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Hi, according to my vision, i had a theory in my mind. The thing is there are many many communities in this world. Each community has even many diversified sects. Each act like matrix world. If i in self defense kill a person, then that person would be born in muslim world! That means an identity has got accessed into another sect. I think there are many insiders in pakistan who are indians and are my hidden enemies, vice-versa. This is not good and infact witchcraft. This race mixture should be stopped. - nawaz kunal pagare khan
Hi, according to my vision, i had a theory in my mind.
A vision does not constitute a theory.

Each act like matrix world.
If you persist in that ridiculous view I'll have to send my squiddies after you.

If i in self defense kill a person, then that person would be born in muslim world!
Pure fantasy.

I think there are many insiders in pakistan who are indians and are my hidden enemies, vice-versa.
You're paranoid and delusional.
Get professional help.

This is not good and infact witchcraft.
It is, in fact, nonsense.
Witchcraft is not real.

This race mixture should be stopped.

There is a film called 'bombay', in it there is a beautiful song called 'kehna hi kya' sung by unknown, music by unknown. Someone else does the work. Even the film cast is not even muslim and even the depiction/script is false.
- nawaz kunal pagare khan
Which doesn't answer any of the above points.
I think the bad indians and others sought for wordly goodness from islam.
What does that mean?

as far as I know, india has been an ancient civilization and been invaded by or been in trade with almost every other ethnic group from Europe and Asia and few from Africa. As a result, the northern part of India is highly mixed race and culture where most of the invasion took place.

There was Hinduism even before Islam and Hinduism was never a religion during those days nor it was meant to be a religion. Later generation began to misrepresent vedic textbooks and the stories they used to teach science and philosophy into religious stories. Islam came into India during the Arab invasions.

So irrespective of whatever religion you practice, you are ethnically Indian at the core. Its quite normal that different religions clash with each other trying to prove their superiority over others and in that process condition the new generations to believe all those bs. You are just being a victim of such a propaganda.

Most of you try to disrupt my mindset; i think the bad indians and others should mind their own goodness. I am a khan and i try to search for other khans as we live and have to look after one another! But i feel so lonely! Then i watch in tv, and i see only pakistan cricket team as the only khan team! So where is the mythological khan clan? I read about the star trek, it says there was a khan episode which tells that most khans went to stay to outer planets and came back to earth as superhumans specimen warrior! So whats the meaning of warriors i am thinking! As i was writing about the saffavids of tehran, iran who have the same shape of hands as i have! Then there is a ground where i go to play cricket and football. I think its a magical ground where my skin glows white in colour as the saffavids! Then i remembered a vision that i had, in it there is this same ground. But i can't figure out whats the date and year that this vision took place. The vision is- i went to play football in the morning alone in this ground with my football. Just then there was a thunder sound and the indian people began to run away from the ground. The ground became empty and there was only me! Then i looked up and i saw a huge helicopter like UFO. It landed in the field. A door opened and from it 11 to 15 shia football players came out. They were all dressed in their typical black dress. I can't remember whether it was a ritual or did they really came from a UFO helicopter! As i thought of getting dizzy from fear cause my forehead was equal to their waist. I am 5 feet 9 inch height and they might be 10 feet. The most remarkable feature was that all were exactly similar to me, bone structure, facial expression and even hair style with glowing white skin colour! One of them came near me and started talking to me! He said that he wanted to play football. And i thought he was saying that i was a disgrace to his community. So i replied that i am your leader! Then i touched his forearm, it were so strong. I asked him,'kya khaya ki aisa bana?' It were like he could with one punch break a tree into half! The iranian team of 1996 were very similar to the persons that i saw in my visions. The present day iranian football team is of skinny thin players! These tall 10 footers are exceptional football players, could jump to 8 feet and kick the ball. There is thud when they kick the football! So i played for perhaps an hour with these iranians! When i was tired perhaps one of them broke some of my bones! And they all dissappeared. When i woke, the indians behaved as if nothing happened!
Perhaps these are the saffavid khan shia clan only captured in my visions! They might be called the revolutionary guards of iran! If this vision comes real, then the army forces of the saffavids might be having extremely huge horses for them to be carried. The arabian horse! And the sword might be so huge, perhaps more than five feet! There were also elephants in the saffavid army. The elephants also might had been very huge! I might be equal to the elephants' shins!
All this makes me to think that the street, places and ground's names of mumbai are all something esle. Mumbai might had been iranian city!

nawaz kunal pagare khan
You sure you haven't spelled your middle name wrong? My Indian friend says its suppose to be Paaghal Khan.
Most of you try to disrupt my mindset
In your case it would appear to be a large ball of wool after a kitten has finished playing rather than a mindset.

i think the bad indians and others should mind their own goodness.
Yes, naughty Indians.
Go stand in the corner until you've learnt how to behave.

I am a khan and i try to search for other khans as we live and have to look after one another!
Please don't feel lonely, you'll be welcomed with open arms into the community of idiots.

