The Feminization of Man

feminization of man?

Instead of arguing ,which sex is better, we should be asking ourselves what is the cause of this? We know men with too low of testosterone for which is normal are less likely to handle stress as well. They have less muscle mass, more fat, and less energy.

Sounds like an unhealthy living environment.

Unhealthy eating?(preservatives)


Radio waves and microwaves?



I do not know.
feminization of man?

Instead of arguing ,which sex is better, we should be asking ourselves what is the cause of this? We know men with too low of testosterone for which is normal are less likely to handle stress as well. They have less muscle mass, more fat, and less energy.

Sounds like an unhealthy living environment.

Unhealthy eating?(preservatives)


Radio waves and microwaves?



I do not know.

Males with too much testosterone are crazy fuckups. Look at the prison population. Some of the most brilliant thinkers and inventors would be considered to have low testosterone levels.
Males with too much testosterone are crazy fuckups. Look at the prison population. Some of the most brilliant thinkers and inventors would be considered to have low testosterone levels.


Take away sex and look at general health.

Mental disorders are rising.

And the men with normal/high Testosterone are feeling the hit as well (US Army soldiers and mental health) This is weak war when you compare it to World War 2 and any other war before that.

Take away sex and look at general health.

Mental disorders are rising.

And the men with normal/high Testosterone are feeling the hit as well (US Army soldiers and mental health) This is weak war when you compare it to World War 2 and any other war before that.

No, mental disorders are documented better than before. This is a much better war than world war 2 as there are less deaths and better high-tech equipment.

Heh, I really wonder at the minds of people stuck in the past. I could even say that the assessment you made is a bit deranged.
Males with too much testosterone are crazy fuckups. Look at the prison population. Some of the most brilliant thinkers and inventors would be considered to have low testosterone levels.

That's not true - testosterone is the creativity hormone. Most scientists do their best work during their twenties, before testosterone levels fall.
Hah! Had you understood me, you wouldn't be posting this shite.
I bet you love being misunderstood.
It's how you escape being found out.

You bought into an ideal that in the hope that it is going to tear down the way things are, and you're too naive to realize that you're just supporting a bad, old system. Toughness, self-improvement, domination, family, pulling-oneself-up-by-one's-boots, all the defunct-yet-useful signs of a profoundly middle-class mentality. And to think that you could make it subversive by making it honest! You're more American than I am.
I wasn't aware of the fact that all these things were invented by the middle-class or were connected to an economic class.

Must everything be about you and the groups you feel have wronged you or kept you in a life you cannot fit into?

Cynicism is sooo easy when you're intelligent and a bit too sensitive for your own good, isn't it?
I know....have you killed any ants lately?

Retard, my days in here are numbered so I'll humor your stupidity some more.
Males with too much testosterone are crazy fuckups. Look at the prison population. Some of the most brilliant thinkers and inventors would be considered to have low testosterone levels.
Jeez, look at the head-pussy glorifying pussyness.

Did you measure it yourself using your mouth, fuckwad?

I said too much testosterone. They are no jocks.
i like your deep evaluation system: Jocks, Nerds and who else?

Let's see sickos...and normal people, like you...and...

You are one deep bitch.

If mental disorders are increasing, and you might be proof of the fact, then it's because or repression caused by social and cultural indoctrination.

Read the essay, idiots!!!

You get an average male and force him to listen to you imbeciles prancing and yapping away, without being able to punch you in the mouth to shut you up - because not even children should be spanked these days - and then you eventually get a pretty fucked-up dude, waiting to explode.

It's like forcing a lion to tolerate chickens pecking at it, when he could tear their little fuckin- head off, and teaching it about the rights of chickens to coexist with lions, for the sake of social harmony, and then watching it go insane.
If mental disorders are increasing, and you might be proof of the fact, then it's because or repression caused by social and cultural indoctrination.

Read the essay, idiots!!!

