Operating System(OS) Wars

Which OS is better? (post version/build and any reason for your decision)

  • Windows OS

    Votes: 18 34.6%
  • Mac OS

    Votes: 7 13.5%
  • Linux based OS

    Votes: 21 40.4%
  • UNIX

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 7.7%

  • Total voters
oh, you for real then. I thought you were playing a character. See how jaded i have become? 1992...those were the days. The internet was the wild west. Who can forget those midi lace pages with the blood dripping gif? But...i digress.:D

You should try google spell checker. It the best out there, imop. Does you version have spell check? Do you have even have right click on chrome?

What does right click do?

Do you see red squiggle lines under some of you words?

Yeah im as real as it gets... lol.!!!

O yes this Pavlion 14" screen chromebook incerts red squiggle lines... has right click or 2 fanger touch pad right click an the spell checker is grate (i use it on words that ant spelled close enuff to recognize... but some words still need to be googled in a sentence sometimes to get the right spellin).!!!

My first internet device was a WebTV... it worked perty good in the beginin but toward the end it woudnt work at my banks... Liberry or even Walmart... lol.!!!
oh...ok, i forgot about webTV. In that case you made the right choice with the chromebook, it's much better than webTV. Good choice about spell check. If it isnt necessary than probably better off not using it and it can't correct grammer. looool. I was always a good speller though. In written form i suffer a minor case of dyslexia.

I throw my hat into the ring for OS X. Even though i have not used the latest version and i have only an old mac that has kernal panicks.
After using various flavors of linux (migrated during the win 95 fiasco) I settled on slackware. I just have never seen anything like it for stable trouble free operation. Im using the 64 bit current flavor of slack.
windows my friends only because im lazy and i dont want to do the work of changing my os and too poor for a mac
You might want to try rewriting the wikipedia on that one.

Who have a less than stellar record on accuracy. If you are an ubuntu fan you should take a look at the backgrounds of the companies and people pushing systemd, youd be suprised, but trust me, i have used linux since 96 and ubuntu in its current state, especially with systemd, is not linux.
I didn't bother with Ubuntu, I did use Debian about a decade back for a while, however I moved onto the *BSD range. I found Unix related systems more appealing than just pure Linux.

The reality is though that there can be Linux kernels present, which means there is a partial case for people calling such OS's "Linux".
the one that allows you to create special needs programs.
that's what i miss the most about BASIC.
i had direct access to every screen pixel and HDD sector.
windows really sucks in this regard.
how do you go about creating a program that bids a 4 player spade hand with this piece of crap windows XP?

lol leopold, my man... reminiscing about BASIC is like reminiscing about refrigerators you had to throw ice into :)
lol leopold, my man... reminiscing about BASIC is like reminiscing about refrigerators you had to throw ice into :)
oh my, it's varda.
yeah, well i'll damned.
BASIC was the shit back in the day.
i've written quite a few programs with it.
2 or 3 of which i'm really proud of.
one of the best was a "string art" generator.
some really amazing plots was gained by that program.
it basically worked on the fourier transform.
i've been giving thoughts to resurrecting that old dinosaur here on the forums.
Haha, please do.
I'm not absolved from thinking fondly of archaic tech... hell, I'm still making money off of cobol. That cow shall never die.
Haha, please do.
the unfortunate thing is i no longer have a BASIC machine and i no longer have the program listing.
i could reconstruct 95% or so of the program from memory but there are certain "tweaks" that had to be done for the program to run correctly.
the program used 3 basic waveshapes, sine, square, and triangular.
the values the operator had control of was the cycle count and waveshape.
due to anomalies of the setup, waveshape cycle count HAD to be divisible by 4
i remember having to zero certain waveshape points to keep from drawing "anomalous" lines.
each addition of a waveshape required a multiplier and i can't remember what that was.
but yeah, it was a grand program.
i had to debug that thing so often that i devised a way to store the waveshapes in memory instead of regenerating them every time the program was run.
it was a short step from there to storing the generated results in memory too.
i had to reserve 8 pages for video memory and only used 4 for the plots.
that left me with 4 pages to store the arrays.
sounds easy, but doing the above created its own problems.
BASIC zeroes all variables when you run a program so i had to also store certain variables in memory too.
yeah, i truly miss my coco, it was about the only thing that taxed my brain.
the unfortunate thing is i no longer have a BASIC machine and i no longer have the program listing.
i could reconstruct 95% or so of the program from memory but there are certain "tweaks" that had to be done for the program to run correctly.
the program used 3 basic waveshapes, sine, square, and triangular.
the values the operator had control of was the cycle count and waveshape.
due to anomalies of the setup, waveshape cycle count HAD to be divisible by 4
i remember having to zero certain waveshape points to keep from drawing "anomalous" lines.
each addition of a waveshape required a multiplier and i can't remember what that was.
but yeah, it was a grand program.
i had to debug that thing so often that i devised a way to store the waveshapes in memory instead of regenerating them every time the program was run.
it was a short step from there to storing the generated results in memory too.
i had to reserve 8 pages for video memory and only used 4 for the plots.
that left me with 4 pages to store the arrays.
sounds easy, but doing the above created its own problems.
BASIC zeroes all variables when you run a program so i had to also store certain variables in memory too.
yeah, i truly miss my coco, it was about the only thing that taxed my brain.

lol your coco...

BTW, there are BASIC compilers/emulators for windows that you can get to help you rewrite your code and get it running... I wonder, Maybe there's even an in-browser one, that'd be pretty easy/cool. Google around. May be a fun thing to play around with during the holidays.
Unrelated side note... Stryder, the mobile website for this forum is awesome. So much better than your average off-the-shelf phpbb mobile site. I love it. Is it a custom one, or is it offered by whatever platform you guys use?
BTW, there are BASIC compilers/emulators for windows that you can get to help you rewrite your code and get it running.
i googled "BASIC compilers/ emulators" and got the following link:
it's a 16 MB download.
i'll check it out.
i doubt if i can use it though because my program requires direct access to each screen pixel.
i'll soon find out though.
the above download seems promising.
here's the help file:


  • help.zip
    49.3 KB · Views: 1
The help file is just for navigating the BASIC shell. Does it require DOS, or is it a bootable BASIC? I have too many machines that need upgrades right now, and no time to play..
Does it require DOS, or is it a bootable BASIC?
the app opens in a command type of window from the desktop.
it ran the basic "hello world" program.
i haven't tested pixel access nor the different video modes.
you might be able to get the app to boot, i don't know.
there are 2 executables in the download, pcbasic.com and pcbasic.exe.
I have too many machines that need upgrades right now, and no time to play..
you planning on upgrading your machine to BASIC?