Saving our Western Civilization

Mozart was the Brittany Spears of his time, pretty sounds to distract the nobles from the harsh realities of life.
America's structures are Western. Your Congress, your lobbying groups, your free speech, and the way ordinary Americans either get involved or ignore politics are peculiarly Western, not the way most of the world operates. But the fact that only about a third of Americans deem it important to vote is horrifying in light of how close you are to losing your Western character.

Writing letters to the press, manning stands at county fairs, hosting fund-raising dinners, attending rallies, setting up conferences, writing your Congressman -- that is what you know, and what you are comfortable with. Those are the political methods you've created for yourselves to keep your country on track and to ensure political accountability.

But woe to you if -- or more likely, when -- the rules change. White Americans may soon find themselves unable or unwilling to stand up to challenge the new political methods that will be the inevitable result of the ethnic metamorphosis now taking place in America. Unable to cope with the new rules of the game -- violence, mob riots, intimidation through accusations of racism, demands for proportionality based on racial numbers, and all the other social and political weapons used by the have-nots to bludgeon treasure and power from the haves -- Americans, like others before them, will no doubt cave in. They will compromise away their independence and ultimately their way of life.

I find myself strongly concurring with the lion's share of your views. Allow me to offer both comments and questions:

Theatre: Living in New York, I have been exposed to theatre culture my entire life to varying degrees, and thus you have my full sympathy as concerns people's degenerate clothing trends when they attend the theatre. Dress befitting a day at the park, or a foray to the beach, has become attire to wear in the -theatre-? And the owners of the establishment -let these people in-? It's utterly shameful and monsterously in bad taste.

Traditions: I strongly agree that we must retain our traditions and customs in order to assure the survivability of our civilization, but I would like to ask you a question concerning marriage. Throughout history, a reoccurring theme is polygyny, that is, marriage betwixt many women and one man. Might you think a return to such customs may be a means whereby what seems to be the greater sexual drive of men is satisfied in a manner that could be suitable for society? Or do you think that we ought to retain monogamy and force a sense of self-control upon men and women alike?

Religion: Whilst I strongly believe a return to paganism as a religion may well be beneficial to society, I ask you what specific pagan belief ought we to adopt? The Hellenic-Romantic pantheon? The Germanic-Nordic pantheon to reflect our heritage? A new syncretic paganism adopting the best of all aspects of Indo-European paganism?

Art: Whilst I fully agree that art has degenerated to its lowest level in millennia, do you think that it can be reversed without first changing the other aspects of our culture? It is my belief that art often reflects the culture it comes from and is not its creator, and thus all reforms of art are only capable through reform of the culture.

Politics: You did not touch on this! Tsk tsk tsk! Tell me, what is your conception of the Ideal State, most befitting the Western character?
As it should be.
Why do you internalize a philosophy of increasing our mark on the natural world? This has lead to the destruction of ecosystems we require for life.

You've got to be kidding me. Concatination at its most far fetched. Who said mark on the natural world? That would imply something stupid like building k-marts over forests or something equally destructive and disposable. With the changing of value systems (thus culture) comes a greater concern for the environment, and what I propose is value change. Come back when you want to discuss this seriously, because all I hear from you is negative and nihilistic statements.

-theatre-? And the owners of the establishment -let these people in-? It's utterly shameful and monsterously in bad taste.

My point exactly. Nobody believes in dressing for the occasion. I suppose being in the military gives me a good feel for what it means to dress up, but it is a shame that many do not.

Might you think a return to such customs may be a means whereby what seems to be the greater sexual drive of men is satisfied in a manner that could be suitable for society? Or do you think that we ought to retain monogamy and force a sense of self-control upon men and women alike?

This is still something I am tackling in my head. First of all, polygamy would be a bit weird at first (as are most of my ideas to some). I would personally rather stay with one woman, especially in the case of a child, because that is best for his development. Furthermore, polygamy would undoubtly overpopulate the world. It would have to be decision between the individuals involved. Sex and love are two different things and I feel it is too confused in today's times. This will require further meditation.

Religion: Whilst I strongly believe a return to paganism as a religion may well be beneficial to society, I ask you what specific pagan belief ought we to adopt? The Hellenic-Romantic pantheon? The Germanic-Nordic pantheon to reflect our heritage? A new syncretic paganism adopting the best of all aspects of Indo-European paganism?

