The Durupinar Noah's Ark Site

Everything is invalid until validated.


Naturalism and Atheism are also both invalid until validated.

Wait, they actually can’t be validated, ever!

So that makes them both invalid, pretty much forever.

Dang, forever is such a long time!
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If God exists then Naturalism is false.
That's a different claim than the one you made earlier. I agree with this proposition. Showing that God exists would prove Naturalism false. Can you show that, then?
Noah could not have humanly known in advance either one, that a Worldwide Flood was coming, or that he needed to build the Ark to prepare for it.

God had to tell him.
So your argument is that if the Noah story could be shown to be true in all its particulars (including warnings given to Noah by a supernatural being), then Naturalism would necessarily be shown to be false.

Okay. I can accept that. So, how's your Noah proof project coming along?

Also: you don't think any human being would think to build a boat when they saw weather coming that was likely to cause a flood?
If God told him in advance,
then God exists.

If God exists Nauralism is false.
Yep. Okay.

How are you going to establish that there was a Noah and that God told him something in advance?
The Scientific Hypothesis is...

There was a Global Flood and the Biblical account of Noah’s Ark is true.
Are you including the parts of the biblical account that mention a supernatural being in your hypothesis?

In principle, I guess you could go and look for evidence of a global flood, or of a man named Noah, or of an actual Ark that fits the biblical description. But if your aim is to disprove Naturalism by proving there is a God, then you're going to need to find some convincing evidence for the God itself.

What would you except as Scientific evidence for Noah’s Ark and for the Global Flood?
What scientific evidence have you got? Try me.
Please don’t go with those who say...

“There is no evidence because there can’t be any evidence because I don’t want there to be any evidence. Basically, because I want to have sex whenever and however I want to.”
What does sex have to do with this? If your real concern is about who is having sex with whom, why don't we talk about that instead of mucking around with the irrelevant Noah stuff?
And everyone knows that Naturalism has never been proven. And is only a belief.
And so....? It does not follow that if Naturalism is not proven that therefore your God exists.
And yes, they will certainly call you crazy or ignorant. And yes, in some Atheist countries they will even threaten your career, or throw you in prison, or kill you. But really, have a little backbone and stand up to them all. Even though millions have been martyred for centuries with no end in sight, and you could become part of that.
You appear to be rambling. What are you talking about? What are these atheist countries you mention?

What would you except as Scientific evidence for Noah’s Ark and for the Global Flood?

Your response could help frame the parameters of the research now being done by the government of Turkey.
What research?
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So, it seems that the raw Science is telling us that human free will does not exist.

If I go with the Science, as you guys are always telling me to do, I have to stop there, and say that the limitations of our physical brain matter and chemistry make the existence of human free will impossible.

But, you and I apparently both hold that free will is real and does exist.
To that I say: it depends on what you mean by "free will". We've had some long discussions about that topic previously on this forum.
And so I am just saying that if it does, it points to the reality and existence of the supernatural, simply because the physical material Universe cannot explain it.
That's a big "if" you've got there. And even if you could prove that supernatural freedom exists, there's still a long way to go to get to proving that your God exists, isn't there?

Naturalism and Atheism are also both invalid until validated.
Naturalism is validated every time we make a prediction, demonstrate it is true, and then observe it is true in every experiment that follows. Gravity would be an example here.

Supernaturalism is invalidated every time an experiment is done to try to prove it exists. Every. Single. Time. Praying for a unicorn would be an example here.

Choice seems pretty easy.

Naturalism and Atheism are also both invalid until validated.

Think about a murder trial. The usual verdicts are guilty and not guilty. But "not guilty" is not the same as "innocent". Not guilty merely means that guilt was not established to the required standard of certainty.

When it comes to something like Naturalism, there aren't just two possibilities (valid, invalid) but three: valid, invalid, not proven valid.

It would be a mistake to assume that "not proven valid" is equivalent to "invalid", for the same reason that it would be a mistake to assume that "not proven guilty" is equivalent to "innocent".