But i feel so lonely! Then i watch in tv, and i see only pakistan cricket team as the only khan team! So where is the mythological khan clan?
Maybe the word mythological holds a slight clue.

I read about the star trek, it says there was a khan episode which tells that most khans went to stay to outer planets and came back to earth as superhumans specimen warrior!
It was fiction.
You do understand the concept don't you?

As i was writing about the saffavids of tehran, iran who have the same shape of hands as i have!
Four fingers and a thumb?
That's amazing.
Maybe we could start a study to see how many people fall into this category.

I think its a magical ground where my skin glows white in colour as the saffavids!
And maybe it isn't.

Then i looked up and i saw a huge helicopter like UFO.
A helicopter like UFO?
Interesting concept...
I wonder if it was a helicopter.

I can't remember whether ...[acres of semi-literate drivel excised for the sake of brevity and preserving the sanity of later readers]... and might had been iranian city!
And it might also be that you simply have no idea what you're talking about.
Just a thought.:rolleyes:
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i had another unusual dream some days ago. I was living in mumbai city, but the building construction was very worst of yester years. In it there was a arab man who was a friend of mine. He was very fat from the waist but was very tall. He used to wear a very clean white full shirt. He had a short hair cut, but his moustache was extremely thick protruding away from the nose and curled at sides. He was cleanly shaved though. Many indians kept distance from him. He used to wash his hands and was very extremely white clean. He even had a big bike. His looks were very similar to the 'iron sheikh' of wwe. He had come to meet me. He gave me a rifle and even called a two-hump camel to take me to some war.
Then there is also this vision were another mythological creature who said that it was my friend came to visit me. It was a huge beast/man. I couldn't recall its looks. But its spine was overgrown and potruding outside its back. It was somewhat like a horse and had a huge knife. He had carved out many inscriptions of arabic phrases on my window glass. But i couldn't understand it! It was like the creatures featured in arabic magical tales of sinbad and alif laila.
I always think that the mythological creatures of arabic world does exist and would come to meet me one day. Beware that there are many satanic indians and satanic indian 'children of the corn' who are enemies of this mythological world!
And i did some thought about the saffavids of iran. I think there might have been a royal imperial train of shah of iran in mumbai. Also i think the weapons like the f-14 aircrafts and tanks of iran aren't bought from foreign countries!

nawaz kunal pagare khan
i had another unusual dream some days ago.
This is the Pseudoscience subform, not "The Dream I Had Last Night" section.

I always think that the mythological creatures of arabic world does exist and would come to meet me one day.
Then you think wrong.

Beware that there are many satanic indians and satanic indian 'children of the corn' who are enemies of this mythological world!
Please provide evidence.

Also i think the weapons like the f-14 aircrafts and tanks of iran aren't bought from foreign countries!
Which is a fairly clear indicator that you don't actually think at all.
It's a documented fact.
He is a racist person on drugs.
He imagines that all of his evil enemies are really muslims and are from Iran or India. it is his racism manifesting itself in his drugged up hallucinations.
He's not merely a racist on drugs, he's a complete loon as well.
Give him credit.
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Hi, my mind always tells me that many evil indians had already got the access codes of the unknown muslim world in 17th century. Where my islamic family lives. Its perhaps a invisible palace which is destroyed and even my islamic family is hurt. I always tell my mother that the indian relatives with i have been forced to like from childhood seem not my family. I tell my mother to wear a burkha. I don't know how to reach my islamic family who sometimes try to contact me through mind. Or how should i bring them to this world. I think the islamic world has been disconnected from their supernatural world. - nawaz kunal pagare khan
Hi, my mind always tells me
You actually have a mind or are you just pulling our legs?

that many evil indians
The ones standing in the corner til they learn how to behave you mean?

had already got the access codes
Access codes? Of what?

of the unknown muslim world in 17th century.
Oh, the UNKNOWN Muslim world. Not the known Muslim world, the one that actually existed then?

Where my islamic family lives.
Your family lives in an unknown world in the 17th century?
Presumably that's where you keep your (supposed) mind as well.

Its perhaps a invisible palace which is destroyed
That's right.
It's invisible AND destroyed.
Always sad to see that happen.

and even my islamic family is hurt. I always tell my mother that the indian relatives with i have been forced to like from childhood seem not my family.
I shouldn't imagine they're too chuffed with you as a relative either.

I tell my mother to wear a burkha.
And I tell mine to stop talking nonsense.
But it never works...

I don't know how to reach my islamic family who sometimes try to contact me through mind.
They have my sympathy.
Trying do anything with your mind would appear pretty nigh impossible.

Or how should i bring them to this world.
Have you tried an on-line travel agency?
You can get some very cheap flights these days.

I think the islamic world has been disconnected from their supernatural world.
It's fairly obvious there IS a disconnection, but Islamic world from the supernatural one wasn't quite the one I was thinking of.
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