
In your head you can have whatever opinions you wish, but if you say them out loud, you'll be expected to defend them.

What evidence would convince you? What do I need to show you that you will admit that science is corrupt? Maybe just a simple "Fudge Factor" wiki link proving Einstein fudged stuff? Would you then admit Einstein was a Fudger?

"Once a Fudger always a Fudger!"
I conclude that the truth is that there's a dead body, no vital signs, and a hole where the heart would be. Those are absolute truths!
I wouldn't call them "absolute". I'd call them "objective". Objective means that anybody can see the same truth. Absolute means, "My God sez so."
Just because you can't prove the man standing there did the killing doesn't mean there isn't absolute truths.
If there are "absolute truths", you don't know what they are.
What do I need to show you that you will admit that science is corrupt? Maybe just a simple "Fudge Factor" wiki link proving Einstein fudged stuff?
Your own link says, "In engineering, a "fudge factor" may be introduced to allow a margin of error in unknown quantities." Fudging is not necessarily corrupt.
"Science" as in the practicing scientists, is corrupt! Religion and politics has infiltrated science. Combine that with people who would do or say anything to keep their job and cash rolling in, and what you have on your hands is a bunch of corrupt people publishing BS in order to further their personal, political, and religious agendas. Sprinkle all that with a dash of fake experimental evidence to desired taste! Fudge Factor for dessert!
This reads like troll bait.

If you're serious, you really need to provide some evidence. Examples of where religion and politics have infiltrated science. You need to name names: who are these anonymous "corrupt people" to whom you allude? What are their agendas, exactly? And how did you come to know all this inside information anyway? Which experimental evidence has been faked, specifically?

I'm guessing that, true to form, you'll deliver on precisely none of these answers. Because you're just trying to provoke a reaction, aren't you?
What evidence would convince you? What do I need to show you that you will admit that science is corrupt?
I'm not sure, but you're yet to show us any evidence. You ought to try digging some up, and see how you go. If you're not just trolling, that is.
Please do not flame other members
This reads like troll bait.

If you're serious, you really need to provide some evidence. Examples of where religion and politics have infiltrated science. You need to name names: who are these anonymous "corrupt people" to whom you allude? What are their agendas, exactly? And how did you come to know all this inside information anyway? Which experimental evidence has been faked, specifically?

I'm guessing that, true to form, you'll deliver on precisely none of these answers. Because you're just trying to provoke a reaction, aren't you?

I'm not sure, but you're yet to show us any evidence. You ought to try digging some up, and see how you go. If you're not just trolling, that is.

Fuck off you crooked piece of shit!

You're a perfect example of corruption in science. Look no further than this board!
Moderator note: Motor Daddy has been warned for flaming, inappropriate language and making unsupported accusations against another member of sciforums.
Moderator note: Motor Daddy has been warned for flaming, inappropriate language and making unsupported accusations against another member of sciforums.

Just another example of issuing warnings to me for flaming, but when I report flaming I am told to quit whining. That is the definition of corruption, and since this is supposed to be a science board, then that is corruption in science.

You stick up for your buddies (or socks of yourself) and then apply the rules to people that aren't in your click. That is called the good old boy network, and it is corruption!
I'm just going to ignore that, for now. I've sent you a private message in response to your complaint about your latest warning, Motor Daddy. There's no need for us to have the same conversation in three or four different places.
Just another example of issuing warnings to me for flaming, but when I report flaming I am told to quit whining. That is the definition of corruption, and since this is supposed to be a science board, then that is corruption in science.

You stick up for your buddies (or socks of yourself) and then apply the rules to people that aren't in your click. That is called the good old boy network, and it is corruption!
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I had actually seen "click" used elsewhere for "clique" only a few weeks back and had wondered then if it might be correct.

I suspect it has taken off over there.(on my pc it is easy to check but I mainly use this smartphone these days and it is more limited)

edit: there is this

Was quite easy to find but seems rare for now.
I had a quick look in a few online dictionaries before I posted, and found no trace of "click" being acknowledged as an alternative spelling of clique. Since the pronunciation is different anyway, it would seem very odd if it were acceptable.
I had a quick look in a few online dictionaries before I posted, and found no trace of "click" being acknowledged as an alternative spelling of clique. Since the pronunciation is different anyway, it would seem very odd if it were acceptable.
I have heard the pronunciation on American tv and (think it was Anderson Cooper) It was a short "i" and indistinguishable from "click" as in "a short click"

So it would make more sense for listeners to assume it would be spelled that way.

