The power source for a faster than light engine?

What if we just burned Unobtainium?

It only works when mixed with red monkey droppings.

I heard today that gravity affects time. Apparently, the higher gravity the slower time goes, or was it the other way about? I haven't looked it up yet..
To build a FTL device (engine is so 20th centuary) you need in all liklihood infinate gravity for propulsion (or traction) in a timeframe outside of normal spacetime obviously. This would require moderating and controlling something like a black-hole with n-dimentional physics (that may or may not exist), outside yet inside our timeframe. Good luck with that!
The thing would be to bring the device up to full power, whilst preventing anything made of matter being attracted by it, so that for an instant you have infinite gravity causing zero time. Then distance covered by any mass is then irrelevant according to GR. That is, if a to b over t still applies at those energies. Even if you invented anti-gravity, AG would tear the whole thing to shreds.
I don't see how it can be done.
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As it turns out, it was high gravitational potential, or in other words, pure space that slows time. So using infinate gravity would increase relative time, rather than stopping it.
Still, I'm sure that a bit of fish-spit and a bungee-rope will save the day as usual...;)
two ways i can think of to power a ship ftl. one is to move to a different universe where the laws of physics are different or change them in this one. option one looks easier.
Acho que todo mundo está pensando em muita coisa e no final não é tudo isso. Estão pensando primeiro no motor e depois no carro. Com a ftl, iríamos longe. Tudo bem. E como fica as outras coisas ? Como suporte de vida por exemplo e outras coisas importantes ? E não falo pensando em ficção.
Wibbly wibbly poink squart fnergle? Blonk foffle derg? Yus bingly woff tink tonk!
Acho que todo mundo está pensando em muita coisa e no final não é tudo isso. Estão pensando primeiro no motor e depois no carro. Com a ftl, iríamos longe. Tudo bem. E como fica as outras coisas ? Como suporte de vida por exemplo e outras coisas importantes ? E não falo pensando em ficção.
Many do not speak Portuguese here. Can you translate to English?

The best I can get is:
I believe everyone is thinking about a lot and at the end it is not very much. They are thinking first and then considering the engine in the car. With ftl, we would be able to cover vast distances. Okay.

And what about the other things? As far as life support and other such important issues? And I do not mean that I am thinking about fiction
At least your post begins to make sense this way...
Ha Randwolf, o pessoal traduz, afinal eu também tenho que ler em inglês também. Mas posso colocar nas duas linguas.
The Lone Ranger's horse, Silver, could run at the speed of light - not sure if he could go faster than light though.
Hmm - that horse plenty fast, kemo sabe
Ha Randwolf, o pessoal traduz, afinal eu também tenho que ler em inglês também. Mas posso colocar nas duas linguas.
Saticomm, nobody is going to translate this other than you. It doesn't matter how well you read English, you need to be able to write it also. Otherwise, people will not respond to you if you don't write in English. Try it...
In English:
As Randwolf points out people will find it difficult to understand the syntax even if translated, take for instance what I have written here and how a translator can alter what is said.

Translated to Portugese via
Porque Randwolf indic os povos encontrarão difícil compreender a sintaxe mesmo se traduzido, tomada por exemplo o que eu escrevi aqui e como um tradutor pode se alterar o que é dito.

Translated from above back to English again using Babelfish.
Because Randwolf indic the peoples will find difficult to understand the same if translated syntax, taken for example what I wrote here and as a translator it can get excited what it is said.

Translation without knowing a language is messy.
Translation without knowing a language is messy.
My point precisely,Stryder. Hence "the best I could get out of it". The second post I asked a friend to translate.

What, exactly, is the policy for languages on these fora, Stryder? Ignore anything other than English? Or wait for geniuses such as yourself to come forward and delineate the potential pitfalls of using "Babel"?

Or maybe you don't have a policy, per se? More like, "datur cuique suum"?
My point precisely,Stryder. Hence "the best I could get out of it". The second post I asked a friend to translate.

What, exactly, is the policy for languages on these fora, Stryder? Ignore anything other than English? Or wait for geniuses such as yourself to come forward and delineate the potential pitfalls of using "Babel"?

Or maybe you don't have a policy, per se? More like, "datur cuique suum"?

Funnily enough this is something that has been talked about in the Mod Lounge over the past couple of weeks, currently it's suggested that:

English is the Forums "Default" language.

It's not explicitly against policy or site conditions to post in a different language, however it is likely that there won't be as much discussion done if it's not something understood by the majority of people posting here.

(We could start some subforums for different languages if proven to be a necessity)
I found that fórum was for quarrels of a guideline in question and not on a language or race. Me it seems that the question was the propulsion above of the light here
Me it seems that the question was the propulsion above of the light here

Voce nao pode construir um motor que seja mais rapido que a velocidade da luz pois nada pode ser mais rapido que a luz, Saticomm. Nao existe nada mais rapido do que a velocidade da luz. Nada pode ser mais rapido do que a luz porque essa velocidade nao existe, lol.
Tashja, It has 500 years behind, we found that the land was boat and that sea finished everything in the end of the line it, thinks about this.
to the OP

the Casimir effect can produce a locally mass-negative region of space-time[1] when we achieve the technology the universe may just power the ship for us as a consequence of geometry. It would be a nice setup.

[1]Morris, Michael; Thorne, Kip; Yurtsever, Ulvi (1988). "Wormholes, Time Machines, and the Weak Energy Condition". Physical Review Letters 61 (13): 1446. Bibcode 1988PhRvL..61.1446M. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.61.1446. PMID 10038800.
Tashja, It has 500 years behind, we found that the land was boat and that sea finished everything in the end of the line it, thinks about this.

I could be wrong but I think he's pointing out the belief that was once held that the Earth was Flat and how we've moved from beyond that.

The problem is that if you went faster than lightspeed you would be distorted compared to standard spacetime, it's a likelihood that such distortions would be destructive in the sense that even the most tensile of substances known to us now wouldn't be able to hold up to the distortions caused *if* faster than light was possible.

Discussion of power sources will likely be held in the Star trek vs Star Wars thread since that is probably as real as it will ever get without fundamentally changing the entire physics of the universe.
to the OP

the Casimir effect can produce a locally mass-negative region of space-time[1] when we achieve the technology the universe may just power the ship for us as a consequence of geometry. It would be a nice setup.

[1]Morris, Michael; Thorne, Kip; Yurtsever, Ulvi (1988). "Wormholes, Time Machines, and the Weak Energy Condition". Physical Review Letters 61 (13): 1446. Bibcode 1988PhRvL..61.1446M. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.61.1446. PMID 10038800.

The hypothetical wormhole is the only way to get around physical distortions considering it implies distorting space around a body rather than a body through space.