Israeli/Hamas disregard for human life.

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if you want to blame someone, try Hamas.

Because its not the job of the government to prevent the occupation of your lands?

Yeah, but you should NEVER try to justify that one Pal who went beserk and killed kids with an axe!!

Baron Max

I can only wonder why don't they all do it?
I can only wonder why don't they all do it?

I wish the Pals would all dress up in green and black uniforms, take up their AK-47s and RPGs and rockets, and fight like real men instead of fuckin' cowards fighting from behind the skirts of their women and the bodies of their children!

Baron Max
The WP was used to provide smoke screens for the IDF troops. The WP was NOT used "ON" Palestinians. It was dropped and/or fired to provide smoke screens. Such is the hazards of war.

The report CLEARLY illustrates otherwise. There is no point in discussing this further if you insist on stubbornly negating the available evidence.

Big difference between declared, announced war, and hacking kids to death with an axe.

The question was: Are you condoning the use of WP on Palestinians?

Yes or No?

Sure it wasn't millions? Perhaps billions? And they were all going to a wedding party, right? And those nasty IDF troops just gunned 'em all down, piled 'em up in giant bloody piles ...milliions of kids, perhaps billions, all dress up for the wedding parties, right?

Your infantile attempts at sarcasm is sad and pitiful. The statistics are UNDENIABLE. They speak for themselves. You cannot change or silence what has happened.

Compassion? That's reserved for people or things that deserve it, not just tossed out willy-nilly. The Pals asked for the war by shooting rockets, if you want to blame someone, try Hamas.

The choice is yours to make. You are stating that you have no compassion for the innocent Palestinians that were killed.

You get emotional over a murdered Jewish child, and you cannot find it in your heart to feel emotion for murdered Palestinians. You have a cold, hate filled, bigoted heart.

I wish the Pals would all dress up in green and black uniforms, take up their AK-47s and RPGs and rockets, and fight like real men instead of fuckin' cowards fighting from behind the skirts of their women and the bodies of their children!

Baron Max

You should watch al Jazeera. They do. Its why the IDF dressed up as Hamas fighters during the Gaza war

Cheski, the Palestinian was not employed by the settlers. They don't "employ Arabs"

"At first I thought he was a laborer and that this wasn't a serious incident, but then I realized it was an Arab," Avinoam said.

"I wouldn't have a clue if this was somebody who was employed here in an illegal manner, because we don't employ Arabs. He was not dressed-up (for work), he looked normal. He had a longing for murder in his eyes.'

"The struggle lasted several minutes," Avinoam said, adding that the terrorist was saying something along the lines of "I will kill, I will kill" while the two were struggling.
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So its more honourable to rain down white phosphorus and burn them to the bone instead?

If you're targeting insurgents, then *yes*. There's a huge difference between civilians killed via collateral damage while conducting a war, and intentionally going out and gunning/axing down children.

The Americans SUPPLY the means to kill children to Israel.

Many nations supply Israel with arms. How Israel chooses to make use of its arms is up to it.

They FUND the occupation.

Or you could argue that they fund the defense of Israel against Palestinian aggression.

They VETO any action taken against the oppression of unarmed civilians in Palestine.

The U.S is severely biased in favoured of Israel. So? How is that relevant to the observation that you continue to absolve a Palestinian man of guilt when he hacked at two children with an axe?

So I do not believe they have any moral high ground left when it comes to Palestine.

Maybe not. But neither do your Muslim terrorist butchers. When you start firing from behind your own civilians, and purposefully target children, then what are you fighting for? To preserve evil? To spread terror?

If they don't like whats happening in Palestine, then they should stop putting their money into the conditions that drive them to it. After all you destroyed two countries for two buildings. Whats two kids for 60 years of lost homes and murdered families?

Blaming the Joos and the U.S.A for the murderous and unreasonable actions of Palestinians? Typical.
The difference is this man chopped up a child with his bare hands...there is something to say about the cruelty of murder.

Nope, just the paucity of better weaponry.

Logically, the situations are equivalent. Killing kids is killing kids. However, we humans find directly hurting people worse than indirectly.

A runaway trolley car is hurtling down a track. In its path are five people who will definitely be killed unless you, a bystander, flip a switch which will divert it on to another track, where it will kill one person. Should you flip the switch?

Now, if you instead could only stop the runaway trolley by pushing someone in front it, would you sacrifice that one person to save 5?

Anyway, you're both wrong.
The axe guy's one mistake was not eating the kids.
You should always eat what you kill.
So you as well believe that axing a child is acceptable behavior? Would you harbor him in your home?

of course axing a child to death is completely un-acceptable Cheski, dont be so presumptious to think that Sam doesnt think other wise..

