yet) thinking it is okay to rape, under any circumstances.

Perhaps you think that God dictates morality.

Perhaps I don't.
Where they come from, isn't the point (at least as yet),

Needless to say, the topics of evolutionary morality and of the sources of morality in general, are huge, interesting topics in themselves, but they would be more appropriately discussed in the Philosophy or Morality and Justice subforums.

On the contrary. The scenario I put forward is all about human psychology.

Why is it wrong to rape?
Under what circumstances could it be right?

Are serial rapists psychologically damaged?
Or are they within their evolutionary right (for want of a better expression) to act according to their natural given nature?

If they aren't within such right. Why not?
Why is it wrong to act naturally?

I could go on and on with these questions.

You can't have it both ways. Either this scenario represents a society which is good, or it represents a society which is seriously flawed in some way. Looked at this way, the answer to your question should be obvious. Could it ever be right? Well, if the society really is "thriving", "intelligent", "well brought up", "passing on positive genes", and producing "more balanced husbands and fathers", what's bad about that? Alternatively, maybe this hypothetical society of yours is not quote as "thriving", "intelligent" or "passing on positive genes" as you say it is.

You only say it is not thriving because you have a moral code which you live by. One that you didn't develop, but is already present within the human conscience.
But if morality is relative, as it should be if it is a product of human evolution, then a society that thinks it is okay to rape, could be a possibility. In this society, there would be no alternative to raping.

If you went in there with the idea that it is wrong to rape, you would probably be crucified, mocked, or ridiculed. Especially as their society would be thriving (from their perspective)

I think you need to pinpoint the problem, if you think there is one, in your hypothetical society. Once that's out in the open, then you'll be in a better position to consider whether the way this society works is "right" or "wrong".

Feel free to come up with your own hypothetical society, where rape would be considered morally good.

For example, perhaps you believe it is evil, in principle, to kill innocent people, for any reason. If so, then it is hard to see how you could simultaneously think that this society was "well brought up" and "passing on positive genes".

So, over to you.

It wouldn't be about what I think. Just as it wasn't about what Jesus thought.
It would just be the situation that everybody would be psychologically accustomed to.
This is about adaptation.

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Write4U said:
What is this thing you have about wife beating?
Aaaaahhhh, it's not about belief in God, it's all about human psychology and how to shape it.
James, or any other person familiar with the response, will know what I mean by that.
Aside from being an informal fallacy depending on usage, such questions may be used as a rhetorical tool: the question attempts to limit direct replies to be those that serve the questioner's agenda
So, have you stopped beating your wife? Because the Bible told you so?

p.s. I have been married 50 years, never laid an angry hand on my wife. Somehow I knew that just wasn't right, if seen from the secular moral perspective of "do unto others as would have them do to you".
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So, have you stopped beating your wife? Because the Bible told you so?

I don't beat my wife, and the bible doesn't tell me to beat my wife either.

Not that it is morally wrong from your worldview perspective?
Perhaps that is why the bible gave instruction on how to administer punishment. To give the atheist who cannot logically, or reasonably make the distinction between what is right, and what is wrong, a limit to how far they should go. Apparently the Israelites forgot who God was, and started living according to their primitive imperatives.

I don't beat my wife, and the bible doesn't tell me to beat my wife either.

Not that it is morally wrong from your worldview perspective?
Perhaps that is why the bible gave instruction on how to administer punishment. To give the atheist who cannot logically, or reasonably make the distinction between what is right, and what is wrong, a limit to how far they should go. Apparently the Israelites forgot who God was, and started living according to their primitive imperatives.

So, what you're saying essentially is: all theists are psychopaths by choice?