Honing in on truth by focusing on error is a time tested method. The success rate has been astounding, and is at least partially responsible for your ability to communicate with me on this forum. When I talk about science being able to comment on purpose, I refer to revelations such as evolution, which has no purpose, since it is the result of a myriad of random mutations and natural selection by many factors, each having purposes of their own, but no universal one.
needless to say, this theory about evolution and teleogy is certainly a work in progress to say the least.
IOW its one thing to talk about scientific achievement that is evidenced by a very "doable" practice (such as internet connection). Its another to talk of a lofty interpretation of a reading of evidence that is completely bereft of any doable practices.
I refer to cosmology, which reveals space to be vast beyond comprehension, a universe that is not conducive to human exploration.
similarly you could talk of the microcosm too.
IOW its the nature of this epistemology to be surrounded by mystery on both the macro and microcosm since the very language it uses (the language of the senses) is tacit.
I talk about scientific reasons for rejection of the supernatual claims that are responsible for the God hypothesis in the first place.
then you've just taken a radical departure from science and let your values take rein since there exists only rejection of theism by scientists predisposed to atheism.
I refer to the detail revealed about the nature of the atom, which leaves no room for any thought, much less purpose.
empirically speaking, the nature of an atom is as much a mystery as the nature of the universe.
The only scientific avenues that have access to making life arise from atomic structures are in science fiction.
I refer to medical advances which reject the hypothesis of spirit, in favor of cells and chemistry.
once again, there is no scientific body of work for your wild claims.
You are simply sporting your atheistic fervor while borrowing from the credibility of science.
The differences between issues of medicine and spirit are more vast than the differences between car maintenance and car manufacture.
Death still has a 100% success rate.
Religion assumes purpose and then goes about trying to justify that belief, a method proven to be faulty when trying to find out how things really work. We do know that humans like to have purpose, and that our stories reflect that need, so any assumption of a universal purpose should be highly suspect.
On the contrary, any discipline of knowledge assumes a purpose and goes about trying to justify it.
Some even call it a hypothesis.
Empiricism is not merely the senses, but anything observable, even if indirect, such as the means some use to determine there is a God.
You're not factoring in the requirement for the controlled environment and repeatability in empiricism.
IOW in all cases, empiricism requires that the subject not have a will of its own capable of circumventing investigation.
If your conclusion is based on nothing more than your mind or some kind of logic, then it really isn't all that valuable. It is as most, informed speculation and should properly lose out to empirical methods.
the conclusion, much like that of empiricism, is based on practice.
The difference with theism is of course that the practice involves being compliant to the nature of the object under investigation (in empiricism you have the exact opposite, making the object subservient to the seer).
A similar methodology lies in gaining direct audience with an important person
As long as religious assumptions contain some interaction with the physical world, then they are within the scope of empiricism to examine.
But given that the object of such action is beyond its scope, such readings are frequently inaccurate.
I have heard thousands of stories meant to support a religious viewpoint that have, as their initial means of pursuasion, a physical observation. Examples include the empty tomb of Jesus, his ability to change water into wine, the burning bush of Moses, the supposed complexity or perfection of nature, prophets and prophecy, oracles, miracles, numerology, moral perfection or refinement, prayers that work, human sacrifice that achieves some goal, etc...
Then you have filled your ears with useless nonsense since all that is not the means for verifying the nature of god