Its just as un-acceptable as a soldier shooting a child to death..

all killing of innocent children is always vile, whether they be palestinian, istraeli, angolan, bolivian, etc etc etc etc, or whether they are killed by a bullet, an axe, a knife or a fuckin marble stuck down ther throat!!
It is really tragic to see that the unforgivable sins of the adults put children in danger. I'm sorry for that child. But come on those of you who immediately use this to portray the Palestinians as terrorists. How come we did not hear from you when the Israeli fighting robots called IDF soldiers killed so many innocent palestininan men, women and children in Gaza and used all kind of illegal means. You keep making excuses for that, but meanwhile you expect others to accepts your views on incidents such as this. Palestininans have been called terrorists all the time for their sporadic actions against the Israelis, but Israelis have never been called so for their uncountable crimes agaisnt humanity. If the world starts to treat the issue fairly and condemns the Israeli actions as terrorism, whenever they commit acts of terror, both sides will be forced to come to sense.
It is really tragic to see that the unforgivable sins of the adults put children in danger. I'm sorry for that child. But come on those of you who immediately use this to portray the Palestinians as terrorists. How come we did not hear from you when the Israeli fighting robots called IDF soldiers killed so many innocent palestininan men, women and children in Gaza and used all kind of illegal means. You keep making excuses for that, but meanwhile you expect others to accepts your views on incidents such as this. Palestininans have been called terrorists all the time for their sporadic actions against the Israelis, but Israelis have never been called so for their uncountable crimes agaisnt humanity. If the world starts to treat the issue fairly and condemns the Israeli actions as terrorism, whenever they commit acts of terror, both sides will be forced to come to sense.

excellent post Chuuush!!
Blaming the Joos and the U.S.A for the murderous and unreasonable actions of Palestinians? Typical.

Whats unreasonable about going berserk under those conditions? I'm surprised its only the occasional one who goes bonkers. Americans have started shooting their own kids merely on losing jobs. Without the starvation, the blockade, the loss of home and nation, the prolonged occupation. Simply on losing their jobs.
The WP was used to provide smoke screens for the IDF troops.
Baron Max
Is that why they bombed the UN building where civilians had taken refuge?



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And here comes the Islam bashing :p. tell me, did you apply this same moral code to anyone who laughed and or encouraged bombing Palestinian children to 100s of pieces?

Well, you know if the Palestinian leaders would park those kids and women ontop of military target or right next to artillery pieces then perhaps they wouldn;t have died. Israelis at least come out and face you without using human sheilds, meanwhile the palestinians hide among the civillians.

After a while of this even the most patient of nations would just say screw it and start taking out the targets.
meanwhile the palestinians hide among the civillians.

You mean they live in their homes, work in their offices, take the bus and other stuff?

Unlike other people?

The Israelis invaded them and occupy their land. The Palestinians are where they should be, the Israelis are not.

If the US was invaded by foreign troops would the average American wait for the American troops if there were foreign soldiers attacking him or his family? Can those foreign troops bomb ANY gun toting American [along with their entire family] who are in their homes without uniform for "hiding among the civilians"?

Sam, are you seriously that mentally deficent.

Of course the average gun owning US citizen would move to the offensive. However we would never be so stupid as to fire from the cover of our loved ones. It's just not our nature. We might strike from stealth, but it would never be from an occupied school of hospital. Why? becuase we realize that their will be retaliation and we wish to spare our loved ones the danger, Also and invading force would be striking at military first or quickly be defeated. So your question is bogus.

Now, unless you are willing to agree that using the palaestianin people as cover for rocket attacks is wrong thenperhaps you need to revaluate the value you place on human life.
Sam, are you seriously that mentally deficent.

Of course the average gun owning US citizen would move to the offensive. However we would never be so stupid as to fire from the cover of our loved ones. It's just not our nature. We might strike from stealth, but it would never be from an occupied school of hospital. Why? becuase we realize that their will be retaliation and we wish to spare our loved ones the danger, Also and invading force would be striking at military first or quickly be defeated. So your question is bogus.

Now, unless you are willing to agree that using the palaestianin people as cover for rocket attacks is wrong thenperhaps you need to revaluate the value you place on human life.

it was found out that contrary to Israeli claims these UN schools etc were not being used as cover for the militants!!
However we would never be so stupid as to fire from the cover of our loved ones. It's just not our nature.

So you're saying if foreign troops were raining down missiles on your house, you would dump your family and go fight elsewhere where there were no civilians to protect?

No wonder you guys cannot win without WMD and technology.

Also and invading force would be striking at military first or quickly be defeated.

Huh? In which fantasy? In the last century all wars have been fought between troops invading countries and bombing indiscriminately. You're deluded if you think invaders will give you a choice to fight. They will bomb cities, not military bases. The allies bombed Dresden, Tokyo, nuked Nagasaki and Hiroshima, they did not go in and "fight the military first"
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Also, its very convenient that the axe wielding Arab "ran away". And no one has a name for him.

For all you know the settlers are hacking their own kids and blaming it on the Palestinians.
So you're saying if foreign troops were raining down missiles on your house, you would dump your family and go fight elsewhere where there were no civilians to protect?

The IDF warned the Palestinians that war was coming and if they didn't want to be in it, they should leave. Those that didn't leave obviously wanted to be in it.

The Palestinians knew for weeks that the troops were coming.

Baron Max
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