MTBI? Myers Briggs?

What about it?

(Welcome to sciforums, by the way!)
MTBI? Myers Briggs?

What about it?

(Welcome to sciforums, by the way!)

Thanks. I don't know. I just wanted to talk about stuff, because I am an ENTP, and I need to preserve my eloquence, and I don't have many intelligent or interesting people to talk to in person.
Also, what usually happens on this site? Is it just random people having random conversations pretty much?
Like most discussion sites - as opposed to chat sites - I'd think. If there is a topic you want to discuss, usually there is some aspect about it you wish to ask about. So Threads are generally started on the base of the OP's questions (that's you).

(Oh. Nevermind. That medical reference is too old for the internet.)
I don't know that one.

But, according to a nurse I once knew*, we have NFN (=Normal For Norfolk) or a Scots variant NFP (=Normal For Paisley), both referring to people of incredible stupidity. Plus RTA for a casualty of a road traffic accident and PFO, (=pissed, fell over) for some of the people brought in on a Saturday night.

*In the, erm, biblical sense.

Also, what usually happens on this site? Is it just random people having random conversations pretty much?
Not many random people, these days. We have a smallish group of members who pop in here fairly regularly to see what's going on. Apart from that, we get new people signing up regularly, but only a small percentage of those end up sticking around, for different reasons.

The conversations aren't exactly random, either. Here's what our site posting guidelines (see the sticky thread in the Site Feedback subforum for more):

"Sciforums is an intelligent community that encourages learning and thoughtful discussion. We expect and welcome contributions that inform as well as stimulate discussion and debate. At its foundation, sciforums focused on discussion of Science. As the forum developed, our interests broadened to include Philosophy and Ethics, Religion, World Events and Politics and other topics. However, we retain in all areas of debate an ethos of respect for the scientific method, which demands critical analysis, clear thinking and evidence-based argument. Vigorous debate is expected, but we expect all participants to treat each other with courtesy and basic good manners, and to abide by reasonable standards of intellectual integrity and honesty."
What is your personality type and how does that influence how you behave/interact/think?
Apparently, I'm an INTJ (but I sometimes test as INFJ, too).

I guess that, if the Myers-Briggs system has any validity (and I'm aware of quite a lot of debate about that), then I suppose I conform to the usual descriptions of the type a lot of the time. Of course, my personality was already developed before I ever took a Myers-Briggs style test, so I think the causation goes the other way, if anything: my personality type influences how I test on MB, not the other way around! Certainly, I make no special efforts to conform to the type descriptions.

Not many random people, these days. We have a smallish group of members who pop in here fairly regularly to see what's going on. Apart from that, we get new people signing up regularly, but only a small percentage of those end up sticking around, for different reasons.

They probably don't stick around because they get demolished in debate and it scares them off in many cases.
In other cases, it's likely just boredom that does it.

The conversations aren't exactly random, either. Here's what our site posting guidelines (see the sticky thread in the Site Feedback subforum for more):

"Sciforums is an intelligent community that encourages learning and thoughtful discussion. We expect and welcome contributions that inform as well as stimulate discussion and debate. At its foundation, sciforums focused on discussion of Science. As the forum developed, our interests broadened to include Philosophy and Ethics, Religion, World Events and Politics and other topics. However, we retain in all areas of debate an ethos of respect for the scientific method, which demands critical analysis, clear thinking and evidence-based argument. Vigorous debate is expected, but we expect all participants to treat each other with courtesy and basic good manners, and to abide by reasonable standards of intellectual integrity and honesty."

Apparently, I'm an INTJ (but I sometimes test as INFJ, too).

I guess that, if the Myers-Briggs system has any validity (and I'm aware of quite a lot of debate about that), then I suppose I conform to the usual descriptions of the type a lot of the time. Of course, my personality was already developed before I ever took a Myers-Briggs style test, so I think the causation goes the other way, if anything: my personality type influences how I test on MB, not the other way around! Certainly, I make no special efforts to conform to the type descriptions.

Duly noted. Thanks for that very very thorough explanation. You certainly sound like an NT type.
I would say that the MBTI system is valid in many cases, but it's just not thorough enough. Also, according to what I have heard on yt, the function stack must have the judging functions on the outside or crammed together on the inside. I don't understand why the judging functions can't be together at the bottom or the top. Why is that? Surely there would be some people out there who preferred both of their judging functions over both of their observing functions, and vice versa...

Apparently, I'm an INTJ (but I sometimes test as INFJ, too).

I guess that, if the Myers-Briggs system has any validity (and I'm aware of quite a lot of debate about that), then I suppose I conform to the usual descriptions of the type a lot of the time. Of course, my personality was already developed before I ever took a Myers-Briggs style test, so I think the causation goes the other way, if anything: my personality type influences how I test on MB, not the other way around! Certainly, I make no special efforts to conform to the type descriptions.

Right. Bias for some personality type or another might cause a lot of mistyping. Which usual descriptions of the personality types do you generally conform to? The INTJ descriptions?
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Apparently, I'm an INTJ (but I sometimes test as INFJ, too).

I guess that, if the Myers-Briggs system has any validity (and I'm aware of quite a lot of debate about that), then I suppose I conform to the usual descriptions of the type a lot of the time. Of course, my personality was already developed before I ever took a Myers-Briggs style test, so I think the causation goes the other way, if anything: my personality type influences how I test on MB, not the other way around! Certainly, I make no special efforts to conform to the type descriptions.

Also, to elaborate on a previous point, I don't get why The function stack has to go IEIE or EIEI, rather than EEII or IIEE. E=extrovert. I=introvert. It might even go EEEE or IIII or EIIE or IEEI or etc.
What do you mean the "function stack"? And what do you mean by outside, inside, top and bottom, in that context?
In other cases, it's likely just boredom that does it.

You can add, many get feed up with trolls and assorted others with unsavoury aspects. I deal with those with the Iggy option

Those on Iggy still appear but in name only with a note saying You are ignoring this member click here to view

Makes following trends tricky but perhaps in only two or three cases have I done so and those clicks only affirmed don't bother next case

Must be approaching 50 on Iggy. A few of those would be from the keto / gummy bunch so don't really count

Why the forum has not produce a keto / gummy filter I don't know

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You can add, many get feed up with trolls and assorted others with unsavoury aspects. I deal with those with the Iggy optio....
.... Those on Iggy still appear but in name only with a note saying You are ignoring this member click here to view
Testing 123 testing 123 :)