Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

1) A real world test for what the US considered the ultimate weapon.
2) A demonstration to other countries (specifically Russia) that we had nuclear weapons and were willing to use them.
3) High propaganda value, keeping morale high in the US (and in our troops) who were at the tail end of a long and brutal war.

The question was rhetorical, evidence for this is that I answer it in the very next sentence: "Well for one and this is a surprise for most but back to Richard's arguments: the Atomics actually reduced the total deathtoll"
Oh you don't know the depths of my nastiness!
Oh, you bad, no doubt. I mean all the screeching, man, that's just you goin' all Leroy Brown on my skinny white ass. Fo' real.

When you have to resort to such (metaphorical) slander, I consider it a personal victory.
Of course you do. It's fun watching you do it.
So now that you've agreed you were only pushing an isolated ethical argument more suited to the ethics board than history, may I assume you're done inflicting that fingernails down a blackboard style of "writing" on me? My eyes are bleeding. I'm rather thankful you only read history rather than writing it, even if it does seem limited to the mostly pointless ones.

...Where's my bloody ice cream.
Oh, you bad, no doubt. I mean all the screeching, man, that's just you goin' all Leroy Brown on my skinny white ass. Fo' real.


Of course you do. It's fun watching you do it.

Of course, why else do you come here but for entertainment.

So now that you've agreed you were only pushing an isolated ethical argument more suited to the ethics board than history

Did I say that? No I didn't, I said that if you think this is an ethical issue then have this topic split off to the ethics board, until then its historical.

may I assume you're done inflicting that fingernails down a blackboard style of "writing" on me? My eyes are bleeding.

... ¿Qué?

I'm rather thankful you only read history rather than writing it, even if it does seem limited to the mostly pointless ones.

Oh scathing

...Where's my bloody ice cream.

Lets take this moment to note the wonderful hypocrisy: this entire post of yours has nothing to do with the thread topic or history, yet you claim what I was speaking of didn't and that is problematic. I'm glad you taken the time to follow me around like you said you wouldn't, your hypocrisy is reliable in a way.
Cultural references, Manuel. Never mind.

If anything they even re-enforce each other in the overall argument that the atomic bombings were valid and even morally justified!
Oh, I see. So your initial
Well on Ћ question if Ћ nuke were necessary I don't think they were.
has changed then?
To clarify your position on the subject, or perhaps your opinion of the argument you claim to be representing, you should merely state, for the record: "I don't believe the nukes were neccessary", or "I've changed my mind: I now believe the nukes were necessary".
That way we'll all know for sure.

Of course, why else do you come here but for entertainment.
That's one reason. You've been very accommodating. Although I have to admit that chasing you while you're running around in circles is beginning to make me dizzy.
I should probably note here, though, that we're all here to entertain ourselves. The objection you have is toward the manner in which I do so.

Did I say that? No I didn't, I said that if you think this is an ethical issue then have this topic split off to the ethics board, until then its historical.
Well, actually, yes you did:
Me : One can only assume you're attempting to isolate the question into one of the immediate ethics of the use of the bomb, and all other considerations are "irrelevant".
You : No, you think???

Lets take this moment to note the wonderful hypocrisy: this entire post of yours has nothing to do with the thread topic or history, yet you claim what I was speaking of didn't and that is problematic. I'm glad you taken the time to follow me around like you said you wouldn't, your hypocrisy is reliable in a way.
I'm sure it inflates your ego when you think I'm "following you around", but in fact I only remember encountering you in two threads... so far. What I might have done, at a stretch, is to state that I would be "done with you" if you continued to push your rather weak and atrociously worded "arguments" upon me. In which case I may be guilty of not following through on something I said I might do.
I do have to admit a certain satisfaction with you taking pleasure from the thought of me following you around, though. My little weaknesses, you see. Although here it should be noted that they are not uniquely mine.

But while we're on the subject, perhaps you should look up the "hypocrisy". It doesn't mean what you seem to think it does. I suppose, in your defence, it's a fairly common misconception - but having said that, you get it more wrong than most.

You see, hypocrisy as an accusation is only valid when the one you are accusing of hypocrisy has made the claim that he acts in a manner he tells you to, but actually does not.
I myself did not say I always cite references. I suggested you should, if you wished to make your argument more clear. The reason I did so, as I think I've made clear, is that it's terribly difficult sometimes to determine what it is you are saying - or at least what your particular position is.

Now run along, and read this entire exchange again, and point out where I've been hypocritical here. I'm not even going to look first to see if I might have been at some point. I shall reward you by never posting again in this thread if you can. Do we have a deal?
Cultural references, Manuel. Never mind.

Or racist mockery.

Oh, I see. So your initial has changed then?
To clarify your position on the subject, or perhaps your opinion of the argument you claim to be representing, you should merely state, for the record: "I don't believe the nukes were neccessary", or "I've changed my mind: I now believe the nukes were necessary".
That way we'll all know for sure.

No it has not change. Atomics were not necessary to get japan to surrender, nor was invasion, atomics though reduced total death-toll. I said this over and over again now and yet you keep trying to misconstruing my argument.

