If Hilary Clinton Respectfully Wore MiddleEastern Hijab..?


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
Wouldn't it make more sense for Hilary Clinton to wear a headscarf, the Hijab, as a sign of respect of the Muslim faith and way of life when addressing people of the region? It would increase political relations wouldn't it? :shrug:
Wouldn't it make more sense for Hilary Clinton to wear a headscarf, the Hijab, as a sign of respect of the Muslim faith and way of life when addressing people of the region? It would increase political relations wouldn't it? :shrug:

Listen, there are people that seriously believe Obama is a muslim communist, how would it look if his secretary of state looked the part?
Listen, there are people that seriously believe Obama is a muslim communist, how would it look if his secretary of state looked the part?
So its the American electorate which is the problem then? Every other nation would be impressed though, wouldn't they?
OMFG, dude, like totally, Laura Bush is a secret Muslim agent. No First lady has ever submitted themselves to such a subservient status.



I've just noticed that American young women tend to dress like pole dancers nowadays, and that a headscarf is a halfway-house between eastern full veil and western full buff.
I've just noticed that American young women tend to dress like pole dancers nowadays, and that a headscarf is a halfway-house between eastern full veil and western full buff.

Tell me about it, there's an abundance of adolescent teenage girls, with tongue rings, belly piercing, and the tramp stamp tattoos just above the crack of their bottoms. Kinda sucks I graduated from school in the 90's.
you know, personally, I'm tired of foreign relations, how about our governments start doing a little domestic relations.
Wouldn't it make more sense for Hilary Clinton to wear a headscarf, the Hijab, as a sign of respect of the Muslim faith and way of life when addressing people of the region? It would increase political relations wouldn't it? :shrug:

Why the hypothetical? Clinton already wore a headscarf while visiting Pakistan.
Do hijib-wearing Muslim women remove their covering in respect to Americans/Christians/ Jews when they come here? No. Hillary should NOT cover her head in honor/respect to Islam-especially if she is a Christian like she claims. Catholics would call that sacrilegious.
Do hijib-wearing Muslim women remove their covering in respect to Americans/Christians/ Jews when they come here? No. Hillary should NOT cover her head in honor/respect to Islam-especially if she is a Christian like she claims. Catholics would call that sacrilegious.

And any sane person would call your suggestion idiotic.

It's their religion and it is our way of showing respect. If we respected them than we would allow them to carry on their traditions. your so damn closed minded sandy it's not even funny anymore, it's just sad bordering on pathetic.
Wouldn't it make more sense for Hilary Clinton to wear a headscarf, the Hijab, as a sign of respect of the Muslim faith and way of life when addressing people of the region? It would increase political relations wouldn't it? :shrug:

I think the people of the region need to realise that not everybody is a Muslim. They need to respect Hillary Clinton's Christian beliefs as much as she needs to respect their Muslim beliefs.

There's a line to be drawn here. If Clinton was to go to a Mosque, for example, and was asked to wear a headscarf by the people who invited her, then she could either agree to that request, negotiate with the people, or simply ignore the request. To ignore such a request without comment would indeed be disrespectful. However, for people assume that she should wear a scarf without being asked to is presumptuous. She is not Muslim.

These kinds of diplomatic issues are seldom straightforward.
And any sane person would call your suggestion idiotic. It's their religion and it is our way of showing respect. If we respected them than we would allow them to carry on their traditions. your so damn closed minded sandy it's not even funny anymore, it's just sad bordering on pathetic.

Any intelligent person knows I'm right. This is a mostly Christian country. Do the hijabHeads remove their coverings in respect of us? Hell, no.
Why should we honor a religion of death, destruction and terrorism? After what they have done to us for 20 years/911.
We let them carry on their traditions here in our country where they refuse to assimilate. Our politicians are too pc/cowardly to outlaw them. Other countries are banning the coverings. If we had any balls we would, too. Male Muslim terrorists are hiding under these coverings. No one should be allowed to wear them.
WTF is wrong with you and your personal attacks? Knock it off.:mad:
I have to deal with these pukes on a daily basis and know EXACTLY what I am talking about.:mad:
RE: Pole-dancers

What's wrong with dressing like a pole-dancer? If you think that wearing a three peace suite doesn't make you a business-whore, well, you have another thing coming :p
And any sane person would call your suggestion idiotic.

It's their religion and it is our way of showing respect. If we respected them than we would allow them to carry on their traditions. your so damn closed minded sandy it's not even funny anymore, it's just sad bordering on pathetic.

Actually I think Sandy has quite a good point. It has nothing to do with being closed minded and all about tolerance. Clinton is not Muslim, if she wants to wear a headscarf and follow the culture then so be it, but if she doesn't want to then that should be respected as well. I don't know how people in the Middle East feel, but I doubt someone from the Middle East wearing traditional American attire to a meeting with diplomats would change foreign relations much.
Do the hijabHeads remove their coverings in respect of us? Hell, no.

Does Christianity include a ban on headscarves? Hmm... interesting.

Why should we honor a religion of death, destruction and terrorism?

Yeah. Remember the crusades!

We let them carry on their traditions here in our country where they refuse to assimilate.

Ah, America. Land of the free, home of the brave.

Male Muslim terrorists are hiding under these coverings.

Seen some at the supermarket?

I have to deal with these pukes on a daily basis and know EXACTLY what I am talking about.:mad:

I feel sorry for the pukes.
Why the hypothetical? Clinton already wore a headscarf while visiting Pakistan.
Do you have any pictures? Okay, if she did then at least its a step in the right direction.

P.S the area exposed by the full veil, i.e. the slit for the eyes, is exactly the same area as an American woman's g-string. Coincidence?
Is it possible that maybe a lot of Americans don't respect Muslims, and don't want any "show of respect" displayed?

It's hard to draw a clear line between a show of "respect" and a show of "submission", when you're dealing with a culture that claims you ought not to have the right to forgo the scarf. We value our right of choice in the matter, and want Muslims to respect that.

We're willing to shoot them into respecting it. If they're willing to bomb us into respecting their customs, and we're willing to shoot them into respecting our freedoms, then who ought to win that showdown?