Influence of Gravitational Waves on Planetary Orbits

Does the world allow us to explain gravitational waves with classical physical theory?

  • Classical physics can explain how GWs are produced and estimate it's strength.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Only GR can explain GWs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Who's to say Chern wasn't wrong in his beliefs? Maybe Einstein was right and Chern was wrong. I haven't heard of Chern, but I've heard of Einstein. I wonder why that is.
Your master, Einstein begged Chern at Princeton University, hoping that Chern could join his GR research, but Chern rejected him, Chern thought Einstein's GR was completely wrong, and Einstein's mathematics was terrible !
James R, while you're blindly praising Einstein, you should check out his history in Princeton, where he was treated like a German idiot.
You are an expert in GR.
No. I am not.
Can you use GR to calculate the orbit data of each planet in the solar system?
In principle, yes. To present to you on sciforums? No. Too much effort required. Besides, you wouldn't change you mind about GR if I showed you orbital data calculated using GR, anyway, would you?
We are looking forward to your data, but you have not provided it, we have been waiting for several years.
This is the first time you've asked me, as far as I am aware. What are you referring to?
GR is perfect, but you have been unable to use GR to calculate planetary orbit data. This is the best point of contradiction.
It doesn't matter what I have personally done or not done. I already told you that GR has been used (by other people) to calculate GR planetary orbit data.

Also, you can read all about the calculation of the anomalous precession of planetary orbits in just about any introductory textbook on GR, and see exactly how the figure of 43 arcseconds per century is calculated for Mercury. Have you read and understood any such book?

It is nonsensical for you to claim that GR has not been used to calculate planetary orbital data.
It surprises me that you don't know about Shiing-Shen Chern.
Mathematician James Simmons interview (Shiing-Shen Chern is one of the greatest mathematicians in the 20th world)
Thank you for the wikipedia link. I am now slightly ashamed that I didn't recognise the name before.
Maybe Chern is just a little guy compared to James R you.
You might be right. Maybe we could compare our piano playing skills, for instance.
Your master, Einstein begged Chern at Princeton University, hoping that Chern could join his GR research, but Chern rejected him, Chern thought Einstein's GR was completely wrong, and Einstein's mathematics was terrible !
Is there any public record of this?

Why do you refer to Einstein as my "master"? Are you trying to belittle or insult me? Why?
... while you're blindly praising Einstein, you should check out his history in Princeton, where he was treated like a German idiot.
Is there any public record of this?

Also: does it matter?

Suppose Einstein was a German idiot, as you claim. Does that mean you're a genius? Does that mean the paper you wrote that was rejected by so many scientific journals has any value?
Your master, Einstein begged Chern at Princeton University, hoping that Chern could join his GR research, but Chern rejected him, Chern thought Einstein's GR was completely wrong, and Einstein's mathematics was terrible !
James R, while you're blindly praising Einstein, you should check out his history in Princeton, where he was treated like a German idiot.
Really? When in 1932 the US opened the Institute for Advanced Study, at Princeton, Professor Einstein was one of the two very first appointments:

(My old college tried to get him, but could not compete with that.)

