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A year back, when i was tired of witchcraft happening on me and also the mind's strain by systematic pressure by evil indians, i resorted to meditation. In the night when witches and demons used to disturb me, i switched off the fan and light of my room Then in the darkness i used to light a candle and sit with folded legs in front of it. For half an hour i used to remain calm. In the morning everything was silent, as if the evils had ran away. I practised for more than ten days. But had to discontinue since i got swollen lymphs in my armpits. I had then treatment from a doctor. Yesterday, i again started my meditation. I touched my forehead with my left magical hand and saw a visual of a beast standing in a red atmosphere. The beast roared when i looked at it. Imagination visuals without thinking. Can these mythological creatures brought to this world by my saffavid mind? - nawaz kunal pagare khan
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In my visions i had been to the invisible palace to meet my islamic family. But in reality i can't find the way. If one day i succeed in reaching the islamic palace, which is my real home... I doubt it must have been occupied by indian witches and demons. Even the others might had accessed it. - nawaz kunal pagare khan
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I again had a nightmare dream. I was sitting in pakistan in a room. There were also some foreigner military persons sitting beside me. Then i stood and turned towards a door which lead me to a balcony. When i looked out the balcony, the scene was nightmare. Many pakistan civilians had left their houses and were sitting in an open ground. There was a economic collapse in pakistan. Many women and children just had a gadda i.e. bed, and a plastic bag which contained their only belongings! There was extreme poverty. I came down the building and many children had nothing to eat came towards me. Just then a man asked money from me, he then went some steps back and showed me his bowling action. He too was carrying a plastic bag with his belongings! I recognised him, he was aquib javed pakistani cricketeer! Then i took out a coin and gave it to him. His hand was shaking when he took the coin. My heart was in extreme pain. Then i asked a pakistani young woman,'why is it that pakistan became so poor?' She replied,'cause we are samarind.' I couldn't understand it.
When i woke up, i couldn't believe that i had such a bad dream. I used to think that pakistan is a rich country and india is a poor country. According to my dreams it seems that pakistan after partition in 1947 never got independence from the tyranny of the western and britishers. I doubt if it ever got any financial help to build the infrastructure, schools and hospitals. I wonder where does the money dissappears which some foreign countries give AID to pakistan. In my dream it also seems that pakistan is a refugee country. The person aquib javed who in my vision is one of the member of my islamic family of my dreams who infact should be living in a palace as a king! Here in mumbai, where many many middle class people have become excessively rich, pakistan on the other hand seems heading towards a catastrophe. Why doesn't the other islamic countries assist in pakistan's economy financially. I think pakistan should discard ties with america.

nawaz kunal pagare khan
...and the "Woo of the Week" award goes to...envelope please..(drum roll)....Bellbottom!
bellbottem get a life. And stop doing crystal meth. And in about 3 posts your going to accuse me of being an evil Indian although i am Jewish.
That's what you claim Fedr, but EVERYONE knows that the evil Indians tell lies.
Get over in the corner with the others and behave!
You cynic!
Anyone who lives in the destroyed invisible palace has dreams that are real.
The matrix sux. Quite simply profound movies all three of them which leave you aching for more. Can't never get more/enough so therefore/that means that you're left with the feeling of incomplete story and amazing design and memory into the past.. what matrix is.. than compared to a disney movie like Tarzan for instance:p

I read about the iran's khomeni revolution of 1979. One of its reforms is - iran people should live a oppressed lifestyle in a slum...from riches to not good. Also the earlier dependancies from america is incorrect. This has degraded standard of living over a wide radius from iran and have relived the others by becoming par. I also think that the pointless military interference by countries like russia, england and america since 1700 a.d. should also be stopped. - nawaz kunal pagare khan

