The most beautiful man

Will this one do ? :roflmao:
do u want me to post ugly women in the women thread???

if not, i suggest you stop this stupidity. like i can't find ugly pics of any race.

this is racist, idiots.

i'm reporting both of u.

see, how u dunce's cross the line.
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do u want me to post ugly women in the man thread???

if not, i suggest you stop this stupidity. like i can't find ugly pics of any race.

this is racist, idiots.

i'm reporting both of u.

see, how u dunce's cross the line. see I deleted it, you asked nicely and its gone.
i reported enmos too.

this is actually racism and u idiots don't even know it.

how is posting "asians" to mock me specifically not racist? it's really rude too.

i would never do that to someone unless they were attacking me. i've let plazma know what the whole problem is, how it's okay for more caucasians to be posted but not more asians which shows racism, how people get ornery when i post more even when they neglect the thread. fucking "nasty" racists and it ain't me.

even if a black woman were to post black males left and right, i wouldn't say anything considering i would understand her place, i would just post what i want. it's fucking racist to become uppity about what "race" should have precedence on a fuking thread and that's exactly what the problem is about, though it's denied under guise of 'they r too feminine etc bulllshit.

if i was posting lots of caucasians, no one would say squat!
i'm not the one who's racist here as i respect people's right to post what they want AND i don't go around mocking them or thier pics for it! i also don't start whining if i incite an argument and then start mocking another race by posting overt "feminine" pics of them.

Racists! Racists! Racists!
i'm not the one who's racist here as i respect people's right to post what they want AND i don't go around mocking them or thier pics for it! i also don't start whining if i incite an argument and then start mocking another race by posting overt "feminine" pics of them.

Racists! Racists! Racists!

I don't care if you rip apart the pics I post. But for some reason you can't seem to stop attacking the person who posts it. I don't know why you insist on the personal attacks.

If you don't like guys in make-up or with tattoos, fine. say so. But to call Luci a skank.....what purpose does that serve?
do u want me to post ugly women in the women thread???

if not, i suggest you stop this stupidity. like i can't find ugly pics of any race.

this is racist, idiots.

i'm reporting both of u.

see, how u dunce's cross the line.

i reported enmos too.

this is actually racism and u idiots don't even know it.

how is posting "asians" to mock me specifically not racist? it's really rude too.

i would never do that to someone unless they were attacking me. i've let plazma know what the whole problem is, how it's okay for more caucasians to be posted but not more asians which shows racism, how people get ornery when i post more even when they neglect the thread. fucking "nasty" racists and it ain't me.

even if a black woman were to post black males left and right, i wouldn't say anything considering i would understand her place, i would just post what i want. it's fucking racist to become uppity about what "race" should have precedence on a fuking thread and that's exactly what the problem is about, though it's denied under guise of 'they r too feminine etc bulllshit.

if i was posting lots of caucasians, no one would say squat!

What's up ? :confused:
I thought I was doing something nice for you. You like those guys don't you ?
I posted them because I thought you'd like them.
Maybe I think they are ugly but that's my personal view, you can't blame me for it can you ? :shrug:
Do you know how it feels when a gift is rejected like that !? :(
I don't care if you rip apart the pics I post. But for some reason you can't seem to stop attacking the person who posts it. I don't know why you insist on the personal attacks.

If you don't like guys in make-up or with tattoos, fine. say so. But to call Luci a skank.....what purpose does that serve?

i'm the one who knows how to play nice. why would i waste my time ripping apart the pics when i know there will be pics posted that i won't like or to my taste. that should be fuking obvious from the thread title. It would be no different than 'what is your favorite food?'. i don't give a crap what someone else's taste is.

when u mock my tastes or my pics, then u are essentially mocking me. that's how it goes for me. i don't do that to others, so if someone has the audacity and nastiness to pretend that they have to put up with my pics but i don't have to put up with theirs, they definitely deserve my contempt. it's just logic and justice, baby

i didn't call her just a skank, i said several of you were skanks for being rude and intolerant of other's tastes. The mature thing would be to realize it and leave it alone, no one in there right mind goes around mocking other people's tastes etc because they would get bodyslammed or slapped or worse besides inciting arguments.

U skanks pretend u live in the real world and you don't. I dare you to go around and get in people's faces and critique thier lifestyle, choices, tastes etc when it doesn't coincide with yours and see how far you get in fucking life since it seems you can't mind your own business!! lmfao
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What's up ? :confused:
I thought I was doing something nice for you. You like those guys don't you ?
I posted them because I thought you'd like them.
Maybe I think they are ugly but that's my personal view, you can't blame me for it can you ? :shrug:
Do you know how it feels when a gift is rejected like that !? :(

nice try, but you replied you just posted 'ugly' pics and laughed. they are not to my taste or u can't tell the difference. whatever
nice try, but you replied you just posted 'ugly' pics and laughed. they are not to my taste or u can't tell the difference. whatever

Yea I think they are ugly.. so what ? I have a right to, don't I ?
I'm sorry they weren't your taste.. :shrug:
Yea I think they are ugly.. so what ? I have a right to, don't I ?
I'm sorry they weren't your taste.. :shrug:

you mean you were posting the pics to halfass and halfhearted parody and mock my guys as 'feminine' when anyone with a brain can tell they are good-looking guys.

thank you. good fucking day. bye
you mean you were posting the pics to halfass and halfhearted parody and mock my guys as 'feminine' when anyone with a brain can tell they are good-looking guys.

thank you. good fucking day. bye

I picked out some feminine looking guys because I thought you liked them that way.. Was I wrong ? :(
Yunho is not feminine. I suspect and pretty sure that he's more masculine than you, for example, enmos.

Don't try and stop offending me.
Yunho is not feminine. I suspect and pretty sure that he's more masculine than you, for example, enmos.

Don't try and stop offending me.

To me he is... :shrug:
I'm not trying to offend you, I'm sorry you feel that way.
He's a hapkido champion since high school. He started working in ninth grade doing odd jobs during the economic depression in korea to support his sister's math tutoring she needed but the family couldn't afford at the time. While still working hard toward his dream of making it in the entertainment business and excelling in school, sports etc. And he's the group leader who does most of the choreography and takes most of the responsibility. He speaks several languages and has to speak for most of them especially in china as he's the only one fluent enough in mandarin. He's a third year college student now while simultaneously juggling a hectic music and entertainment career.

I see nothing feminine about him but an awesome, driven, capable, determined, and accomplished guy.
