Religious opinions on masturbation

It's in the wraps.
As is my radar

At maximum it picks up
  • Cloaked Klingon ships
  • All vessels traveling at any warp speed
  • Anything in wraps
  • Anything unwrapped
  • Red snowman on Oort Belt
Does not (at least not so far) picked up order of the groundhog

As is my radar

At maximum it picks up
  • Cloaked Klingon ships
  • All vessels traveling at any warp speed
  • Anything in wraps
  • Anything unwrapped
  • Red snowman on Oort Belt
Does not (at least not so far) picked up order of the groundhog


"Picked up?" What radar?
The use of your sex is waste-disposal and procreation.
That seems like a weird juxtaposition of "purposes", doesn't it? Why would anybody "choose" to merge those two functions? Maybe it just doesn't make sense to dictate what the "purpose" really is.
Christianity in particular, seems to create unnecessary hang ups about sex, and masturbation would fall under that umbrella. From my observation, seems like many Christian sects have a near obsession over the supposed negative effects of enjoying sex, just for the sake of it. When it comes to masturbation, a commonly held belief among Christian evangelicals and Catholics, is that it creates lustful thoughts more often, and leads one to self adoration. But, then they also take issue with other forms of sex between two consenting adults. :rolleye: Sounds like the war they've been waging is over daring to enjoy an orgasm.
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Christianity in particular, seems to create unnecessary hang ups about sex, and masturbation would fall under that umbrella. From my observation, seems like many Christian sects have a near obsession over the supposed negative effects of enjoying sex, just for the sake of it. When it comes to masturbation, a commonly held belief among Christian evangelicals and Catholics, is that it creates lustful thoughts more often, and leads one to self adoration. But, then they also take issue with other forms of sex between two consenting adults. :rolleye: Sounds like the war they've been waging is over daring to enjoy an orgasm.
I blame St Paul. There is nothing in the gospels about sex, apart from some gentle and understanding disapproval of adultery.