That's one reason. You've been very accommodating. Although I have to admit that chasing you while you're running around in circles is beginning to make me dizzy.

yes, around and around because you refuse to acknowledge my argument.

I should probably note here, though, that we're all here to entertain ourselves. The objection you have is toward the manner in which I do so.

I'm here for discussion and enlightenment, if your here for 'entertainment' my I recommend masturbation instead?

Well, actually, yes you did:

Look again: did I say said issue was more suited to the ethics board?

I'm sure it inflates your ego when you think I'm "following you around", but in fact I only remember encountering you in two threads... so far.

Two dispersant threads in so short of time, oh my your smitten!

What I might have done, at a stretch, is to state that I would be "done with you" if you continued to push your rather weak and atrociously worded "arguments" upon me. In which case I may be guilty of not following through on something I said I might do.

Most people would be definite on if they will or will not respond to a person, but someone who is intent is to be argumentative and slanders for entertainment would certainly say what you just said.

But while we're on the subject, perhaps you should look up the "hypocrisy". It doesn't mean what you seem to think it does. I suppose, in your defence, it's a fairly common misconception - but having said that, you get it more wrong than most.
You see, hypocrisy as an accusation is only valid when the one you are accusing of hypocrisy has made the claim that he acts in a manner he tells you to, but actually does not.

Oh well forgive me for believing you had any ethics at all. Usually people do not tell others to act in ways that they would not, and quite honestly now I can ignore any recommendation you make!. You ask me to cite sources, yet you won't, why should I? I would think my argument is pretty clear at this point consider how many times I stated it and brought up sources even, rather its clear that all your doing is being argumentative for no other reason then to be argumentative, even to the point of stating you your self hold no value in your own 'suggestions'.

Now run along, and read this entire exchange again, and point out where I've been hypocritical here. I'm not even going to look first to see if I might have been at some point. I shall reward you by never posting again in this thread if you can. Do we have a deal?

I win, I win if you do not reply, I win if you do reply.
Or racist mockery.
No, Manuel. Just plain old garden variety mockery.
You're becoming more than a little incoherent, you know.

But seeing as you're still here, why you don't you enlighten me as to what it is you think you've "won"?
I mean, If I'd known there was a prize involved, I might put some real effort in.

I can just imagine fetus lying there on the ground after just having been mugged.
From the mess, a small arm arises, finger pointing straight up in the air, and a small wounded voice saying "I claim the moral victory" as the mugger wanders off down the street with his wallet and car keys.

Heh. Goodnight, Sparky.
ElectricFetus vs. The Marquis: The original comment was supposed to be serious, so why don't you guys continue the fight in private?
No, Manuel. Just plain old garden variety mockery.
You're becoming more than a little incoherent, you know.

But seeing as you're still here, why you don't you enlighten me as to what it is you think you've "won"?
I mean, If I'd known there was a prize involved, I might put some real effort in.

I can just imagine fetus lying there on the ground after just having been mugged.
From the mess, a small arm arises, finger pointing straight up in the air, and a small wounded voice saying "I claim the moral victory" as the mugger wanders off down the street with his wallet and car keys.

Heh. Goodnight, Sparky.

I won the argument, this is not a mugging or reality, this is the internet! You given up even talking about it, you no longer even attempt to counter my claims that the atomic bombs saved lives, even without an invasion, you have given up with all your strawmans, all that is left is your contempt and your pathetic comical metaphorical slander, I won.
Every so often a Japanese Prime Minister visits a shrine in Japan and Asian countries, and the US, get pissed off. It happened today. The shrine they visit is Yasukuni, built in 1869. It's sounds like it's the Japanese equivalent of Arlington Cemetery here in the US.

The problem everyone has with the shrine is because of what happened after WWII:

War criminals prosecuted by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East were initially excluded from enshrinement after the war, despite the families of some war criminals seeking enshrinement since the early 1950s. No convicted war criminals were enshrined at Yasukuni until after the parole of the last remaining incarcerated war criminals in 1958. The Health and Welfare Ministry began forwarding information on Class B and Class C war criminals (those not involved in the planning, preparation, initiation, or waging of the war) to Yasukuni Shrine in 1959, and these individuals were gradually enshrined between 1959 and 1967, often without permission from surviving family members.[5]
Information on the fourteen most prominent Class A war criminals, which included the prime ministers and top generals from the war era, was forwarded to the shrine in 1966, and the shrine passed a resolution to enshrine these individuals in 1970. The timing for their enshrinement was left to the discretion of head priest Fujimaro Tsukuba, who delayed the enshrinement through his death in March 1978. His successor Nagayoshi Matsudaira, who rejected the Tokyo war crimes tribunal's verdicts, enshrined the Class A war criminals in a secret ceremony in 1978.[5] Emperor Hirohito, who visited the shrine as recently as 1975, was privately displeased with the action, and subsequently refused to visit the shrine.[12]

If head priests and Emperors wont visit the shrine then the only reason for a PM to do so can only be provocation.