I think it depends on the heritage of the individual. Hellenic gods are rather popular among all Europeans because of Roman influence influence and the enlightenment, but each person has a set of gods that his or her ancestors worshipped: Celtic, Nordic, Slavic, etc. This is the fun part, funding your niche. I myself enjoy norse myths. Perhaps a new Indo-European paganism would be rather unique.

Art: Whilst I fully agree that art has degenerated to its lowest level in millennia, do you think that it can be reversed without first changing the other aspects of our culture? It is my belief that art often reflects the culture it comes from and is not its creator, and thus all reforms of art are only capable through reform of the culture.

This is the biggest hurdle. No one will enforce high artistic standards in a nation of relativists, and we can't simply fake it either (like some Caesar's Palace gimmick.) It must be a direct reflection of the soul, an outpouring of genius and passion. The entire culture must be reformed.

Politics: You did not touch on this! Tsk tsk tsk! Tell me, what is your conception of the Ideal State, most befitting the Western character?

I'm not at much liberty to discuss my ideal state since I'm under the employment of the government, and furthermore because I'm not really sure. I've looked into many forms of governments, even the crazy ones, and I'm still at odds. It depends on where you place your values: on people? on culture? on environment? on income? What is the result? Perhaps you could give me your idea.

Thank you for the article, a mirror of things to come.
I think the idea that we must be remembered is foolish, driven only be a fear of mortality.
Screw being remembered. A culture is a living thing that outlasts the individual.

My point exactly. Nobody believes in dressing for the occasion. I suppose being in the military gives me a good feel for what it means to dress up, but it is a shame that many do not.

Quite interesting! What branch of the military?

This is still something I am tackling in my head. First of all, polygamy would be a bit weird at first (as are most of my ideas to some). I would personally rather stay with one woman, especially in the case of a child, because that is best for his development. Furthermore, polygamy would undoubtly overpopulate the world. It would have to be decision between the individuals involved. Sex and love are two different things and I feel it is too confused in today's times. This will require further meditation.

Hmmm. Not necessarily. It might occur that only one or two of the wives gets pregnant at all, whilst the others are simply cared for, emotionally and physically. But in reality, it seems a rather unlikely change in society, nor one which is necessarily beneficial in all ways, so yes. Although I would argue that sons and daughters of polygamous marriages have survived (and well) in the past.

I think it depends on the heritage of the individual. Hellenic gods are rather popular among all Europeans because of Roman influence influence and the enlightenment, but each person has a set of gods that his or her ancestors worshipped: Celtic, Nordic, Slavic, etc. This is the fun part, funding your niche. I myself enjoy norse myths. Perhaps a new Indo-European paganism would be rather unique.

We ought to develop this idea in one way or another. Although a question arises: Ought this religion be mandatory, or ought it be but a religious choice amongst many?

This is the biggest hurdle. No one will enforce high artistic standards in a nation of relativists, and we can't simply fake it either (like some Caesar's Palace gimmick.) It must be a direct reflection of the soul, an outpouring of genius and passion. The entire culture must be reformed.

Agreed. Culture reform seems the only way.

I'm not at much liberty to discuss my ideal state since I'm under the employment of the government, and furthermore because I'm not really sure. I've looked into many forms of governments, even the crazy ones, and I'm still at odds. It depends on where you place your values: on people? on culture? on environment? on income? What is the result? Perhaps you could give me your idea.

Understood as concerns your obligations to the present form of government. As regards mine, I am highly critical of modern democracy, due to the very nature that the voting tends to approve of the belief that this fosters that all opinions are valid, one need not have reasons for belief, that one's participation is guaranteed without any notion of worth, et cetera. I'd much prefer a meritocratic system.
Hagar said:
I expected as much from all of you. Not only do you throw relativist arguments against me, but you truly believe that you might change my opinion by doing so. Yes I am a snob and I am up my own ass, good.

me::well you hae free will to be so, i spose, but i dont wanna join your cult.

I'm not concerned with the toxins you all pass off as entertainment or culture, I'm not concerned with those who worship money as the central preoccupation of life.

me::very revealing te terminology you use to write off oters' cretive endeavours--'toxins'. this is typical nazispheak ideology. it goesback further to dualistic cults which derived dogmas of 'pure' vs 'impure'.