Wait, they actually can’t be validated, ever!
If I say to you "I'm not convinced that God exists" then that's good evidence for my atheism. My statement doesn't prove I'm an atheist, because I could be lying to you. But it would be stupid of you to draw the conclusion that, having said that to you, I'm probably not an atheist, because my atheism hasn't been "validated".

If we want to follow your demands for absolute validation of all claims, then essentially nothing can be validated, ever - including the existence of you, your toothbrush and your God.

How will you ever go on living with this intolerable uncertainty?
Also: you don't think any human being would think to build a boat when they saw weather coming that was likely to cause a flood?

No one has ever built a massive ship in a day or two in order to prepare for a local incoming, hour away, Storm event.

It would have taken years not days, or hours, to build the Ark.

Are you saying it could be built in a few days, or a few hours?

In the words of Miracle Max,
“It would take a miracle!”
Naturalism and Atheism are also both invalid until validated.
Methodological naturalism is validated every day. Every time you drop a pencil and it does what you expect, methodological naturalism is validated.

Nobody has suggested that he voodoo general-purpose "naturalism" that you talk about can be validated.

As for atheism: Theism is invalid until theism can be validated. Atheism is the default until you can haul your God up onto the lab bench to be tested.
Samples from Rivets, embedded in the Boat shaped formation, were tested to find out what they were made of.

What did you think about the metallurgical findings of those tests?
It's completely irrelevant:

What evidence do you have that links the rivets to a boat? (Remember that the formation is a natural geological formation.)

And if there was a boat (which there isn't) what evidence do you have to link that boat to Noah's ar4k?
No one has ever built a massive ship in a day or two in order to prepare for a local incoming, hour away, Storm event.

It would have taken years not days, or hours, to build the Ark.

Are you saying it could be built in a few days, or a few hours?
No, I'm not saying that. I think it would be difficult to build a great big boat, big enough to carry two of every species of animal on Earth (including the dinosaurs, apparently).

How long did Noah take to build it, according the bible?

How many people worked on it? Just Noah and his family, or did he have help? Were his helpers happy to not get on the Ark when the time came for the Big Flood?
I think people should research it for themselves.
I think people should accept the science.
It is up to each person to decide if the available evidence has merit or not.
No. It is up to scientists - who are qualified to evaluate the evidence.
I believe in loving people, in their free will, and in freedom of thought.

What is wrong with that?
If you loved Mary Schweitzer, you wouldn't lie about her.
Think about a murder trial. The usual verdicts are guilty and not guilty. But "not guilty" is not the same as "innocent". Not guilty merely means that guilt was not established to the required standard of certainty.

When it comes to something like Naturalism, there aren't just two possibilities (valid, invalid) but three: valid, invalid, not proven valid.

Naturalism is an impossible position to hold with absolute certainty. It is only a faith position.
I think people should accept the science.

No. It is up to scientists - who are qualified to evaluate the evidence.

If you loved Mary Schweitzer, you wouldn't lie about her.

I think that Mary Schweitzer is an amazing person.
And so.... ?

1) Naturalism should not be taught to our children in schools as if it is Scientific Fact, because it is not.

It is only faith and belief.

2) We all need to love and respect each other.
I think that Mary Schweitzer is an amazing person.

You might find this link informative:

she said:
One day, shortly after I finished that program, I saw that paleontologist Jack Horner — everyone knew him in Montana — was teaching a class on campus at Montana State. I went to class that first day of the semester and after his introductory lecture, I walked up and said, "Hi, Jack. I am a young earth creationist, and I'm going to convince you you're wrong about evolution. Can I sit in on your class?"

He said, "I'm Jack. I'm an atheist. Have a seat."
To me it is so exciting to see God revealed through science.
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I think that Mary Schweitzer is an amazing person.
Then why do you misrepresemt her?

It doesn't matter what she has found in dinosaur bones. It wouldn't matter if she found a living dinosaur in her back yard. The fact is that she does not believe in a young earth.