Split: SAM's intellectual dishonesty and poor moderation

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Nonetheless, a blind person on the far side of the moon couldn't fail to see that SAM has an agenda, one that will inevitably affect everything undertaken by her. And that's fine.

Unless that could play a role in the execution of power.....

Heh! I see what you mean by the keen observation.

Today, sciforums, tomorrow the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nonetheless, a blind person on the far side of the moon couldn't fail to see that SAM has an agenda, one that will inevitably affect everything undertaken by her. And that's fine.

Well, you would think that she would have started her master plan by now, what being 35000+ posts in.
You both misunderstand me. I'm not specifically referring to any particular action(s) taken by SAM.

What I'm referring to is personal bias overall.

And what exactly would that be? What personal bias does Sam have "overall"?

Is she meant to ignore posts where members constantly flame and/or troll because responding to it or moderating those posts might show a form of bias? No. Has she ever moderated according to her religious beliefs, forcing others to curb their scientific posts because it might disagree with her personal faith? No.

If you cannot refer to any actual action taken by her, then what bias are you accusing her of in how she moderates? Here is the thing with complaints about a moderator or a member for that matter. You need to be able to specifically pinpoint the issue, in this case bias and provide a link. No one has been able to do that so far. In the most recent protests, they have simply said she 'lied'.. no proof.. but because she took a different side in an argument and was able to back it up, she 'lied'. Simply typing "LIAR LIAR LIAR" without any proof is not only childish, it is also unproductive and will not lead to any resolution.

So when people are told to back up their claims, they decide to spam her forum with posts that can only be considered flaming and baiting and when she deletes and then splits the thread and moves the posts to another thread, they try to say 'see.. she's lying'. In all seriousness, it is downright pitiful. That kind of behaviour does not make an intelligent community. It merely pinpoints the exact location of the village idiot(s).
wow because shes a muslim she has an ajender or because shes a health proffessional she has an ajender? Which one are we discusing i forget

EVERYONE has a bias, how could we POSSABLY pick mods for a section like politics without runing into SOMEONES political views

What about ethics where religion and politics are inseprably tied?

Of course your complaint isnt that she sees the world through HER view point but that she doesnt see it though YOURS
Plazma did not know me when he asked me to mod, in fact he came after me, so for him there was no fast.

Sorry; I can't reply because it's too annoying to read through the misspelling...

And what exactly would that be? What personal bias does Sam have "overall"?

Overall, her bias is that of an inflexible theist.
That would be apparent enough based upon a minuscule perusal of her posts.

As for the rest of your comments, I don't disagree. I never said that this bias has played a role in any particular manifestation of her Moderation.

I'm simply saying that the possibility itself should be eliminated.
Overall, her bias is that of an inflexible theist.
That would be apparent enough based upon a minuscule perusal of her posts.

As for the rest of your comments, I don't disagree. I never said that this bias has played a role in any particular manifestation of her Moderation.

I'm simply saying that the possibility itself should be eliminated.

Well, pretty much all but two moderators here are atheists. Should the possibility of their bias against the religious remain? Should we create a thread about them?


Anyway, there's only one moderator on this website I've truly had a problem with. Haven't seen him in a while, though...
Glaucon said:

Overall, her bias is that of an inflexible theist

Sorry; I can't reply because it's too annoying to read through the cheap fallacy.
Well, pretty much all but two moderators here are atheists. Should the possibility of their bias against the religious remain? Should we create a thread about them?

Again, missing my point.

We all have our bias', and that's fine.

However, if one is to be a Moderator, it seems to me that this should be minimized. Given how difficult this would be, I would suggest that Moderators be limited strictly to moderating, and restricted from posting.
Again, missing my point.

We all have our bias', and that's fine.

However, if one is to be a Moderator, it seems to me that this should be minimized. Given how difficult this would be, I would suggest that Moderators be limited strictly to moderating, and restricted from posting.

I agree somewhat. The moderators here are too involved with the posts/debates. Sometimes it's hard to differentiate between mod and user. Other forums I go to usually have a few slots reserved for mods who only moderate, and refrain from taking part in the discussions.

Of course, some of the most interesting voices here are moderators, so silencing them would be no good.
What's more, I've never stated I've had any problem with SAM"s moderation.

So you are protesting because of ...... ?

Nonetheless, a blind person on the far side of the moon couldn't fail to see that SAM has an agenda, one that will inevitably affect everything undertaken by her. And that's fine.

I mean look at what she has done to us?

Have you seen Ben's eyes?.. They even flash now? Hell, she turned Asguard into a short green man. Tiassa has been driven to putting dynamite on a pig and I've been forced into a straight jacket!

Save yourself..


Her agenda is leaking out of the moderator's forum and will infect you all!

Overall, her bias is that of an inflexible theist.


So to be able to moderate, she has to be a flexible theist (able to become an atheist in a single bound)? Again, can you pinpoint an exact post or thread where she moderated according to her religious beliefs?

That would be apparent enough based upon a minuscule perusal of her posts.
Her posts in threads and forums she has no moderator powers over?

Does that mean the atheists who are currently moderating the Religion forum, taking the atheist side in the debates are moderating or posting by their personal beliefs?

Is Sam curbing discussion in the forums she moderates based on her own religious beliefs? Yes or no?

If yes, link please. If no, move along..

I'm simply saying that the possibility itself should be eliminated.
So you are proposing a pre-emptive strike and remove her as a moderator just in case she shows bias in her moderation of her forums when it comes to her theist leanings? Is that correct?
So you are protesting because of ...... ?

It's no wonder I'm not familiar with you; almost all your commentary is irrelevant and unworthy of response.

Try reading the entirety of a thread before responding.
Clearly the slur of the day is theist.

And some people wonder why I rant against anti-thiests and their propaganda.
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