News from Gaza Part 2

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Its bad enough you lie to others but at least be honest to yourself. You vioced as a reason to why the Lehi weren't terrorist was because they had a song. And I have never made a racist and infantile comments I'll leave that up to you, the people like you, and the SAMs

quote me then. i dare you. i double dare you.
really? other then a single paper that says nothing, and lots of anti jewish and israelis links on the web?

you are not an israeli, you never met a lehi activist. this guys gave their lives for future generations-they even wrote a song about their sacrifice. you have me believe they wanted to cooperate with the nazis against the jews in europe?

the mufti of jeruslam, part of the arab leadership, actively participated in the holocaust, and promised the NAZIS to finish the jews in israel. that is cooperating with NAZIS. heck, who remember it now? most of the arabs and muslims i meet on the web never heard of the mufti.

also you made one of you usual since I'm not willing to kiss Israeli ass I'm an antisemite arguments and If you'll note more than one person mocked you for your song reference. which was used in an lame attempt to refute my point that they were terrorists who were willing to work with the nazis
Its bad enough you lie to others but at least be honest to yourself. You vioced as a reason to why the Lehi weren't terrorist was because they had a song. And I have never made a racist and infantile comments I'll leave that up to you, the people like you, and the SAMs

pj, you are one of the most bigoted people I have ever had the displeasure of reading, you think your above it all, and that you are the epitomey of truth and wisdom.

Just like Hitler, Himmiler, Mussolini, and Tojo, they all thought, that they were perfectly rational too, and everybody else was wrong, just like you.
also you made one of you usual since I'm not willing to kiss Israeli ass I'm an antisemite arguments and If you'll note more than one person mocked you for your song reference. which was used in an lame attempt to refute my point that they were terrorists who were willing to work with the nazis

You still haven't refuted Spock, nor have you provided quotes to support you slander.

Still a legend in your own mind.
seems to me thats mean you should like them considering your love affair to the lehi. I haven't forgotten you comment that the reason the lehi weren't terrorist was because they had a theme song.

were is the quote of me saying that? hmmm? no were to be found?
also you made one of you usual since I'm not willing to kiss Israeli ass I'm an antisemite arguments and If you'll note more than one person mocked you for your song reference. which was used in an lame attempt to refute my point that they were terrorists who were willing to work with the nazis

go to bed. please. you are just mocking yourself.
Inshallah bro. Allah doesn't want the Palestinians to be competent at launching rockets, while He guides the bombs of the Israelis like they are His own furious vengeance.

Can we stop with the rhetoric now?

You probably meant to say "hamdulillah" ... "allah makes it so".

Allah also doesn't think the "Palestinians" deserve any sort of state while they're committing apostasy of suicide bombing and baby killing with sniper rifles.
pj, you are one of the most bigoted people I have ever had the displeasure of reading, you think your above it all, and that you are the epitomey of truth and wisdom.
Since you never learned I'll say it again. I don't really give a fuck what you think of me. You are quite frankly the dumbest and most bigoted person. The fact you think I am a bigot is to me the greatest thing you could say to me. Because I know if you don't like it I'm on the good path.
Just like Hitler, Himmiler, Mussolini, and Tojo, they all thought, that they were perfectly rational too, and everybody else was wrong, just like you.

More of your delusions. Well its nice to know your still up to your old projectin tricks. Your delusional, a bigot, and a rightwing fanatic who thinks they are rational and always right just like the 4 you mentioned.
go to bed. please. you are just mocking yourself.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH you can't run your mouth of cause I found the quote. Just remember hatred is a double edged sword don't come running to me and mine when you and yours get cut by it.
quote me then. i dare you. i double dare you.

are you sure your not the same person as buffaloroam? I never thought so before but you always struck me for what ever your faults as an adult and that sound like the infantile third grade shit he spouts.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH you can't run your mouth of cause I found the quote. Just remember hatred is a double edged sword don't come running to me and mine when you and yours get cut by it.

you didnt find any quote of me saying with what you associated me. your response only shows your inability to understand the simplest of concepts.

and as much as you want it to be, this thread isnt about me, so your personal attacks have no room in here as they only straiten from the topic.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH you can't run your mouth of cause I found the quote. Just remember hatred is a double edged sword don't come running to me and mine when you and yours get cut by it.

You still haven't come up with any Quotes from Spock, as usual, you never come up with any thing to back you mouth, except more running off at the mouth.
you didnt find any quote of me saying with what you associated me. your response only shows your inability to understand the simplest of concepts.

and as much as you want it to be, this thread isnt about me, so your personal attacks have no room in here as they only straiten from the topic.

Its not a personable attack to show you don't have an objective viewpoint. I don't want it to be about you. I really don't care how you want to argue or about what on this topic. I'll still come out ahead on the facts because I look at a broader spectrum of sources.

You need to look at what was said before and after. You only asked for the direct quote. Not the context and the implications of it.
So appartently neither you nor spock or much for reading.

Yes, I have read much of your posts, and you are one bigoted MoFo, my friend, and like most bigots, you see it in everybody else, but fail to look to your self.

So again back your slander of Spock with Quotes, which you cannot do, so you are just running your mouth trying to look intelligent, but that is something you won't accomplish until you fire that teacher.
Its not a personable attack to show you don't have an objective viewpoint. I don't want it to be about you. I really don't care how you want to argue or about what on this topic. I'll still come out ahead on the facts because I look at a broader spectrum of sources.

You need to look at what was said before and after. You only asked for the direct quote. Not the context and the implications of it.

you would think that after your inability to phrase things on your own when requested you quoted wiki instead you would be a little more humble. real or not, i see no point in further discussing with you.
It's entirely possible that spock deleted the quote. Such an action would be logically consistent with his character.
Another Jew apologist defending the right of military superiority to punish those who refuse to accept it.

You have to admit that locking up any animal for long enough will probably mean it starts doing crazy things like attacking its 'master'. Israel is directly responsible, using the logic I saw one of their MPs using on the TV, for the 'terrorist attacks' then. As Israelis claim Hamas is directly responsible for the civilian deaths that Israeli aggression is causing right now.

Applying any sort of logic to the situation tends to fall apart at some point - I wonder why?

Humans, particularly spock are highly illogical. I wouldn't go looking for logic in this forum.
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