Premonitions for 2013


Registered Senior Member
Have you had any premonitions for 2013?

I shouldn't say that the following is a premonition -I know that it might seem rather frivolous-, but it's bound that the baby that Britain's Kate and Prince William are expecting will be a boy. I'm sure their first child will be male.
Have you had any premonitions for 2013?

I shouldn't say that the following is a premonition -I know that it might seem rather frivolous-, but it's bound that the baby that Britain's Kate and Prince William are expecting will be a boy. I'm sure their first child will be male.

Well the two premonitions that I saw before came true...two are left, I am not sure when these will happen, not necessarily in year 2013. The premonitions I saw were: tsunami on East Coast and some sort of catastrophic either asteroid or a nuclear bomb, the second one however will happen in a very far future. That is all.
I also feel that the boy that Prince William of United Kingdom and her wife Kate are expecting, he will look like very much her mother. He will alike or look like Middleton family very much, he won't be alike Windsor family at all. He will be Kate-style. The boy will have brown hair and he will look like very much alike his mother (physical and character).
I also feel that Queen Elisabeth II will be extremely delighted with the birth of her great-grandson, and 2013 won't be a bad year for her at all.
And finally, the names of John and George resounds to me ... Maybe any of these names will be one of the names of the newborn.
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I don't have any premonitions of 2013, because it will never happen. :O

I shouldn't say that the following is a premonition...

So it's a guess?

I know that it might seem rather frivolous-, but it's bound that the baby that Britain's Kate and Prince William are expecting will be a boy. I'm sure their first child will be male.

It's a 50-50 bet either way, assuming no miscarriage etc. So, no great plaudits if you turn out to be right.

I also feel that the boy that Prince William of United Kingdom and her wife Kate are expecting, he will look like very much her mother.

Kids typically look like their parents. It's a genetic thing.

I also feel that Queen Elisabeth II will be extremely delighted with the birth of her great-grandson, and 2013 won't be a bad year for her at all.

Why wouldn't she be happy about the birth of a great-grandchild?

And finally, the names of John and George resounds to me ... Maybe any of these names will be one of the names of the newborn.

If it's a boy, he'll have a grandfather called Charles Phillip Arthur George, so George isn't a big stretch to be in there somewhere.
It's a 50-50 bet either way, assuming no miscarriage etc. So, no great plaudits if you turn out to be right.

Well, I started a thread about premonitions for next year and I thought that I had to post that I was certain that the first baby of Prince William and her wife Kate would be a boy.
I meant well.
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I wouldn't be surprised if its more active than 2012.

I think the ptb kept 2012 fairly quiet on big events thing to keep people calm, as they do not want to play into that date thing hollywood loves.

I would think next year they will get back to normal, with doing anything really and not caring at all.

I think the ptb kept this year deliberately quiet as much as they can, like nothing major happening.
Sorry Buddha12, ... I don't understand. What do you mean when you say "a bowel movement that leaves me in ecstasy?"?

I'd be very grateful to you if you could explain it to all us. Thank you.
What, you've never had one of those?

Now, you're either being facetious, or you're asking for someone who has had an orgasm to explain how it feels to a virgin.
Or you're a scat voyeur.
Sorry, Mr. The Marquis? :confused:

Sorry, I am a lady. I think you have got the wrong thread.
I am not going to tolerate or let you get away with lewd comments in this thread.
This is a thread for commenting about premonitions for next year 2013, about what you feel that 2013 could bring to all us.
I don't like lewd comments like yours at all. :(
Kate will miscarry.
Well buddha12 there is a possibility with that nurses death. A lot of people feel terrible about that.
I don't have any premonitions of 2013, because it will never happen. :O

You may be right! 12-21-2012 is coming up. Can't wait to see what may or may not happen.

Kate will give birth to a girl.

but it's bound that the baby that Britain's Kate and Prince William are expecting will be a boy. I'm sure their first child will be male.
Youreyes and 12 you both may be right. I think twins.
I will have a magnificent bowel movement that leaves me in ecstasy!
Won't WE ALL
I will be murdered

Bro don't say such things, because in your mind even if it is just a game and a joke, the subconsciousness accepts a possibility of this event occuring and your words do increase probability of it happening.
Death is not something to be "joked about" buddha 12. Look at the news, death is not a joking matter. I may "take you down" in monopoly is funny. So I will win and you will lose in the upcoming year. When it comes to that game.