Split: SAM's intellectual dishonesty and poor moderation

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Great.....and did you receive anything for it? Anything even said about it?

I wouldn't say that calling someone a fucktoy (with attached slutty website) for no reason.....really is proper MOD behaviour do you?
Can members here do the same with no punishments?
Since I was discussing my ambitions there was no need to.

e.g. if I say, I have no ambition to be a brain dead shrieking harpy, its not an offence.
HA! its fucking pointless! As the poll revealed most here think you are dishonest.
I wonder why huh? You can twist it around however you want now. The end result is that you are just full of BS! no matter how you try to turn it around now.
IIRC, you posted that no men in sciforums are a fit match for me.

Since my purpose in coming to sciforums is not to find men who are fit matches for me, I said that my ambition in life is not to be a f***toy ie one who is baiting men.

Now if from this you infer that this is addressed to you, its your problem, not mine.
There are a lot of people in this forum and in life who are not intellectually honest. And a lot of us accusing others of being intellectually dishonest should take a serious look at ourselves before launching attacks at others.
SAM is I think very married to her point of view. But I think she is not the only one. And I think the forum is richer for people like SAM. They make the rest of us think...and that is a good thing.
There are a lot of people in this forum and in life who are not intellectually honest. And a lot of us accusing others of being intellectually dishonest should take a serious look at ourselves before launching attacks at others.
SAM is I think very married to her point of view. But I think she is not the only one. And I think the forum is richer for people like SAM. They make the rest of us think...and that is a good thing.

A word of caution. Fence sitters have to take sides to have a debate or at least to explore their own opinions. And sometimes, playing devils advocate works best when the adversary is unaware.:cool:
IIRC, you posted that no men in sciforums are a fit match for me.

Since my purpose in coming to sciforums is not to find men who are fit matches for me, I said that my ambition in life is not to be a f***toy ie one is baiting men.

Now if from this you infer that this is addressed to you, its your problem, not mine.

How can you live with spewing so much BS? everyday. Damn I would have some respect for you if you at least didn't try to turn your lies around and try and play stupid. No wonder you and Orleander hit it off so wonderful.
You both like to play games.
How can you live with spewing so much BS? everyday. Damn I would have some respect for you if you at least didn't try to turn your lies around and try and play stupid. No wonder you and Orleander hit it off so wonderfull.
You both like to play games.

Life is performance art, as a wise man said recently.

If you're out of your depth, start swimming for shore.
S.A.M., I personally don't give a damn, but could you remove that avatar.. ? It might offend people.
S.A.M., I personally don't give a damn, but could you remove that avatar.. ? It might offend people.

Someone asked her yesterday to remove it and said that he was offended for personal family reasons. She just doesn't give a shit.
Well.. if it's going to be like that what's stopping me from using porn in my avatar or the swastika.. ?
But I have a sneaking suspicion it won't be tolerated when I do it.
I am deeply offended by any references to the British since my family suffered partition, separation and death under colonial rule.

Shall we ban all things British on this forum?

I am even more deeply offended by impolite references to Allah Subahanatallah and Mohammed Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam, shall we delete all references to the same?
I am deeply offended by any references to the British since my family suffered partition, separation and death under colonial rule.

Shall we ban all things British on this forum?

Are you for real ? :bugeye:
All I want to know is if I can use a swastika as my avatar now. Can I have your blessing ? :rolleyes:

The swastika is a sacred Hindu symbol that is present in Hindu homes and temples. You have my blessing

Do you guarantee that I won't be banned ?

And btw. I meant the nazi version.

You have my blessing, however I don't own the forums.

You could of course campaign for freedom of expression, its a big deal in western societies.

Archaeological evidence of swastika-shaped ornaments dates from the Neolithic period. An ancient symbol, it occurs mainly in the cultures that are in modern day India and the surrounding area, sometimes as a geometrical motif and sometimes as a religious symbol. It has long been widely used in major world religions such as Hinduism, Roman Catholicism, Buddhism and Jainism.

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