I think the sunnis live across the west boundary of iran. Might be that people of iraq are sunni people ruled by shia rulers. I think one of my earlier birth was in Afghanistan. But I can’t recall any of that life. Perhaps there were camels in Afghanistan once. My mind tells me that my coming in this life would bring rejoice to sunnis, but neither anyone comes to meet me. The saffavids shia has a typical dress which is darkest black in colour and is layered one over the other. My mind tells me that shia had a typical dance which I once knew and liked. But in this life I don’t get to visit neither any shia dance festival nor any marriage procession! I want to see shia dance and participate in it!
Pakistani cricketeer waqar younis is also a shia. If instead of the ball its replaced by a sword, then it will be the extreme speed with which he strikes! He might be wearing that black dress and he might be knowing that dance!
I was thinking if I get to fly the cobra helicopter, I would be a much superior warrior!
Also I think in this modern world there is a monetary corruption. Might be that the banking system from the middle east to India is connected with internet money banking. In the yehudi American banking system, there are specific banking accounts kept by individuals. When these individuals log in to the internet, the websites of the internet changes into yehudi language. Then there is a transaction from nowhere into that account without the trace from where it was sent from and yehudi Americans become extremely rich with invisible internet money. I think the Iraqis never kept any internet banking system. I think they used to deal everything in hard cash. And they were rich too. But I think in India, here is a different banking system where the banking accounts are somewhere else in mind perhaps! There might be many hackers in India, and many accounts like of president of iran LOL, then president of Pakistan LOL …might had been easily accessed. Here there is a system where I give my account to an unknown individual and after a week it gets filled in by money. There might be even some techniques through which the bank account money could be hidden and even no trace could be found. Even the banks might be corrupt and assisting many unknown identities in achieving such money channelising! I think money belongs only to those individuals who are superior in hierarchy in society. But due to the corruptness in present day banking, there is a huge imbalance. There might be even hacking of various industries accounts where the money vanished as if it wasn't there! Bengal where there was a metro train since 1988, might be channeling multi-million dollars from the middle east into individual accounts. And they are still wearing dirty lifestyle. Might be that the Indian mind money channeling had funneled more than millions but have no equivalent hard cash the government can produce or create it in as internet money. There might be a day, when even the workers in India might be having millions in mind account and still living a degraded lifestyle, in contrast with the pakistanis!
- nawaz kunal pagare khan
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In mumbai, i remember that everything the buildings, the beaches, the playgrounds etc belongs to shia people. - nawaz kunal pagare khan
Yesterday, i again started my meditation. I touched my forehead with my left magical hand and saw a visual of a beast standing in a red atmosphere. The beast roared when i looked at it. Imagination visuals without thinking. Can these mythological creatures brought to this world by my saffavid mind? - nawaz kunal pagare khan

It's called morning glory.

Maybe the beast was angry that you took your "magical left hand" away, so it roared at you.


My advice. If you want the voices, beasts, witches, demons, etc to go away. Go and see your doctor (real doctor who actually went to a real university for his/her medical degree) and tell that doctor a bit of what you have told us. If that doctor is good, they will provide you with the medication you so obviously need and refer you to a psychiatrist. Embrace the modern times and medicine because you really do need it.

Hawa hawa aye hawa, khusboo luta de, kahan khuli aye khuli zulf bata de, main usse miloon ga, zara mujhko bata de... Yaar milan de, dildar milan de, yaar milan de, ek baar milan de...dhoond lena sara zamana! - nawaz kunal pagare khan
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Hawa hawa aye hawa, khusboo luta de, kahan khuli aye khuli zulf bata de, main usse miloon ga, zara mujhko bata de... Yaar milan de, dildar milan de, yaar milan de, ek baar milan de...dhoond lena sara zamana! - nawaz kunal pagare khan

Did you just tell me to go and stick a hot poker in my ear? Because that's the whole vibe I'm getting from you at the moment.
When he gets his (deserved) ban for using this place as a personal blogging site we won't miss him.
That's for sure.
When he gets his (deserved) ban for using this place as a personal blogging site we won't miss him.
That's for sure.

It could be worse. Much much worse.

Meh. I need to go and get dinner started, otherwise the children will start to gnaw on the furniture.:bawl:

There was a pahadi pakistani movie i had once seen in my childhood days in 1991. It featured songs hawa hawa and aj jana dil hai dewana. - nawaz kunal pagare khan

There is also a spectacular steam engine with bogies which is infact a time machine exclusively built for only muslims. A electric portal opens in air and the steam engine comes down flying and lands with a lot of dust. Then it again takes off and dissappears. - nawaz kunal pagare khan
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