"In the Shadow of the Bomb", by Silvan S. Schweber

USA attacked Japan

Book entitled "In the Shadow of the Bomb" by Silvan S. Schweber gives a most comprehensive description of the workings of the USA leadership leading up to the holocaust of millions of civilian population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan.
The combined death toll was 150,000 to 246,000
Every so often a Japanese Prime Minister visits a shrine in Japan and Asian countries, and the US, get pissed off. It happened today. The shrine they visit is Yasukuni, built in 1869. It's sounds like it's the Japanese equivalent of Arlington Cemetery here in the US.

The problem everyone has with the shrine is because of what happened after WWII:

If head priests and Emperors wont visit the shrine then the only reason for a PM to do so can only be provocation.


First, where is your evidence the US gets "pissed off" when a Japanese official visits this shrine? Most Americans aren't even aware of the shrine's existence and frankly they just don't care. And what would Abe (Japanese Prime Minister) gain by provoking the US or is Abe trying to provoke the Emperor or China or Vietnam or India or South Korea or Burma or Cambodia or Australia or New Zealand or Thailand or the Philippines (i.e. the nations Japan attacked and/or occupied during WWII) and what would his motivation be for such a provocation? Your claim just doesn't make sense.

The US State Department said it was disappointed. There is a difference between disappointment and "pissed off". Judging by the press releases, South Korea and China were the ones who were pissed off, not the US.


Since WWII, Japan and the US have been the best of friends and good trading partners. They are allies and right now Japan's possessions are being threatened by an every more aggressive China, and its citizens are being threatened by a new dictator in North Korea. So again your machinations just don't make sense if you think Abe was trying to be provocative towards the US.
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We see the tactics america employ today, by trying there best to get others to attack them.

Iran did not fall for it, and thats why bush never got there and neither has obama with there obsession with going for iran now.

So how exactly is the US trying to get others to attack it? It there any factual basis for this claim or are you just pulling stuff out of the aether?
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USA attacked Japan

Really, I thought the US was defending itself. I thought it was Japanese troops who invaded and occupied the Philippines while it was a US possession. I thought it was Japan who organized the Battan Death March.


I thought it was Japan that attacked Pearl Harbor.


I thought it was Japan who attacked Midway Island.


I thought it was Japan who declared war on the US after attacking and occupying the Philippines and attacking Pearl Harbor.

All of that happened well before the US dropped a single bomb, nuclear or otherwise, or fired a single shot at a Japanese soldier on Japanese soil.
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First, where is your evidence the US gets "pissed off" when a Japanese official visits this shrine?

If you think there is a difference between "disappointed" and "pissed off" in political terms, good for you. Stay innocent as long as you can.

And why would the Abe (Japanese Prime Minister) gain by provoking the US or is Abe trying to provoke the Emperor and what would his motivation be for such a provocation?


Secondly, Mr Abe's support base comes from the right wing of the Liberal Democratic Party.

According to Professor Jeff Kingston of Temple University in Tokyo, Mr Abe is "showing he is a tough guy", that he is not afraid of China. It is something that plays very well to his base.

'Shrewd political calculus'

But there is perhaps a bigger goal that Mr Abe has in mind.

He wants to radically revise Japan's post-war constitution.

This, too, is a long-held dream that started with his grandfather in the 1950s.

If you think there is a difference between "disappointed" and "pissed off" in political terms, good for you. Stay innocent as long as you can.

Well there is a difference between "pissed off" and disappointed. There is no reason for the US to be pissed off. You don't think the US understands the political situation in Japan? I give the State Department a little more credit.

Japan's neighbors have been less restrained than the US in their criticism of Abe's visit (per previous post). If the US was pissed, its statement would have been harsh. It wasn’t. The only way Abe's visit makes sense, is if it was intended to boost his internal popularity. But it doesn't make sense to provoke its neighbors and allies and trading partners. China and Korea are still very sensitive to the human rights abuses they suffered under Japanese occupation and annexation - abuses committed by convicted Japanese war criminals. If Chinese and Korean consumers and others stop buying Japanese goods as result of this visit, the costs to Abe and his government will outweigh any short term benefit Abe may get domestically from that visit.
It never ceases to amaze me, when I read all of the weird and wonderful interpretations individuals see the need to put on notable events and/or the sciences.
Abe is seeking to have japan's constitution changes so Japan can officially have an offensive army. visiting the shrine is part of that motive, it increase tensions which cause more demand for military capability. Another reason for visiting the shrine is internal promotion of japan's fac/eer I mean "nationalist" groups who get a big chubby every time the shrine is visited and those filthy foreigners get angry, they want to show the world they can do what ever they want because their fucking japan, the most aah "unique" people on the planet!

For further reading on that subject I recommend debito.org.
It never ceases to amaze me, when I read all of the weird and wonderful interpretations individuals see the need to put on notable events and/or the sciences.

You sound like one of Sciforums wise graybeards, able to tell "weird and wonderful" from true.

You also say that nationalism is the biggest threat in the world.

Watch this video from BBC as China and Japan "play chicken."


How weird and wonderful is that?