You get an average male and force him to listen to you imbeciles prancing and yapping away, without being able to punch you in the mouth to shut you up - because not even children should be spanked these days - and then you eventually get a pretty fucked-up dude, waiting to explode.

It's like forcing a lion to tolerate chickens pecking at it, when he could tear their little fuckin- head off, and teaching it about the rights of chickens to coexist with lions, for the sake of social harmony, and then watching it go insane.

Look in the mirror fucker and you'll see the sicko. You are a fucking crazy snivelling shit. I bet I could kick your ass physically.

You sure are upset, woman. What a pussy whiner and a glutton for punishment.
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If mental disorders are increasing, and you might be proof of the fact, then it's because or repression caused by social and cultural indoctrination.

I'd have to agree with you on that. Generally, I believe that mental disorders are so prevalent in todays society due to:

1. The suppression of instinct. Humans may be social animals, but they were never meant to be packed into population dense cities, and adopt politically correct BS in order to coexist.


2. The retention of inferior genetic material which codes for neurological disorders. Most depressed individuals will not be weeded out of the gene pool, as they would have been thousands of years ago. How many depressed animals are there in the wild?

Originally Posted by peta9
Males with too much testosterone are crazy fuckups. Look at the prison population

The prison population is the result of society being feminized. Just remember that a large proportion of prisoners in the United States are behind bars due to drug related offenses. Such nanny behaviour by the State equates to maternalism.

I'd have to agree with you on that. Generally, I believe that mental disorders are so prevalent in todays society due to:

1. The suppression of instinct. Humans may be social animals, but they were never meant to be packed into population dense cities, and adopt politically correct BS in order to coexist.


2. The retention of inferior genetic material which codes for neurological disorders. Most depressed individuals will not be weeded out of the gene pool, as they would have been thousands of years ago. How many depressed animals are there in the wild?


The prison population is the result of society being feminized. Just remember that a large proportion of prisoners in the United States are behind bars due to drug related offenses. Such nanny behaviour by the State equates to maternalism.

It's interesting you mentioned drugs but not violent crime, very convenient. Instincts are harnessed and channeled differently. You are as dumb as he is. Depressed individuals weeded out of the gene pool? Satyr is a depressed individual. You can't dictate your surroundings and then say you are fit now can you? Adapt or die, right? These are your views so TAKE it.
It's interesting you mentioned drugs but not violent crime, very convenient.

*yawn* Go play in your sandbox, child.
In recent decades the U.S. has experienced a surge in its prison population, quadrupling since 1980, partially as a result of mandated sentences that came about during the "war on drugs" and despite the decline in violent crime and property crime since the early 1990s[3].

As of 2004, the three states with the lowest ratio of imprisoned to civilian population are Maine (148 per 100,000), Minnesota (171 per 100,000), and Rhode Island (175 per 100,000). The three states with the highest ratio are Louisiana (816 per 100,000), Texas (694 per 100,000), and Mississippi (669 per 100,000). [4]

In terms of federal prison, 57% of those incarcerated were sentenced for drug offenses. Currently, considering local jails as well, almost one million of those incarcerated are in prison for non-violent crime. [5]

*yawn* Go play in your sandbox, child.

Die, oldfart and take your psycho-pussy Satyr with you. Those who make no allowances for others, don't deserve any in return.

Leave the future to the better generation and it ain't yours. It's time to pass the torch and rest six feet under.
Never said society was perfect.

That's what Satyr is saying too. And he's saying that this imperfection arises due to feminization.

I agree thier priorities are ridiculous.

Their priorities are aimed at punishing masculine traits. Independence, and rebellion against artificial, socially imposed nanny restrictions.

That's what Satyr is saying too. And he's saying that this imperfection arises due to feminization.

Their priorities are aimed at punishing masculine traits. Independence, and rebellion against artificial, socially imposed nanny restrictions.

Bullshit! He wants it totally masculine. Society needs to be feminized. He doesn't desire balance, he wants things his way just like a pussy according to his comfort level and nature. However, he doesn't respect anyone else's desires or wishes.

