Petty Motivations?

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dumbest man on earth

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies
Valued Senior Member
I received a couple of odd/strange PM's(and e-mails).

I reported both of them. I did not reply to them.

I think that they should be Publicly Posted so that the entire Forum can see them!

Are there Rules/Guidelines to Posting them for all to see?
The rules regarding private messages are published in our Site Posting Guidelines, which are readily available in the Site Feedback subforum. Basically, private communications are private, unless you have the express permission of the sender to publish.

Probably you are referring to my warning to you that you should consider ceasing your trolling behaviour.

Since your filing reports and your posting this thread are both a continuation of the same behaviour that led to the initial warning, starting the current thread really isn't helping your case.

The moderator group will consider whether your continued participating on this forum is desirable in good time.

If you wish to make a case for why we ought to retain you as a member, please send a private message copied to myself, Bells and Tiassa.

Thank you.
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So...will you give "express permission" to publish them?
If not, why not?
Isn't the answer self-evident? The message was delivered to you privately. It is communication directly between you and the sender - and on one else. That can only be relaxed with the agreement of both parties.

The question you might want to to ask is: how would you react if the shoe were on the other foot? What if you sent another member a private message, and they said they want to publish your reply publicly for all to read and comment on?
Isn't the answer self-evident? The message was delivered to you privately. It is communication directly between you and the sender - and on one else. That can only be relaxed with the agreement of both parties.
The question you might want to to ask is: how would you react if the shoe were on the other foot? What if you sent another member a private message, and they said they want to publish your reply publicly for all to read and comment on?

No, DaveC426913, I asked the question that I wanted to ask.

And BTW, I did NOT REPLY to the Private Message(s).

I Reported it(them)!!

The Reports were "Rejected"...and just possibly - NOTICE I STATED JUST POSSIBLY - "Rejected" by the same Person that sent both of the P.M.'s!

As far as any PM I send, DaveC426913, simply ask for my permission to Post it Publicly.

P.S. : In reference to your "Handle", DaveC426913 : I was student #69 when I went through Drill Sergeants School .
You were given a warning; so you reported it? You crack me up.
Actually, origin, the Message was somewhat explicit in pointing out that it was NOT a part of any Warning/Ban sequence.
Hence, the "odd/strange" description in the OP.
Actually, origin, the Message was somewhat explicit in pointing out that it was NOT a part of any Warning/Ban sequence.
Hence, the "odd/strange" description in the OP.
The person(s) who can best shed light on this apparent oddness/strangeness would be the person(s) who sent it. Why not ask them - privately?

That would be a double win for you - you'd get the answers you seek, while at the same time not violating forum policy.
Agree ^^

I wouldn’t post a pm in the public forum.
The person(s) who can best shed light on this apparent oddness/strangeness would be the person(s) who sent it. Why not ask them - privately?

That would be a double win for you - you'd get the answers you seek, while at the same time not violating forum policy.
see above^
Agree ^^

I wouldn’t post a pm in the public forum.
Thanks DaveC426913,
Thanks wegs,
...but, like I said...odd/strange.
To those who are puzzled, this dmoe whining about a warning I gave him for trolling.

He started the current thread as a means to continue the same sequence of trolling. Reporting the warning was something only dmoe would do.

Also, dmoe is telling some self-serving lies here.
To those who are puzzled, this dmoe whining about a warning I gave him for trolling.

He started the current thread as a means to continue the same sequence of trolling. Reporting the warning was something only dmoe would do.

Also, dmoe is telling some self-serving lies here.
What "lies' are those , James R?

Post the PM's that you sent me!
Post my "reply" that you mentioned in the 2nd PM!
Post Evidence of the "self-serving lies"!

Post the PM's James R!
Let the Forum know what you deemed "Trolling"!
Post the PM's that you sent me!
Post my "reply" that you mentioned in the 2nd PM!
Post Evidence of the "self-serving lies"!

