Ladies? Speak to me.


Registered Senior Member
Women? Speak to me.

:rolleyes: What's on your mind most of the time, apart from the most obvious?
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Allisone, I'm sorry for being a picky sonuvabitch, but do you really think of everything? I mean, that's a lot of stuff, ain't it? For example, do you think much about Quantum Mechanics or how a sewage treatment plant works? :)

Baron Max
I think she does. The very process of asking her if she thinks of something will--more often than not--make her think of and about that thing, whatever it may be.

Now if you were to just ask an open-ended question such as "Allisone, can you please tell me what you think of, specifically?". Or something like that.
Personally, I think you could take the entire sciforums content over the last 6 months or so and consign it to the cesspool.

Now if only we could do the same thing with the majority of those who post here...
Chris_Smith said:
:rolleyes: What's on your mind? (other than sex)
Has yet to answer? He could be a pervert, sexual maniac, or even a potential or real rapist? We'll never know until Chris_Smith replies. Either way, the post indicates a psychological obsession with sex.
aww, leave the poor guy alone
hes just trying to understand females

maybe he just hasnt learnt to accept that their logical is not followable by males
valich said:
Has yet to answer? He could be a pervert, sexual maniac, or even a potential or real rapist? We'll never know until Chris_Smith replies. Either way, the post indicates a psychological obsession with sex.
...It's as if you know me too well...
Harlequin said:
Personally, I think you could take the entire sciforums content over the last 6 months or so and consign it to the cesspool.

Now if only we could do the same thing with the majority of those who post here...
Perhaps Harlequin is the only one who makes the most sense in the forum
apendrapew said:
This is why successful relationships have to be about more than sex. Damn.
Successful in what way? I'd say if he successfully "blows his load," then for that particular moment the relationship is a success.
Chris_Smith said:
:rolleyes: What's on your mind most of the time, apart from the most obvious?
I can guarantee you that if you could know what’s “on their mind” you would lose all interest in them.

Your fascination with them resides in your ignorance of them, making them mysterious and complicated conundrums, with ambiguous motives and strange ways.

Their self-contradicting, confusing behaviors become proof of their mysteriousness and complicated nature, when, in fact, it masks a simplicity and superficiality which, if sufficiently explored, can lead to disillusionment.

That’s when their aesthetic appeal, as it has been ingrained in man by nature, becomes their saving grace.
What's on my mind? Hmm...I have a lot of homework and I'm pretty hungery right now. I could go for a sandwich.
What's on my mind mostly? I'm thinking about my boyfriend, my friends, the last talk I had with my boyfriend, the last arguement I had with my boyfriend, wondering when I'm moving home, thinking about moving out, thinking whens the last time I've been out, I have a crap load of homework (I swear, its a lot!), about going blond wondering how I'd look, thinking about books, music, wondering why schools so long, thinking about piercings, Guiness, wondering why my boyfriend carries around condoms in his wallet to school, and whats the time difference from Germany to Washington.... That's what's mostly on my mind, I guess.