Their are strong but sensitive men who have no problem with some feminizing of society which is a positive direction. He's a sorry, old-school piece of dinosaur shit.

Listen up, if you want "rebellion" and "independence" then live on your own. Society requires cooperation, period. The only rebellion and independence effective in society is collective and still in the end for the benefit and upward mobility of said collective.

I find your ludicrous analysis that more individuals are in prison for drug offenses rather than violent crime due to feminizing twisted and dishonest. It's obvious that's not punishing traditional masculine traits. Feminizing of society will bring balance. It takes awhile for a society to evolve of course from what it was previous.
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Bullshit! He wants it totally masculine. Society needs to be feminized. He doesn't desire balance, he wants things his way just like a pussy according to his comfort level and nature. However, he doesn't respect anyone else's desires or wishes.

Their are strong but sensitive men who have no problem with some feminizing of society which is a positive direction. He's a sorry, old-school piece of dinosaur shit.

Listen up, if you want "rebellion" and "independence" then live on your own. Society requires cooperation, period. The only rebellion and independence effective in society is collective and still in the end for the benefit and upward mobility of said collective.

I find your ludicrous analysis that more individuals are in prison for drug offenses rather than violent crime due to feminizing twisted and dishonest. It's obvious that's not punishing traditional masculine traits. Feminizing of society will bring balance. It takes awhile for a society to evolve of course from what it was previous.

Feminization is the masculization of women.
You see men do not find masculine traits attractive in general. Two people who think they are the alpha-male of the two is not fun for either of them.
Bullshit! He wants it totally masculine. Society needs to be feminized. He doesn't desire balance, he wants things his way just like a pussy according to his comfort level and nature. However, he doesn't respect anyone else's desires or wishes.

Their are strong but sensitive men who have no problem with some feminizing of society which is a positive direction. He's a sorry, old-school piece of dinosaur shit.

Listen up, if you want "rebellion" and "independence" then live on your own. Society requires cooperation, period. The only rebellion and independence effective in society is collective and still in the end for the benefit and upward mobility of said collective.

I find your ludicrous analysis that more individuals are in prison for drug offenses rather than violent crime due to feminizing twisted and dishonest. It's obvious that's not punishing traditional masculine traits. Feminizing of society will bring balance. It takes awhile for a society to evolve of course from what it was previous.

Yeah but Feminization is basically the masculization of women. This is why the men in the 1920's didn't like their women to play sports. They were afraid the women would pick up masculine traits.
When you think about it that is what feminism really is. The masculization of women.

Women want the freedom of the man but with the added benefits of being treated like a woman. Sorry but if you want that kind of treatment you have to earn it and just looking good isn't going to cut it.

Men are becoming more and more aware of this fact. Why do you think there are less marriages and more divorces.
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I find your ludicrous analysis that more individuals are in prison for drug offenses rather than violent crime due to feminizing twisted and dishonest. It's obvious that's not punishing traditional masculine traits.

So why are the majority of drug users male?
Yeah but Feminization is basically the masculization of women. This is why the men in the 1920's didn't like their women to play sports. They were afraid the women would pick up masculine traits.
When you think about it that is what feminism really is. The masculization of women.

Women want the freedom of the man but with the added benefits of being treated like a woman. Sorry but if you want that kind of treatment you have to earn it and just looking good isn't going to cut it.
Men are becoming more and more aware of this fact. Why do you think there are less marriages and more divorces.

You are a total idiot. Feminization has to do with cooperation and democratization which would amount to equal opportunity and more creativity for both men and women as they are not boxed in, nothing more. No one is asking men to cut off thier pricks etc. Their are more divorces because people aren't masochistic and stay with people they hate or dislike.

You think you have the right to dictate what is considered earned because you are male? Who the fuck are you?

Looking good is not the only thing women do, you need to take a look around peabrain. This thread is insanely stupid.
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