It would seem you do not bother to check your facts.
Really? When in 1932 the US opened the Institute for Advanced Study, at Princeton, Professor Einstein was one of the two very first appointments:
You should take a good look at the interview video of Academician Chen. If you have someone around you who can understand Chinese, you can ask them to translate for you. Chen made the most honest evaluation of Einstein. This is an evaluation of Einstein by a colleague who worked together.
GR gives the equation for calculating the precession of planetary orbits, but GR cannot be used to calculate planetary orbits. GR also cannot calculate orbital precession under the N-body. Do you understand what N-Body is? Hope you understand.
Do you know how Mercury precesses 43"?
43" = total Mercury orbital precession data from astronomical observations - data calculated by Newtonian mechanics
GR has calculated 43", but GR has not been able to calculate the total Mercury orbital precession data, maybe I don't know as much as James R, so if I am wrong, please give GR's calculation data.
Really? When in 1932 the US opened the Institute for Advanced Study, at Princeton, Professor Einstein was one of the two very first appointments:
Einstein's stupid theory fooled many people, but being able to calculate 43" at the time was indeed enough to make him famous, but if you know Einstein's history, you should know that he is a person who likes to piece together data. Einstein Stein is very famous at Princeton University, and many famous physicists wanted to visit him, but when they learned about Einstein's work and that Einstein was a fool, they chose not to communicate with him.
You can go to Princeton University to investigate whether what I said is true!
Is there any public record of this?
Einstein not only failed to sit on the throne before leaving this world, but was considered a very stupid and selfish person.
But after Einstein died, believers dressed him in the emperor's new clothes, and he became the supreme god of physics. Einstein has become a cash cow for believers. As long as they tout, praise, and uphold Einstein's fallacies, believers can get money, status, and honor. This is a very successful case, congratulations to everyone, I hope you continue to have fun.
When Einstein went to the Princeton institute of advanced study he worked for 20 years on a combination of General relativity with Electromagnetism and what he understood about nuclear physics in order to come up with a Unified Field theory, Freeman Dyson went to Einstein's office the Institute of Advanced Study, talked to Einstein, looked at his equations and decided that Einstein's work was JUNK. Freeman Dyson refused to talk to Einstein at all in the 1950s. Just flat out ignored him.
Shiing-shen Chern, a member of the American Academy of Sciences, also commented on Einstein. He believed that Einstein's GR was completely wrong, and that Einstein's mathematics was extremely poor. Chen rejected Einstein's invitation to cooperate.
Enough of this philosophical all fun and play physics! if we need to move further in gravitational research and want to reach to the stars then we have to out of this GTR quick sand. No wonder Freeman Dyson and Shiing-shen Chern refused to collaborate with Einstein. Einstein was notorious with collaborating with others but taking all the credit. I must agree with Chern that Einstein was at best an average to below average physicist and a very poor mathematician. Late professor Seymour Margulies said the same thing and he disliked GTR/STR and considered Einstein as just hype without real substance.
I can't stop physics from being fooled by you, but you should know that you are the sinners in the history of physics development. You have become the protagonists of "The Emperor's New Clothes".
Really? When in 1932 the US opened the Institute for Advanced Study, at Princeton, Professor Einstein was one of the two very first appointments:

(My old college tried to get him, but could not compete with that.)

It would seem you do not bother to check your facts.
After you watch the video given above, use your smart brain to draw conclusions. Instead of "realy" here.
James R and exchemist, this is an article for the two of you, after you read it, use your smart brains to think about it.
Farmer and Lazy Pig
The farmer raised a very fat lazy pig. In order to make the pig lose weight, the farmer thought of a way. He put the pig on roller skates, tied a gong to its butt, and shot the gong continuously with a gun. When the pig hears the sound of the bullet hitting the gong, it will speed up and run, and when the sound disappears, the pig will glide at a constant speed on the smooth ice surface again. The pig keeps speeding up and running, and finally when its speed is equal to the bullet, the bullet can no longer hit the gong, and the pig no longer accelerates, it will keep sliding at the same speed as the bullet. Because of his own efforts, farmer's bullet can't catch up to its ass, so pig is very proud and continues to enjoy its laziness.

Einstein came up with the great SRT, SRT tells us that the faster an object goes, the more mass it becomes, and that no object can go faster than the speed of light.

So scientists designed such an experiment to continuously accelerate a charged particle in an electric field. They wanted to know whether the particle could eventually surpass the speed of light. Experiments show that no matter how long the particles are accelerated by the electric field, the speed of the particles cannot reach the speed of light, thus once again verifying Einstein's great SRT.