To me, it seems that none of you have a concern or care for anything at all, or perhaps you are too weak to even make critical decisions so you simply pass off all things as relative.

me::seems to me you are a dull dull, arrogant, person, wit not much insight, and life in em. so much for 'high culture' hey?

This is the state of society that Tocqueville predicted in Democracy In America: a state of nihilism.

me::'nihilism' means 'belief in nothing'.
well errr not really. but one is tempted to say THAT would be better than what what your dushin out. ie., belief in BS!

Does preventing you from throwing toxic waste in a river stifle your creativity? Some things are just stupid.

me::look. when you put down peoples creative interests like you do, you throw toxic waste in THEIR river of creativity, blocking it up. BLOCKING them with your self-rightous drivel propaganda

Tell me, what gift will you have bestowed to the next generation? What will they look back upon in our time period? Nothing, because it will all be forgotten.

we actually dont forget anything. wheter we learn from te past is another thing.......i remember the nazis had similar attitude like yours to modern art.....!
Quite interesting! What branch of the military?

The Army. Its a lot of grunt work, but nothing beats the thrill of rappelling out of a helicopter on an artillery mission or driving through the streets of Iraq. I love it but its more of a thrill thing, not serious devotion. I won't say too much beyond that.

We ought to develop this idea in one way or another. Although a question arises: Ought this religion be mandatory, or ought it be but a religious choice amongst many?

The way I see it, one should just stick with the religion of their ancestors. In an ideal world it would be state sponsored, but not necessarily as cosmopolitan as say the Roman dieties. For now, it should just be choice.

approve of the belief that this fosters that all opinions are valid, one need not have reasons for belief, that one's participation is guaranteed without any notion of worth, et cetera. I'd much prefer a meritocratic system.

I agree actually. I would like simply to say that culture is more important than government and that an enlightened public would make wise choices.
But that doesn't seem to be the case at all: compare American society and values 200 years ago to today. I am particularily fond of studying our forefathers and learning about their ways of life* and I exemplify that in my line of business, but the tragedy is that it seems so foreign today that niether age would recognize eachother as even being the same country.
All governments derive thier strength from the people, even dictatorships, its just a matter of how long people will put up with it or agree with it. Still, I leave my heart open to new ideas, the very reason I opened myself to different, more antiquated points of view and shut myself out to the poision of modernity.

*the Library of Congress is an excellent place to start and it opened me up to all western culture: various authors such as Dante and Byron, different thinkers, and so on. Not to mention the building is a masterpiece of architecture. Jefferson was a ravenous collector of books and tried to convince Americans that an educated mind was the key to keeping democracy alive, but he was sold out by those whose interest was money.

we actually dont forget anything. wheter we learn from te past is another thing.......i remember the nazis had similar attitude like yours to modern art.....!

Good, I'm glad they did.
so Hagar..whatya tellin us here? your a neo NAZI??

What are you tell me duendy, that you're immature and intellectually undeveloped to a state in which some popular absolutist idealism-in the guise of open mindedness and toleration-has been so force fed to you that you can only think in absolute us/them concepts? I am not a nazi on two accounts: first of all, I am a member of the US Army and secondly I do not adhere to the simple-mindedness that some born follower such as yourself possess in order to be a nazi. The only reason I said what I said was because I can't say I particularily care for any of the works they burned.
Hagar said:
What are you tell me duendy, that you're immature and intellectually undeveloped to a state in which some popular absolutist idealism-in the guise of open mindedness and toleration-has been so force fed to you that you can only think in absolute us/them concepts?

me:: look. i am an artist Hagar. if some uniformed thugs came to grab my paintings so as to burn them, they ARE fukin nazis. yes a them!

I am not a nazi on two accounts: first of all, I am a member of the US Army and secondly I do not adhere to the simple-mindedness that some born follower such as yourself possess in order to be a nazi.

me:: excuse me while i laugh my friggin socks off.....the US army ARE nazi. the US adminstration is nazi. if you cant see this....obviously not.

The only reason I said what I said was because I can't say I particularily care for any of the works they burned.

but you agree they SHOULD have been burned??
me:: excuse me while i laugh my friggin socks off.....the US army ARE nazi. the US adminstration is nazi. if you cant see this....obviously not.

