Reality is...

Deepity: n. an idea or statement that seems to be profound but actually isn't.
That's a word that I could wear out.

If there is one thing that I find difficult to accept, impossible to accept is deepity, deepity is the mark of many believers.

It gets to me how nutters can dribble away stacking nonsence on nonsence making it somehow sound profound and thoughtful and you stop and ask what did they actually say and find no meaning whatsoever.

"The abstract contains the concrete"
No sorry that's horse feathers.

Thanks Dave I feel driven to put it on a T shirt...

"Don't fall for deepity."

"Deepity the tool of the fool"

"Pity deepity"

I wonder how often I do it...I can't hate something so much without being guilty of it at some stage.

Here's another bit of text from a good friend who also has achieved a high IQ over 120/150 He's into physics and philosophy and I believe he should join us here but for now I'll post for him.

Reality seems to be self-perceptive because it still operates when not being seen when absent from an observer. It is a dual operation that is so dynamic that it merges opposites into one to resolve its duality. This explains the 2-stage processes in nature and mathematics such as 0's and 1's. In an infinitely possible universe, an electron takes an infinite path across the universe before journeying to the surface of the slit experiment and releasing waves. This is the explanation Richard Feynman gave to explain the phenomenon called wave-particle duality that was proven in the slit-experiment.
Here's another bit of text from a good friend who also has achieved a high IQ over 120/150 He's into physics and philosophy and I believe he should join us here but for now I'll post for him.

Reality seems to be self-perceptive because it still operates when not being seen when absent from an observer. It is a dual operation that is so dynamic that it merges opposites into one to resolve its duality. This explains the 2-stage processes in nature and mathematics such as 0's and 1's. In an infinitely possible universe, an electron takes an infinite path across the universe before journeying to the surface of the slit experiment and releasing waves. This is the explanation Richard Feynman gave to explain the phenomenon called wave-particle duality that was proven in the slit-experiment.
So I guess this genius was drunk when he wrote this?
Reality is One.

This is a self-evident tautology. Since reality is One it is the same everywhere and is thus self-distributed. A self-aware designer distributes over reality. On the non-Quantum surface level or the outer shell of the Classical realm, blind nature appears to apply. In other words God is nothing. However, on the substance of the Quantum level, Intelligent Design takes precedence and God is apparent as a mind. It is at this level that the tautology becomes very obvious. I.e. there is a deeper reality to the surface level.

You can think of reality as being a self-contained sphere in which information vibrates back and forth from the center to the ends and back to the center again. Where information is accommodated by an energy field that carries it through out. The energy field can be influenced by the human mind since it carries information about itself and about any mind in its immediate surroundings. The spiritual aspect of the body may or may not be associated with the act of manipulation at any time.
Reality is One.
This post is rife with fallacies of equivocation:
"the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning or sense (by glossing over which meaning is intended at a particular time). It generally occurs with polysemic words (words with multiple meanings)."

The less civil term for it is "word salad".

Reality is One.
This is a self-evident tautology.
It isn't. Self-evident, that is.

One what?

Since reality is One it is the same everywhere
The same what everywhere?

and is thus self-distributed.
How does it follow? And what does self-distributed mean?
Here's a reply from my friend:

The fact that Reality is One is self-evident does not mean there won't be those who will fail to grasp that. So I will attempt to explain it further.

A thing may be one but exist in many ways or kinds. For example, the path integral formulations of reality. This is most pronounced by the many-worlds hypothesis. Where what is possible is inevitable in other universes. Since reality is an all-encompassing One, it allows for the existence of a variety of parallel universes many of which contain a variety of you's. The many-worlds hypothesis is still being explored as a potential candidate for a valid theory of reality.
e many-worlds hypothesis is still being explored as a potential candidate for a valid theory of reality.
I doubt that the speculative hypothisis of many worlds will ever achieve the elevated status of "theory" I prefer the notion of Mind dependant Reality because finally the only reality we can experience or interprete is absolutely dependant upon how each mind interpretes its collected data.
*sniff sniff*
Does anyone else get the faint whiff of something being bound by.... hmmm... spells, or something? There seem to be cloaks wafting in the breeze upon which the unmistakable odour is being conveyed.
But I shall await the four little letters of proof that will undoubtedly slip eventually from the "friend"'s pen, before binding anything with such diabolical spells. Or maybe that forewarning will stall the arrival of those four coffin nails, such is the significant observer-influence that this post might possibly inflict.
Oh, the intrigue, the mystery. Were that it was not so clear.

Or maybe I'm simply suffering from phantosmia?

Yeah, might be that.

Or is it!?
*sniff**sniff sniff*
Here's someone else sniffing...
*rubs hand under nose and sniffs*
Now why should he sniff his hands? His been typing to us demons. '' foul stench''. Below
I probably should have mentioned that I smelled the foul stench of demons around me and I defeated them with fearless acts of ninjitsu. While in the dark. So there's dark in the absence of evil and dark in the presence of evil
Has he started sniffing his hands again?
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Here's someone else sniffing...