Lazy Pig heard about this particle experiment, and it felt that something was wrong. Obviously, when the speed of the particle is close to the speed of the electric field, the acceleration of the electric field on the particle will become very small. When the speed of the particle is equal to the speed of the electric field, the particle will no longer be accelerate. This should be the same as the bullet chasing its ass, the pig fell into thinking. Didn't the pig save the ass, but Einstein saved the it’s ass? The pig also began to worry that because of his running, his mass would become larger and become a fatter pig.

Scientists in Europe had heard of the pigs' distress and began to worry that their experiments would bring disaster to the planet. Because the great Einstein told them that when the speed of an object approaches the speed of light, the mass of the particle will approach infinity. According to the kinetic energy equation E = 0.5mv^2, this particle will have a very terrifying kinetic energy, once the particle hits the earth, the earth will be destroyed. The more scientists think about it, the more afraid they become.

One day, Chinese scientists also wanted to design a particle acceleration experiment, but this great plan was stopped by Professor Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, a scientist from the United States. Professor Yang knew that this would be a disaster, so he stopped this dangerous experiment in China .

Finally, the pig knew the scientist's concern, and he took a deep breath and said, "Fortunately, the bullet is not fast enough, otherwise its butt will destroy the earth."
After you watch the video given above, use your smart brain to draw conclusions. Instead of "realy" here.
I'm not wasting my time watching some video of unknown provenance.

I've posted you the facts about how Einstein was regarded in the USA. If you want to challenge them, kindly do so in your own words, with supporting references.
I'm not wasting my time watching some video of unknown provenance.

I've posted you the facts about how Einstein was regarded in the USA. If you want to challenge them, kindly do so in your own words, with supporting references.
Please use your great GR to calculate the orbits of the planets in the solar system.
Please put away your nonsense before giving your calculations.
GR is the most stupid theory in the world, but as a cult GR is successful.
Please use your great GR to calculate the orbits of the planets in the solar system.
Please put away your nonsense before giving your calculations.
Right, so you cannot support your ridiculous claim about Einstein supposedly being treated as an idiot by the USA.

And now I see you are resorting to larger font sizes, in bold, to shout about your obsession.

You are mad, that is now obvious.
Right, so you cannot support your ridiculous claim about Einstein supposedly being treated as an idiot by the USA.

And now I see you are resorting to larger font sizes, in bold, to shout about your obsession.

You are mad, that is now obvious.
You are also a fanatic of Einstein.
Please stop all this nonsense! Please use your great GR to calculate planetary orbits!
Chen made the most honest evaluation of Einstein. This is an evaluation of Einstein by a colleague who worked together.
Somebody had an opinion about Einstein. So what?
GR gives the equation for calculating the precession of planetary orbits, but GR cannot be used to calculate planetary orbits.
Can you see the contradiction in what you wrote, there?
GR also cannot calculate orbital precession under the N-body.
It can; it's just difficult. But it doesn't matter. The Sun has 99% of the mass of the solar system. It is the major cause of the anomalous precession of the planetary orbits.
Do you know how Mercury precesses 43"?
Yes. It is calculated using GR.
Einstein's stupid theory fooled many people, but being able to calculate 43" at the time was indeed enough to make him famous...
No. One reason for the fame was that after Einstein calculated that number, it was confirmed by observations. Which suggests that GR is correct. Einstein got famous because he explained things that were previously mysteries.
Einstein not only failed to sit on the throne before leaving this world, but was considered a very stupid and selfish person.
Only by very stupid and selfish people, no doubt.
But after Einstein died, believers dressed him in the emperor's new clothes, and he became the supreme god of physics.
It doesn't matter, either way.

What matters, in the end, is whether Einstein's theories are right or wrong. 100 years of testing has shown they are right. So, God of Physics or stupid idiot - either way, Einstein was right. An incredibly lucky accident, or genius? You decide.
Shiing-shen Chern, a member of the American Academy of Sciences, also commented on Einstein. He believed that Einstein's GR was completely wrong...
Did he, though? I have yet to see any evidence of that.
I must agree with Chern that Einstein was at best an average to below average physicist and a very poor mathematician.
So, another person has an opinion. So what? It's not like you're the God of Physics whom we all look up to and admire. Why should we care about your opinion of Einstein?

