The ABC game

Vulpes vulpes



Still don't know it's common name in English?


Walterinnesia aegyptia, the black desert cobra. We have no snakes in the Yukon because the frost goes too deep for them to be able to get below it to hibernate.

Xerus inaurus, or Cape Ground Squirrel. This little varmint bears somewhat of a resemblance to our Richardson Ground Squirrels, although the markings are more like those of a chipmunk.

See my post #282, eh? Walterinnesia aegyptia, or black cobra. :D

Zenaida asiatica, the White-winged Dove. Peace. ;)


That was rather an entertaining category.

May I suggest horse breeds of the world as the next category?
The Andalusian Horse.


The Andalusian horse originally came from and got its name from its homeland, the small Spanish province of Andalusia. They are the ancestors of the Iberian horses that come from Portugal and Spain. The Spanish actually refer to the Andalusian as well as other Spanish horses as Pura Raza Espanola, which translates to Pure Spanish Horse; they have their own closed studbook. There have been cave paintings found in Southern Spain that date back as far as 20,000 to 30,000 B.C. Scientists believe these horses represent the beginning of this species and that it was developed over thousands of years by people and cultures that inhabited Spain.

The Banker horse is a breed of feral horse (Equus ferus caballus) living on the islands of North Carolina's Outer Banks. It is small, hardy, and has a docile temperament. Descended from domesticated Spanish horses and possibly brought to the Americas in the 16th century, the ancestral foundation bloodstock may have become feral after surviving shipwrecks or being abandoned on the islands by one of the exploratory expeditions led by Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón or Sir Richard Grenville. Populations are found on Ocracoke Island, Shackleford Banks, Currituck Banks, and in the Rachel Carson Estuarine Sanctuary.
The Clydesdale has become well known to beer drinkers from their Superbowl commercials. Some of them are pretty cute!


Profile: The Clydesdale originated in the Clyde Valley, Scotland, and is the youngest of all the United Kingdom heavy breeds, finding its full development in the last 150 years. In the late 1700s, Native horses of Lanarkshire were put to Flemish horses, imported by the Duke of Hamilton, to increase their height and bulk. Clydesdales were imported throughout the world and helped build the cities and towns of Canada, Australia and America. Today, they are extremely familiar in the United States because of their use in advertisements by Anheuser Busch. Teams of ‘Budweiser’ horses are kept and displayed at Anheuser Busch theme parks throughout the United States.

Characteristics: Clydesdales stand from 16 to 18 hands and can be bay, brown, roan, black or gray, with white feathers and white markings. The Clydesdale is a flashy, high-stepping horse with strong, large feet. In fact, their feet were so big that in days past farmers couldn’t fit them in plow furrows. Therefore, Clydesdales were often worked in towns rather than farms.


As for what the topic is, it's no matter to me but until there are more participants, I'll just keep posting horses in alphabetical order.


If NMSquirrel starts posting famous science guys/gals, I'll just switch horses in mid-stream and follow his lead. :D
If NMSquirrel starts posting famous science guys/gals, I'll just switch horses in mid-stream and follow his lead. :D that way..:)

Armstrong, Edwin H.

Edwin H. Armstrong is widely regarded as one of the foremost contributors to the field of radio-electronics. Radio’s premier inventor, Edwin H. Armstrong was responsible for the Regenerative Circuit (1912), the Superheterodyne Circuit (1918), the Superregenerative Circuit (1922) and the complete frequency-modulation radio broadcasting system (1933).

These basic electronic circuits are underlying all modern radio, radar, and television. Armstrong was the holder of 42 patents for inventions in the field of radio. His inventions and developments form the backbone of Radio Communications as we know it. Edwin H. Armstrong was born on December 18, 1890, in New York City, where he was to spend much of his professional career about late to the party. I think that was the second or maybe even the third time that I posted the Z and then you wander in and want science guys just because it's your thread and maybe you don't do the horse thing. There is this thing called 'Google' you know... :rolleyes:

Whatever...I can skate to any music. :D

Bohr, Niels

Niels Henrik David Bohr (Danish: [ˈnels ˈboɐ̯ˀ]; 7 October 1885 – 18 November 1962) was a Danish physicist who made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. Bohr was also a philosopher and a promoter of scientific research.[1]

Bohr developed the Bohr model of the atom, in which he proposed that energy levels of electrons are discrete, and that the electrons revolve in stable orbits around the atomic nucleus, but can jump from one energy level (or orbit) to another. Although the Bohr model has been supplanted by other models, its underlying principles remain valid. He conceived the principle of complementarity: that items could be separately analysed in terms of contradictory properties, like behaving as a wave or a stream of particles. The notion of complementarity dominated Bohr's thinking in both science and philosophy.

Bohr founded the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen, now known as the Niels Bohr Institute, which opened in 1920. Bohr mentored and collaborated with physicists including Hans Kramers, Oskar Klein, George de Hevesy and Werner Heisenberg. He predicted the existence of a new zirconium-like element, which was named hafnium, after the Latin name for Copenhagen, where it was discovered. Later, the element bohrium was named after him.

I'm confused. How's this?


Dr. 'Charley' Horse - 1937-1950 -known for his ground-breaking research in muscle cramps.