Post the PM's James R!
Let the Forum know what you deemed "Trolling"!
Here's an extract from the initial warning I gave you, for the benefit of your audience, "the Forum", all of whom are, I'm sure, breathlessly interested in this latest public whine of yours. This was a warning for trolling, and came with the usual 10 warning points.

James R said:
In recent months, I have noticed that your inputs to this forum have been largely restricted to handing out "likes" to posts that your friends make.

I am under no illusions about the petty motivations behind this behaviour of yours.

If this kind of input is all you have to offer this forum these days, I believe that your continued membership of this forum will no longer be required.
How did you respond to this?

Let's see. The very first thing you did was to head off and add some "Likes" to various posts around the forum. Presumably you think nobody will be able to work out why you would do that, following this warning, because we're all idiots.

The next thing you did was that you you hit the "report" button on the private message containing the warning text above, and on my one-line follow-up post to that warning, which was to let you know what I had received your "Like" messages loud and clear.

The next thing you did after that was to post this thread to have a public whine. Again, you must think both that I'm a naive fool and that the public gallery reading these posts is made up of naive fools. You imagine that we can't work out why you would choose to post this thread, in the circumstances.

You know, and I know, that this entire thread is more of the same pattern of trolling behaviour from you. This is all you do here, these days. It is why, after months of raising an occasional eyebrow at your trolling tactics, I thought it might be a good idea to address them head on. Because, in the end, the question we all ask about you is: what value do you add to this forum? If the answer is "none", or the answer is negative, then it seems quite sensible to ask whether there's any reason to keep you on as the resident village idiot.

Don't you agree?
Here's an extract from the initial warning I gave you, for the benefit of your audience, "the Forum", all of whom are, I'm sure, breathlessly interested in this latest public whine of yours. This was a warning for trolling, and came with the usual 10 warning points.

How did you respond to this?

Let's see. The very first thing you did was to head off and add some "Likes" to various posts around the forum. Presumably you think nobody will be able to work out why you would do that, following this warning, because we're all idiots.

The next thing you did was that you you hit the "report" button on the private message containing the warning text above, and on my one-line follow-up post to that warning, which was to let you know what I had received your "Like" messages loud and clear.

The next thing you did after that was to post this thread to have a public whine. Again, you must think both that I'm a naive fool and that the public gallery reading these posts is made up of naive fools. You imagine that we can't work out why you would choose to post this thread, in the circumstances.

You know, and I know, that this entire thread is more of the same pattern of trolling behaviour from you. This is all you do here, these days. It is why, after months of raising an occasional eyebrow at your trolling tactics, I thought it might be a good idea to address them head on. Because, in the end, the question we all ask about you is: what value do you add to this forum? If the answer is "none", or the answer is negative, then it seems quite sensible to ask whether there's any reason to keep you on as the resident village idiot.

Don't you agree?
Mostly fair, but I think there is some competition to be the forum resident village idiot. :D
James R,
You seem to be "under" more than a single "illusion"

That I have friends on this Forum!
That giving "Likes" to Posts are in some way indicative of "Petty Motivations"!
That giving "Likes" to Posts is in some way "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!

Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly are "the petty motivations behind this behaviour"?

Here's an extract from the initial warning I gave you, for the benefit of your audience, "the Forum", all of whom are, I'm sure, breathlessly interested in this latest public whine of yours. This was a warning for trolling, and came with the usual 10 warning points.
There was NOTHING in the PM you sent me that indicated that it "was a warning for trolling, and came with the usual 10 warning points"!!!
As a matter of FACT, James R, the PM seemed to reference "exceptions to the ordinary warning/ban sequence if and when it is appropriate to do so for the good of the forum."
I found that odd/strange!!!
How did you respond to this?

Let's see. The very first thing you did was to head off and add some "Likes" to various posts around the forum. Presumably you think nobody will be able to work out why you would do that, following this warning, because we're all idiots.
I hit the "Like" button on Posts I like, James R - That has nothing to do with YOU!!