It sounds to me like you're a bit jealous of Einstein and his fame, if you ask me.
Experiments show that no matter how long the particles are accelerated by the electric field, the speed of the particles cannot reach the speed of light, thus once again verifying Einstein's great SRT.
Yes, but it isn't just that. The particles behave quantitatively exactly as predicted by SRT, in terms of their energies, momenta and more. Experiments have verified this, thousands of times over.

Nice pig story, by the way!
You are also a fanatic of Einstein.
Please stop all this nonsense! Please use your great GR to calculate planetary orbits!
When in doubt, SHOUTING always helps to make your point more true, I find.
Not only did Einstein not sit on the throne before he left this world, but he was considered a very stupid and selfish person.
But after Einstein died, believers dressed him in the emperor's new clothes, and he became the supreme god of physics. Einstein has become a cash cow for believers. As long as they tout, praise and defend Einstein's fallacies, believers can gain money, status and honor.
When Einstein went to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton for 20 years to combine general relativity with electromagnetism and his understanding of nuclear physics to come up with a unified field theory, Freeman Dyson went to Einstein's office Advanced Study, talk to Einstein, look at his equations and determine that Einstein's work is rubbish. Freeman Dyson refused to talk to Einstein at all in the 1950s. Just ignore him altogether.
Shiing-shen Chern, a member of the American Academy of Sciences, also commented on Einstein. He thinks Einstein's GR is completely wrong, Einstein's mathematics is extremely bad. Chern declined Einstein's offer to collaborate.
Einstein was at best an average to below average physicist and a very bad mathematician. The same was said by the late Professor Seymour Margulies, who disliked GR/SR and thought Einstein was just hype with no substance.

There are still many fanatical GR cultists like exchemist, who will do whatever it takes to defend Einstein and his GR fallacies, as well as their GR cult interests!
Not only did Einstein not sit on the throne before he left this world, but he was considered a very stupid and selfish person.
But after Einstein died, believers dressed him in the emperor's new clothes, and he became the supreme god of physics. Einstein has become a cash cow for believers. As long as they tout, praise and defend Einstein's fallacies, believers can gain money, status and honor.
When Einstein went to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton for 20 years to combine general relativity with electromagnetism and his understanding of nuclear physics to come up with a unified field theory, Freeman Dyson went to Einstein's office Advanced Study, talk to Einstein, look at his equations and determine that Einstein's work is rubbish. Freeman Dyson refused to talk to Einstein at all in the 1950s. Just ignore him altogether.
Shiing-shen Chern, a member of the American Academy of Sciences, also commented on Einstein. He thinks Einstein's GR is completely wrong, Einstein's mathematics is extremely bad. Chern declined Einstein's offer to collaborate.
Einstein was at best an average to below average physicist and a very bad mathematician. The same was said by the late Professor Seymour Margulies, who disliked GR/SR and thought Einstein was just hype with no substance.

There are still many fanatical GR cultists like exchemist, who will do whatever it takes to defend Einstein and his GR fallacies, as well as their GR cult interests!
I can find no reference at all to Siing-Shen Chern disparaging Einstein. Unlike Einstein, Siing-Shen Chern was not a physicist, of course. He was a mathematician.

Seymour Margulies seems to have been an obscure lecturer in physics at Illinois, where he worked on the Mossbauer Effect. I can find nothing about any work on relativity.!40000!0&profile=rev-icos
Shut up and get your data out!

It looks as if you are now at the maximum font size supported on this site.

If I were you I would try changing the font colour, to red, say, to make your point more forcefully. Or you could try alternating red and blue, perhaps. But red is, so I gather, also a lucky colour for the Chinese, so you might find that more congenial.
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