Instead of presenting a sound argument, you've decided to launch a personal attack against me. I have friends who are dead, some are maimed and all because they signed up to fight in the military that protects America. Iraq is nothing new. US Forces are fighting obscure wars all across the globe against sadists who exploit other human beings or enact genocide and terror, and often times it is for no economic motive (green berets in Africa and South America for example). To you behind your computer in your comfortable home it probably means nothing, but to those who are living the fight everyday it is very real! It has now become very clear as to how different we really are and also why I will never again take anything you say seriously. Sure, I did take a shot at you and your 'art', but what you said to me can never be forgiven! Obviously, if you are ignorant enough to say something like this, with total disregard for your own personal safety, your comments are not worth reading.
Traditions, culture, etc....they adapt and change. Thats how mankind progresses. Sure there are peaks and valleys, but what good would it do to digress? We must destroy culture to build a new better culture. You are just a curmudgeon.

Sorry for not posting for the last few days. Once I write something and then I find out it was lost, I get really mad as I -detest- repeating myself in such a way. But I'm up for finally repeating myself, so let's get back to the great conversation we were having.

The Army. Its a lot of grunt work, but nothing beats the thrill of rappelling out of a helicopter on an artillery mission or driving through the streets of Iraq. I love it but its more of a thrill thing, not serious devotion. I won't say too much beyond that.

I'd imagine such would be exciting, yes.

The way I see it, one should just stick with the religion of their ancestors. In an ideal world it would be state sponsored, but not necessarily as cosmopolitan as say the Roman dieties. For now, it should just be choice.

Interesting, interesting. What of the other religions? Ought they be allowed, too?

I agree actually. I would like simply to say that culture is more important than government and that an enlightened public would make wise choices.
But that doesn't seem to be the case at all: compare American society and values 200 years ago to today. I am particularily fond of studying our forefathers and learning about their ways of life* and I exemplify that in my line of business, but the tragedy is that it seems so foreign today that niether age would recognize eachother as even being the same country.
All governments derive thier strength from the people, even dictatorships, its just a matter of how long people will put up with it or agree with it. Still, I leave my heart open to new ideas, the very reason I opened myself to different, more antiquated points of view and shut myself out to the poision of modernity.

It is such a travesty how much things have degenerated, isn't it? We started out as a noble country with noble ideas and a system that might well have worked, to be reduced to our present state of degeneracy.

*the Library of Congress is an excellent place to start and it opened me up to all western culture: various authors such as Dante and Byron, different thinkers, and so on. Not to mention the building is a masterpiece of architecture. Jefferson was a ravenous collector of books and tried to convince Americans that an educated mind was the key to keeping democracy alive, but he was sold out by those whose interest was money.

It is with sadness that I must say I have never been to the Library of Congress, although I love the idea behind the institution and completely support it. As to Jefferson, there are few men who I admire more, and I specifically hope to follow in his footsteps with my own book collection and, eventually, eclipse his 12,000 by the time of my death. Thusfar I am 1/24th of the way through this goal.
Hagar said:
Instead of presenting a sound argument, you've decided to launch a personal attack against me. I have friends who are dead, some are maimed and all because they signed up to fight in the military that protects America.

me::i am sorry about your loss Hagar

Iraq is nothing new. US Forces are fighting obscure wars all across the globe against sadists who exploit other human beings or enact genocide and terror, and often times it is for no economic motive (green berets in Africa and South America for example).

me:::no please dont give me that white heros versus the balck baddies BS. you should kno it aint as simple as ALL!

To you behind your computer in your comfortable home it probably means nothing, but to those who are living the fight everyday it is very real!

me:::dont presume to know me and imagine your the only one who knows suffering

It has now become very clear as to how different we really are and also why I will never again take anything you say seriously. Sure, I did take a shot at you and your 'art', but what you said to me can never be forgiven! Obviously, if you are ignorant enough to say something like this, with total disregard for your own personal safety, your comments are not worth reading.

oh right, so to criticize the Us miliary industrial complex with tier utter barbarity, not to be done right? for fear of one's own safety?....what do you mean by that?
J.B said:
Like the whites did to the Indians?
Are you somehow implying that the awesomely cool cultures and civilizations of the various native tribes of North America were crap? :mad: