Industrial Revolution: The Tipping point?

There is a tipping point in the human body such that if reached the immune system in the body cannot recover and eventually heal the body.

I suspect that the human species tipping point might have been the Industrial Revolution.

I think the tipping point is a long way off. Humans are fairly resourceful and can survive in a degraded environment. Even nuclear war might not wipe humans out.

For me the question is are we making life happier or more miserable for the future generations. Science is still advancing and this advancement is a gift to future generations but we are using up natural resources like soil and we are overpopulating and we are leaving pollution and leaving nuclear power plants that will need to be babysitted for thousands of years.
Another tipping point could be the end of the oilage as we know it. Unless we discover something that replaces oil, that could be the ultimate tipping point...
I'm still waiting for Coberst to let us know why he thinks "tipping points" apply to the human race and what we should recover to...
TL,DR but the tipping point was the invention of the internal combustion engine.
It was the steam engine (external combustion) that really kicked off the Industrial Revolution. The conversion of the chemical energy in fossil fuel into kinetic energy allowed the amount of work done on earth to increase by several orders of magnitude over the amount of work that could be done by human and animal musclepower and the occasional waterwheel. Mills, factories, steamships and locomotives: these are what got people off the farm and transformed civilization.
The question was the tipping point (as the peak of something, the real turn) not the kick off, the start....
I believe we have passed the point where coberst should be tipped out of any and all forums until he learns how to enter into a discussion rather than preaching the same tired agenda.
I believe we have passed the point where coberst should be tipped out of any and all forums until he learns how to enter into a discussion rather than preaching the same tired agenda.

You actually read his post? What for?
*** MOD NOTE ***
Dredd, make your points (and support them) in your posts and please don't persist in linking to your own blog. It's lazy and rude.
Alright, so can you summarize it in 2 not too long sentences?
Humans are brilliant at solving technical/science problems, but we are crap at solving relationship/social problems. The technical solutions create social problems most of us are too dumb to recognise or solve and it's probably to late to do anything about it.
So did he have a question or just like to write esseys? By the way nice summary...
So did he have a question or just like to write esseys?
He likes to write essays. He believes that we must all become self actualising critical thinkers if the planet is to be saved. He is blissfully unaware that he couldn't self actualise himself out of a wet paper bag and that critical thinking should be applied to your own thoughts as well.

By the way nice summary...
Thank you. It's one of the things I do - teach people to write executive summaries.