Putin's invasion of Ukraine

Taiwan was settled about 6000 years ago (after it became an island) by people from Southeast Asia, Madagascar, New Zealand, China, Hawaii and Easter Island.

The People's Republic of China came into being 74 years ago.

6000 > 74. (That's math; you can google it.)
talk cock
What kind? I prefer Bantams myself, but a friend of ours has Cochins - they make better pets.
6000 > 74. (That's math; you can google it.)

Like everything else that’s decent and worthwhile in this world, Google is an agent of western imperialism. We’ll need to wait until the next party congress, when Lord Xi can confirm or deny it personally.
So tired of people whining because their people are inferior in all measurable aspects to average Americans. Get over it and go nuke yourselves with the weapons Westerners helped you design and build at all stages, if you can't cope with being 2nd or 50th or whatever.
What's with the racism? All measurable respects? What's that about?
No need to even argue with fascist murdering rapist wannabes about all the perfectly valid reasons why China is inadequate and has no business in Taiwan. If an elected American president says Taiwan doesn't belong to China, that alone is a perfectly legitimate reason in itself.
You're skating on thin ice, CptBork.
GB colonized many countries from 18th to 20th centuries, but now it need an Indian migrant to be its prime minister to clean the shit of the country. :D:D:D
GB colonized many countries from 18th to 20th centuries, but now it need an Indian migrant to be its prime minister to clean the shit of the country. :D:D:D
?? In both the UK and America, immigrants make up most of the population. That's a good thing. It prevents cultural stagnation.
What's with the racism? All measurable respects? What's that about?

Ask Saint what it's about, he seems to think he has something he needs to prove to the world and that the way to do it is by invading and murdering innocent people who pose no threat to him or his country.
?? In both the UK and America, immigrants make up most of the population. That's a good thing. It prevents cultural stagnation.

The fact that people risk their lives and livelihoods to move from countries like China to the UK and almost never the other way around would logically indicate that the UK is actually doing rather well.
Ask Saint what it's about, he seems to think he has something he needs to prove to the world and that the way to do it is by invading and murdering innocent people who pose no threat to him or his country.
If you want to criticise Saint, that's one thing. But your comments were extended to "their people", referring to Saint's people, whom you implicitly identified by nationality, in contrast to "average Americans". You see the problem, I hope.
If you want to criticise Saint, that's one thing. But your comments were extended to "their people", referring to Saint's people, whom you implicitly identified by nationality, in contrast to "average Americans". You see the problem, I hope.

Well if that's not what Saint's referring to with his ultra-nationalist diatribes then I'm not sure what he feels so inferior about that it requires starting WW3.
US supplied deadly weapon to Ukraine and asked China not to supply weapon to Russia.
What's the logic?
US and Nato are war mongers, brutal nature, belligerent,
they started the war and asked people not to involve.
New Nazis!:mad:
What's the logic
Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia did not have the right (legal or moral ) to invade Ukraine.

Ukraine(an internationally recognized state) has the right to self defense and its neighbours and friends have the right to provide assistance to Ukraine.

You ,Saint are defending the aggressors and should ask Putin to pay you for the time you are spending spreading his propaganda.
Ukraine's new Nazis killed Russian ethnics in Ukraine, Russia comes to emancipate her people.