The most retarded forum leaders I ever saw

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Kidnapping kids from non-jewish families is also illegal yet the jewish run courts allow it and encourage it.
I know this is an imposition, but could we just have one teensy link to an example of this - a case where (a) a Jewish couple or individual kidnap (b) a non-Jewish child and are then (c) pardoned and encouraged by (d) a Jewish judge.

As for sources - well, personally, I'd prefer something from the Washington Post or something (you know - one of the Jew rags?). But, failing that, a link to Conspiracies-R-Uz will do.

You appreciate the importance of being able to back up your assertions with hard evidence? Otherwise you'll just be dismissed as a fantasist and a conspiracy nut, right?

Come on then. One link. You can do it.
so? and? it's a private forum, the mods can ban you just for a laugh okay?

we talking bread trails? how did sciforums lure you here?

It was not private and closed to the general public. How can someone join a private forum if they are not invited I ask you?

what, exactly, is a jew?

First and most obvious a jew is a human being of any race creed or color. Jews are people that do unto others as they would loathe others do unto them. They are the princes of excess and lack inner moderation. Every human has 3 inner polarities, the evil extreme, the gentile extreme and the blissful Moderate. That is the reason I describe jews as spiritually hobbled, because they are in a state of imbalance. Jews are not a race nor are they religious. The talmud makes no provisions for an afterlife and rather encourages it's followers to lead a life of excess and abundance by any means possible while living this present existance.


first thing you said that i agree with.

don't know. why don't you ask them.

racist statement.



have you been to cracker barrel lately?

i'm not getting banned over your nasty ass.

Are these questions?
I know this is an imposition, but could we just have one teensy link to an example of this - a case where (a) a Jewish couple or individual kidnap (b) a non-Jewish child and are then (c) pardoned and encouraged by (d) a Jewish judge.

As for sources - well, personally, I'd prefer something from the Washington Post or something (you know - one of the Jew rags?). But, failing that, a link to Conspiracies-R-Uz will do.

You appreciate the importance of being able to back up your assertions with hard evidence? Otherwise you'll just be dismissed as a fantasist and a conspiracy nut, right?

Come on then. One link. You can do it.

dude, no.
everyone knows das juden are nasty inbreeding fuckrobots that want everyone to submit to their circumcised will.
not if there is no money changing hands.
you really need to understand law before you make such jewish claims.

Fraudulent misrepresentation can take the form of a thing intended to look like something it is not to lure people dishonestly to redicule them, mistreat them, or harvest their IPs or to fine tune the lies that are causing great financial loss and loss of life. Money is one angle of fraudulent misrepresentation but it does not cover the entire spectrum of ways the expression can find substance and meaning.

ooooooh, you are one of us now because i said it on an internet forum!!!

Sure, you can say that and I would fight to the death for your right to express this view but in the end it is the reader that decides, not the moderators here, what constitutes a truth to them. Nobody has a right to decide for the readers what you can or canot say no matter if I agree with what you say or not. I am a Moderate.
Circumcision is no longer a sign that one is affiliated with global judaism.

In ancient Greece the non-jews did not want jews involved in the business dealings that were mostly negotiated in the bathhouses. Nakedness was the norm in the olympics and in the bathhouses so the jews came up with a neat idea to counter this problem, epispasm. This medical procedure involved stretching the remaining foreskin of a circumcision so the penis would no longer appear jewish. Sometimes a piece of skin from another part of the body was grafted to the penis when the remaining skin was not long enough to allow stretching. Anyways, google "epispasm" to learn more about that if these things preoccupy you.
Oh my, how obsessed with jew penises must you be, to have researched this.
Have you been circumcised?
What were you defrauded out of? What is the nature of your loss or injury?

