Proof of the existence of God

It's necessary for causation as a concept, which applies to the claim that the origin of all things needs a primal cause. You see it puts the cart before the horse. How can there be cause and effect before there is cause and effect?
Do you deny that time is necessary for events to occur?
Time = Duration (of something). A formalized mathematical construct of measuring "duration" when something changes from state a to state b.

I submit that space (a permittive medium) is necessary for change to occur, but that time is not a medium in and of itself, but is the mathematical accounting of geometric changes in space, the duration of events or series of events. Until there is dynamic change, (Father) Time does not exist as a seperate plenum independent of space, it is and can only be a property of manifest reality.

I believe time is created during the dynamic process of change. It is a "simultaneous by-product" of change. That is why the arrow of time is always forward.

You can measure Space, but you cannot measure Time, time itself is time-less. It just occurred to me that the saying "looking back in time" is actually an incoherent statement.

Better to say, "looking back in space to measure time passed"
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Space works as an argument too. If there was no space, there could be no action. All actions by our observation happen in space.
Space works as an argument too. If there was no space, there could be no action. All actions by our observation happen in space.
That's where my question lies.
A permittive condition (space) must exist for change to be able to take place, but does Time need to exist before change takes place?
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It's necessary for causation as a concept, which applies to the claim that the origin of all things needs a primal cause. You see it puts the cart before the horse. How can there be cause and effect before there is cause and effect?

There only needs to be an initial cause.
That's where my question lies.
Space must exist for change to be able to take place, but does Time need to exist before change takes place?

To add, until the universe (reality) becomes manifest, time is not necessary.
The material world must exist in two states, manifest and unmanifest .

''The unmanifested is the Absolute, the pure and formless ground of being from which creation and manifestation arise. As such, the unmanifested is free from change, the unmoved mover. It also, necessarily, cannot be explained or comprehended in terms of any manifest reality.''


There only needs to be an initial cause.

To add, until the universe (reality) becomes manifest, time is not necessary.
The material world must exist in two states, manifest and unmanifest .

''The unmanifested is the Absolute, the pure and formless ground of being from which creation and manifestation arise. As such, the unmanifested is free from change, the unmoved mover. It also, necessarily, cannot be explained or comprehended in terms of any manifest reality.''


Bohm's hierarchical orders of the Implicate becoming Explicate in reality.
Bohm just recoined Aristotle's term "Active Intellect" ("unmoved mover"), with "Insight Intelligence".

I simply do not believe that this in any way resembles human thought, because it is a purely mathematical function, a pseudo intelligence, on a scale much larger than humans can comprehend, but no more sentient than a computer.

I call it Potential (That which may become reality) always in the direction of greater satisfaction.

"All knowledge is vain save when there is work" (Gibran). Work (change), not prayer.
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No we can't lift ourselves, but we can create aeroplanes, and helicopters.

That doesn't count as an argument.
Wind (air) of sufficient force can lift you quite easily also. Insects, being small and easily carried by the wind, learned to fly (lift themselves) hundreds of millions of years before man even existed.
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