It was jarring to hear that pronunciation but language is its own master in that respect.

There is always the possibility of the autospelling facility taking over.

(I just had to correct my spelling above for "its" since it was automatically corrected to "it's")
I have heard the pronunciation on American tv and (think it was Anderson Cooper) it was a short "i" and indistinguishable from "click" as in "a short click"

So it would make more sense for listeners to assume it would be spelled that way.

It was jarring to hear that pronunciation but language is it's own master in that respect.
its. :p

(By the way, from the profile posts it looks as if MD has decided to throw in the sponge and give up trolling this forum. Suits me.:biggrin:)
Please do not flame or insult other members.
its. :p

(By the way, from the profile posts it looks as if MD has decided to throw in the sponge and give up trolling this forum. Suits me.:biggrin:)

You are a "whiner" because you are the KING of hitting the report button. It was because of you that I decided to prove to myself that this site is in fact a good old boy network, just a "CLIQUE" which if you are not part of then you are their victim.

You are the biggest piece of shit on this site you sorry fuck!

All you ever do is insult people and hit the report button. When was the last time you actually posted a productive thread on this site? You are just a nasty little troll, and have been since I first joined this place back in 2010.

I drew a pic of a squared circle, that was said to be impossible.
I proved Einstein's shit to be BS with MD's Box.
I finished the equations of motion, effectively a 5 x 5 set of equations.
I have countless threads proving distance and time are actually the way I describe them.

You have done NOTHING except TROLL and report people, which makes you a "whining troll!"

You are too stupid to even understand just how stupid you are! If you had half a brain you might be able to understand just how fucked up you are.

Just be yourself and show your true colors by being the nasty little whining troll that you are and hit the report button. What a douchebag!

Maybe someday science will pull its head out of its ass and recognize my work, but I doubt it. They are just a bunch of political and religious HACKS. They aren't concerned with truth, they are concerned about cash and staying part of the "CLIQUE!"

47g8k.jpg duvat.jpg Squared Circle.png
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... I decided to prove to myself...
You should never try to prove anything to yourself. It's too easy.
... that this site is in fact a good old boy network
Just to go down another linguistic rabbit hole, "good old boy" and "old boy network" are two separate expressions. "Good old boys" are beer-drinkin', pickup-drivin', born-in-a-log-cabin hillbillies. "Old Boy networks" are composed of single-malt-sipping, chauffeur-driven, private-schooled snobs.
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I have heard the pronunciation on American tv and (think it was Anderson Cooper) It was a short "i" and indistinguishable from "click" as in "a short click"

So it would make more sense for listeners to assume it would be spelled that way.

It was jarring to hear that pronunciation but language is its own master in that respect.

There is always the possibility of the autospelling facility taking over.

(I just had to correct my spelling above for "its" since it was automatically corrected to "it's")
Haha, I thought it was odd for you to make that mistake. (My post 215 was evidently written before you edited this.) How annoying when your autocorrect gets it wrong for you. I've got mine set to advisory, so it doesn't actually change things, just highlights what it thinks may be errors. But that's on a laptop not a phone. (My 3G iphone is too primitive to be useable for any internet work these days.)

"Science" as in the practicing scientists, is corrupt! Religion and politics has infiltrated science. Combine that with people who would do or say anything to keep their job and cash rolling in, and what you have on your hands is a bunch of corrupt people publishing BS in order to further their personal, political, and religious agendas. Sprinkle all that with a dash of fake experimental evidence to desired taste! Fudge Factor for dessert!

This reads like troll bait.

If you're serious, you really need to provide some evidence. Examples of where religion and politics have infiltrated science. You need to name names: who are these anonymous "corrupt people" to whom you allude? What are their agendas, exactly? And how did you come to know all this inside information anyway? Which experimental evidence has been faked, specifically?

I'm guessing that, true to form, you'll deliver on precisely none of these answers. Because you're just trying to provoke a reaction, aren't you?

From post #204

Well where is Alternative thinking James R ? Publicly . Their thinking upon .....

There should be publicly TV Programs that give the Alternative Theories the same amount of TV time as the mainstream gets . To be balanced .