The list is so long I will start with one item and work my way up the list. First injury to my person was being abandoned to a jew-run public school for 12 years where I sat there and was fed bullshit tribal lies and wasted precious time I could have been learning things of value. My kids are unschooled so that cycle has been broken. I don't feel resentment because I can't do anything more than what I have done to help my kids. Seeing them develop normally is amazing. Better than seeing them bleed their youthful vitality into the wooden seat of some jew-run public school so the jews can rake in 150,000 dollars for each kid after 12 years incarceration. So, first gripe is with the filthy jew run public schools. I resent having been lied to and having wasted all that time in those places when I could have done far better outside those hellholes. The loss=wasted time. Why=to fatten jews.
Every human has 3 inner polarities, the evil extreme, the gentile extreme and the blissful Moderate.
I've got a polarity bear inside me.... I'm all white.
Fraudulent misrepresentation can take the form of a thing intended to look like something it is not to lure people dishonestly to redicule them, mistreat them
And you didn't have the brains to READ what sort of thing was posted here before you were "lured" in and forced to post?
GeoffP I strongly suspect your (non-existent) lizard army have been army twisting again.
but in the end it is the reader that decides, not the moderators here
You DID read the rules on posting, right?

Can we keep him, daddy? Can we?
No! You broke the last one.
The list is so long I will start with one item and work my way up the list. First injury to my person was being abandoned to a jew-run public school for 12 years where I sat there and was fed bullshit tribal lies and wasted precious time I could have been learning things of value. My kids are unschooled so that cycle has been broken. I don't feel resentment because I can't do anything more than what I have done to help my kids. Seeing them develop normally is amazing. Better than seeing them bleed their youthful vitality into the wooden seat of some jew-run public school so the jews can rake in 150,000 dollars for each kid after 12 years incarceration. So, first gripe is with the filthy jew run public schools. I resent having been lied to and having wasted all that time in those places when I could have done far better outside those hellholes. The loss=wasted time. Why=to fatten jews.

ha ha ha, hte Jew's dont run the public schools though. My mother sent me off to kindergarten and how i cried. 'i said momma what are you doing to me, youir killing me' i was so upset i peed on the floor, it's true.
I know this is an imposition, but could we just have one teensy link to an example of this - a case where (a) a Jewish couple or individual kidnap (b) a non-Jewish child and are then (c) pardoned and encouraged by (d) a Jewish judge.

As for sources - well, personally, I'd prefer something from the Washington Post or something (you know - one of the Jew rags?). But, failing that, a link to Conspiracies-R-Uz will do.

You appreciate the importance of being able to back up your assertions with hard evidence? Otherwise you'll just be dismissed as a fantasist and a conspiracy nut, right?

Come on then. One link. You can do it.

I am not allowed to post links. Were you not aware of this bolshevic control technique exercised here? If I were you would have an eyeful, trust me.
It was not private and closed to the general public. How can someone join a private forum if they are not invited I ask you?
and i ask you who invited you?

First and most obvious a jew is a human being of any race creed or color.
what are you saying now? that you aren't human?
Jews are people that do unto others as they would loathe others do unto them.
racist statement 1.
They are the princes of excess and lack inner moderation.
racist statement 2.
Every human has 3 inner polarities, the evil extreme, the gentile extreme and the blissful Moderate.
what does this have to do with you? you've already admitted you aren't human.
That is the reason I describe jews as spiritually hobbled, because they are in a state of imbalance.
what's up? you're momma marry a jew?
Jews are not a race nor are they religious.
now wait a minute, the very first sentence of this post says exactly the opposite.
are you wishy washy?
The talmud makes no provisions for an afterlife and rather encourages it's followers to lead a life of excess and abundance by any means possible while living this present existance.
james will be on later tonight. it will be interesting.

Are these questions?
are you asking?
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Oh my, how obsessed with jew penises must you be, to have researched this.
Have you been circumcised?

I have researched the jewish question, that is how I found that jewish invention. Very revealing of the extent to which jews will go to get accepted in a non-jew society. Lies, cheating, murder, blackmail, penis alteration etc. Nothing is above them.
I am not allowed to post links. Were you not aware of this bolshevic control technique exercised here? If I were you would have an eyeful, trust me.

Yep. They ask for proof about Jewish misdeeds and then when you post a link and article they censor it. Do Jews own this fucking board or what?
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