The ABC game

I thought you missed 'J', Scheherazade, but then I discovered, what you must have, that there are no sciences that began with that letter. Jellyfishology? Jeriatrics? Jeography? Jurassics? Classic Jurrasics? None that I can find. Maybe someone else knows. Until then, let's fudge a little and go with:


(Here's a funny picture on a similar topic I thought was too big to put here):
View attachment 6995
Magnanerie: art of raising silkworms. Art, science, whatever. Nice picture, innit!


Okay, and we mustn't forget:



I thought you missed 'J', Scheherazade, but then I discovered, what you must have, that there are no sciences that began with that letter. Jellyfishology? Jeriatrics? Jeography? Jurassics? Classic Jurrasics? None that I can find. Maybe someone else knows.

:confused: You mean someone who is stoned would think this word starts with J? Yeah, you never get my humor either.

Uh dude, someone else already did M.... I think it was, well, you...
Nach M kommt N, oder?

Btw. I get it, I just don't think it's funny :shrug:
Uh dude, someone else already did M.... I think it was, well, you...
Nach M kommt N, oder?

Btw. I get it, I just don't think it's funny :shrug:

Same here. I guess we will have to 'agree to disagree' in the modern parlance. However, it's struck me that 'disagree to agree' makes more sense although both phrases are over wordy and redundant.

Anyhoo, let's get on with our game, shall we. Who will do S? I am trying to hang back a bit and give others a chance.

I enjoyed the beginning origami one. Remember 'origami' is Spanish for 'bird'. ;)
Rantology - The branch of knowledge regarding the heated expression of one's opinion of a subject.

And the requested image..
Same here. I guess we will have to 'agree to disagree' in the modern parlance. However, it's struck me that 'disagree to agree' makes more sense although both phrases are over wordy and redundant.

Anyhoo, let's get on with our game, shall we. Who will do S? I am trying to hang back a bit and give others a chance.

I enjoyed the beginning origami one. Remember 'origami' is Spanish for 'bird'. ;)


I'll come up with the S as well then.. Just a min.