Is it right for homosexuals to be able to adopt??

should it be?

  • Mum and dad?

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • Dad and Dad?

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Mum and mum?

    Votes: 2 11.1%

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  • Poll closed .
I wouldn't bar homosexuals from adopting, I'd just give preference to heterosexual couples. I think the best environment for a child is with a mother and a father. But if a particular child can't find a match, he/she would probably be better off with a homosexual couple than no parents at all...
That seems reasonable.
This is typical of the way the modern world defiles nature by projecting artificial sets of relationships over it. The social belief in 'rights' are an excellent example of that.

We defile nature simply by using condoms. I see nothing wrong with that.
i think it is wrong for homosexual couples to adopt because - the aim of adoption is to give children the most comfortable, normal lives. Having Homosexual parents (may not necassarily) but is quite likely to induce forms of bullying and other forms of abuse which the child just doesnt need, it attracts unnecassary attention.
Dragon- thanks for the well thought, and insightful response, I appreciate it. This is not the response I had hope to illicit, I was hoping that you would provide me with some basis for your opinion.

Your reply in no way addresses you helping to continue the harassment and persecution referenced in my post.


You didn't prove that I was persecuting anyone. In fact, it was you who suggested that something shouldn't exist - not me.

We defile nature simply by using condoms. I see nothing wrong with that.

Man isn't born with a plastic sheath over his penis - why do you think that is the case? Give me your best answer.
Dragon- thanks for the well thought, and insightful response, I appreciate it. This is not the response I had hope to illicit, I was hoping that you would provide me with some basis for your opinion.


basis? you mean statistical analysis of all the families with gay parents? And the children who grew to adults from those families...and their divorce ratios in respect to heterosexual families?

That is something I would have to look for a long idea thou. I am sorry but the truth is, I dont want to waste time on this sort of research...not my specialty. Sorry*
i think it is wrong for homosexual couples to adopt because - the aim of adoption is to give children the most comfortable, normal lives. Having Homosexual parents (may not necassarily) but is quite likely to induce forms of bullying and other forms of abuse which the child just doesnt need, it attracts unnecassary attention.

Maybe we should do something about the bullying and let homosexuals adopt children?

How would a teenager that had been in a childrens home all their life feel if they were told that they could have been adopted but the law didn't allow gay couples the right to adopt? I'd rather have gay parents than no parents at all, the bullies can go fuck themselves (we don't stay kids forever).
I was hoping for an opinion on your fundamental principal regarding this topic. I am quite capable of doing my own research for published results...thanks
Maybe we should do something about the bullying and let homosexuals adopt children?

How would a teenager that had been in a childrens home all their life feel if they were told that they could have been adopted but the law didn't allow gay couples the right to adopt? I'd rather have gay parents than no parents at all, the bullies can go fuck themselves (we don't stay kids forever).

I admit that my philosophy has flaws in it. I'd be more than happy to attempt to root out bullying - but don't you think that maybe people have tried that before? and maybe is hasnt worked?
Maybe we should do something about the bullying and let homosexuals adopt children?

How would a teenager that had been in a childrens home all their life feel if they were told that they could have been adopted but the law didn't allow gay couples the right to adopt? I'd rather have gay parents than no parents at all, the bullies can go fuck themselves (we don't stay kids forever).

AGREED!!! :)
In fact, it was you who suggested that something shouldn't exist - not me.

My mistake for not putting the words "I think" somewhere in my earlier post.

Man isn't born with a plastic sheath over his penis - why do you think that is the case? Give me your best answer.

I have an idea but like I said, I have no problems with the defilement of nature so it wouldn't really matter to the discussion.
I admit that my philosophy has flaws in it. I'd be more than happy to attempt to root out bullying - but don't you think that maybe people have tried that before? and maybe is hasnt worked?

As more and more gay people came out of the closet, the stigma of being gay went away. If gays are allowed to adopt, the stigma of having gay parents will go away.
How parents raise their children is reflected in how they treat other children. (I should know. My daughter got into a knock down hair pulling fight at the bus stop defending another child.)
I don't think we are giving these children enough credit. This teasing and scarring for life was always behind my Mom's reasoning that black and white peopel shouldn't have children. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!
....I'd rather have gay parents than no parents at all, the bullies can go fuck themselves (we don't stay kids forever).

Yeah, I don't know how people can con themselves into thinking its better to be in foster care for 18 yrs than be teased because of your parents.
As more and more gay people came out of the closet, the stigma of being gay went away. If gays are allowed to adopt, the stigma of having gay parents will go away.
How parents raise their children is reflected in how they treat other children. (I should know. My daughter got into a knock down hair pulling fight at the bus stop defending another child.)
I don't think we are giving these children enough credit. This teasing and scarring for life was always behind my Mom's reasoning that black and white peopel shouldn't have children. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!

you think theres still no stigma of being gay at school? lol your out of touch - maybe in america its different, but in england.,..
While the data isn't broken down by the sexual preference of parents, it does appear pretty clear that children are less likely to be abused by adoptive parents (or even foster parents) than they are by their own parents. The worse offenders, by far, though are step parents and step siblings (a child is less likely to be abused living with a single parent than with a parent and a step-parent). So if our major concern were preventing abuse to children we would be looking at banning step parents.

(If you want a summary of the issue involving step parents:
Yeah, I don't know how people can con themselves into thinking its better to be in foster care for 18 yrs than be teased because of your parents.


At least in foster care you will not be under any illusions concerning your situation and left to make your own mind up concerning the world.

If you were adopted by a gay couple suddenly you find yourself forced into accepting a whole raft of politically and socially inspired ideas and possibly having to physically defend those ideas.

Should a child be burdened with that?

At least in foster care you will not be under any illusions concerning your situation and left to make your own mind up concerning the world.

If you were adopted by a gay couple suddenly you find yourself forced into accepting a whole raft of politically and socially inspired ideas and possibly having to physically defend those ideas.

Should a child be burdened with that?

Good point !
you think theres still no stigma of being gay at school? lol your out of touch - maybe in america its different, but in england.,..

Then, what is the solution to a non-white student suffering from stigma associated with his/her skin color? Should we not let non-whites in a white school, or should we work to get rid of the stigma?
i think it is wrong for homosexual couples to adopt because - the aim of adoption is to give children the most comfortable, normal lives. Having Homosexual parents (may not necassarily) but is quite likely to induce forms of bullying and other forms of abuse which the child just doesnt need, it attracts unnecassary attention.

I dont know what a "normal" life even is. Do you mean a family with hetrosexula parents is going to be more normal? I think not.