Now why should he sniff his hands? His been typing to us demons. '' foul stench''. Below
Has he started sniffing his hands again?

The fact that Reality is One is self-evident does not mean there won't be those who will fail to grasp that. So I will attempt to explain it further.

A thing may be one but exist in many ways or kinds. For example, the path integral formulations of reality. This is most pronounced by the many-worlds hypothesis. Where what is possible is inevitable in other universes. Since reality is an all-encompassing One, it allows for the existence of a variety of parallel universes many of which contain a variety of you's. The many-worlds hypothesis is still being explored as a potential candidate for a valid theory of reality.
I'm sorry I posted something twice and remember this stuff is from a young friend of mine who will someday join us here but until that happens we can all go and try to interpret his brain farts.

Here's another one. NOTE: he is trying to prove something is real that literally no one can see. The afterlife and God are in the balance here.

Possible reason for the after-life

Given that the soul or spirit is eternal, what could be the purpose of living as a flesh and blood body while other bodies may expire? Nothing! It's just the natural order of the universe existing and causing itself to exist. There may not be a need for perpetuation. However, we may exist as purely mathematical entities of unknown extent aka spirits. I am presupposing a purposeless universe but with spiritual properties. Now, I will propose a reason for the existence of spirit in a purposeful universe.

The universe may feel itself subjectively which means human beings are validated as subjective feeling beings. I distinguish between spirit and emotion, whereas an atheistic argument would construe spirit and emotion under one illusory construct. But given that we live in an information based universe, we ourselves may be nothing more than information. And information may be physical or mental. And where there is information there is a mind to process it as the two go hand in hand. We count perceptual information as images from matter as well.
I'm sorry I posted something twice and remember this stuff is from a young friend of mine who will someday join us here but until that happens we can all go and try to interpret his brain farts.
Tell your young friend to try ''Scivillage''. They may be more open-minded there I believe. Although this is in the right place over here.
So your saying your next post below is another of ''his brain farts'', yes?
Here's another one. NOTE: he is trying to prove something is real that literally no one can see. The afterlife and God are in the balance here.
Possible reason for the after-life
Given that the soul or spirit is eternal, what could be the purpose of living as a flesh and blood body while other bodies may expire? Nothing! It's just the natural order of the universe existing and causing itself to exist. There may not be a need for perpetuation. However, we may exist as purely mathematical entities of unknown extent aka spirits. I am presupposing a purposeless universe but with spiritual properties. Now, I will propose a reason for the existence of spirit in a purposeful universe.

The universe may feel itself subjectively which means human beings are validated as subjective feeling beings. I distinguish between spirit and emotion, whereas an atheistic argument would construe spirit and emotion under one illusory construct. But given that we live in an information based universe, we ourselves may be nothing more than information. And information may be physical or mental. And where there is information there is a mind to process it as the two go hand in hand. We count perceptual information as images from matter as well.
Did you know Spellbound's OP uses the same style of type as you?
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I know for a fact that those who lie, cheat, steal or kill go to HELL which is a pit of despair and rape yes anal rape. How do I know I've spoken to the Devil and when he tried to capture me he failed. Why well let's just say I was asking too many questions. Likewise I have heard God on three occasions. Once when I was 4 right after I made it rain on a sunny blue sky no clouded day. Then again when I was in despair at 25 and again about a year ago and again about a week ago. Why am I chosen I am Gods Son brother to Jesus and the second coming. And I'll prove it. The next 5 comments on this thread that doubt me and put it into writing will have purple heads. nuff said I don't expect much from a bunch of geniuses other than the obvious yeah right.


PS my photo is an image of how I see my brain active and growing in leaps and bounds even in my late 40's
There she blows...
I know for a fact that those who lie, cheat, steal or kill go to HELL which is a pit of despair and rape yes anal rape. How do I know I've spoken to the Devil and when he tried to capture me he failed. Why well let's just say I was asking too many questions. Likewise I have heard God on three occasions. Once when I was 4 right after I made it rain on a sunny blue sky no clouded day. Then again when I was in despair at 25 and again about a year ago and again about a week ago. Why am I chosen I am Gods Son brother to Jesus and the second coming. And I'll prove it. The next 5 comments on this thread that doubt me and put it into writing will have purple heads. nuff said I don't expect much from a bunch of geniuses other than the obvious yeah right.


PS my photo is an image of how I see my brain active and growing in leaps and bounds even in my late 40's
Do you sniff your hands as well... You know, the old ''foul stench'' of those pesky demons? You sure have started to spout like Spellbound...
How do I know I've spoken to the Devil... ...Why am I chosen I am Gods Son brother to Jesus and the second coming. And I'll prove it. The next 5 comments on this thread that doubt me and put it into writing will have purple heads. nuff said I don't expect much from a bunch of geniuses other than the obvious yeah right.
You say you are Clive the brother of Jesus, yes? And that you have spoken to old nick, what did you chat about?