I "Presume" NOTHING, James R!

Again, Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly do YOU PRESUME is "why" ???
BTW, James R, do YOU commonly think of people as "idiots", or refer to people as "idiots"?

The next thing you did was that you you hit the "report" button on the private message containing the warning text above, and on my one-line follow-up post to that warning, which was to let you know what I had received your "Like" messages loud and clear.
When I give "Likes" to Posts, those "likes" are because there is something that I "Like" about those Posts!!!
Those "Likes are in NOT "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!
I find it odd/strange that you seem to think that Posts I make or the "Likes" I click-on are "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!
The next thing you did after that was to post this thread to have a public whine. Again, you must think both that I'm a naive fool and that the public gallery reading these posts is made up of naive fools. You imagine that we can't work out why you would choose to post this thread, in the circumstances.
I Posted this Thread because I received a couple of odd/strange PM's(and e-mails) from you, James R.

Once again, Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly have you IMAGINED is "why" I "would choose to post this thread, in the circumstances"???

You know, and I know, that this entire thread is more of the same pattern of trolling behaviour from you. This is all you do here, these days. It is why, after months of raising an occasional eyebrow at your trolling tactics, I thought it might be a good idea to address them head on. Because, in the end, the question we all ask about you is: what value do you add to this forum? If the answer is "none", or the answer is negative, then it seems quite sensible to ask whether there's any reason to keep you on as the resident village idiot.
More name calling from you, James R!!!

presumptions,assumptions, conjecture, name calling, strange imaginings...
Is this what you consider "SCIENCE", James R ???

Don't you agree?


James R, I still feel that the PM's that you sent me should be Posted in their entirety as originally sent to me!!!
That way the entire Forum could read them!!

BTW : You accused me of telling "self-serving lies" in your Post #11, James R!
I asked you about them in my Post #12.
So, again I ask you, James R to prove those allegations/accusations or to retract them!
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James R, I still feel that the PM's that you sent me should be Posted in their entirety as originally sent to me!!!
That way the entire Forum could read them!!

What would give you the notion the entire forum wants to read them? They are of no concern to anyone but you.
I’m curious how some of you deal with rules “in real life.” Lol It’s not that hard to follow the rules on a forum.

Don’t get yourself banned, dmoe. :oops:
I’m curious how some of you deal with rules “in real life.” Lol It’s not that hard to follow the rules on a forum.

Don’t get yourself banned, dmoe. :oops:
I have no problems following rules “in real life” Wegs.
And I have been following the Rules on this Forum.
If you reread Post #13 by JamesR, above^, you will see that he wants to permanently Ban me because of the "Likes" that I click on when I "Like" a Post.

From James R's Post #13 :
" James R said:
In recent months, I have noticed that your inputs to this forum have been largely restricted to handing out "likes" to posts that your friends make.

I am under no illusions about the petty motivations behind this behaviour of yours.

If this kind of input is all you have to offer this forum these days, I believe that your continued membership of this forum will no longer be required. "

I give you a "Like" , wegs and James R sees that as part of some "petty motivations"???!!!
I can't even conceive of what kind of thought process would lead to James R to come up with that???!!!

You seem like a nice lady, Wegs , but I really do not know you or anyone else on this there is no way that you or anyone else on this Forum are my "friends"???!!!

What could giving your Posts a "Like" make any kind of difference in the greater scheme of things, Wegs?

How would or could giving anyone's Posts a "Like" even merit a "Warning"???!!!

Wegs, I have read and reread the Forum Rules - I can find nothing referring to clicking on the "Like" button on Posts is NOT ALLOWED or is in some way BREAKING ANY RULE???!!!

Wegs, what I find odd/strange is that James R has come up with this inane ruse to Permanently Ban me???!!!

Wegs, would it be wrong of me to wonder if it might just possibly be James R that has some petty motivations behind his behaviour?

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