Iceland, the powerhouse of the world?


Realistically Surreal
Registered Senior Member
Ive been thinking that with all our energy problems, why dont we just form a company to go to iceland and produce geothermal energy for everybody? The energy is clean and safe and uses the earths' own energy instead of using fossil fuels? This then could be distributed throughout the world at minimal cost.
As its my idea, I think I ought to be in charge of course!
I hope everybody is happy and being kind to each other out there.
Love, lou.
Ive been thinking that with all our energy problems, why dont we just form a company to go to iceland and produce geothermal energy for everybody? The energy is clean and safe and uses the earths' own energy instead of using fossil fuels? This then could be distributed throughout the world at minimal cost.
As its my idea, I think I ought to be in charge of course!
I hope everybody is happy and being kind to each other out there.
Love, lou.

Ok Geothermal Energy is heat, so what are you going to do with the Heat Energy Boss?:)
Turn it into steam to drive turbines, simple. Condensing the steam back into water should be easy.
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Turn it into steam to drive turbines, simple. Condensing the steam back into water should be easy.
OK you got the turbines spinning, and giant cooling towers retuning the water back to be reused.
What are the turbines attached to, Boss? So now we have taken thermal Energy and converted it to mechanical Energy, what now Boss?:)
we power the world, simple. Edit: The turbines power generators.
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we power the world, simple.
What electrical power cables running under the Atlantic heading in four directions?
How much heat do you think there is in a bit of rock? The rock cools as you take the energy out of it. It is dependent on the rate of conduction through the Lithosphere to reheat it. Conduction is rather slow process. It is not as if you can drop a coil directly into the molten core of the Earth!:)
There are significant losses when transmitting electricity, and the cost of such an infrastructure would likely exceed current energy costs.
There is plenty of energy for our needs, and a network of cables would be easy to install with todays technology.
Imagine thousands of generator houses supplying all our energy needs. cleanly and safely. The heat generated could be radiated out into space.
Aside from the technical problems even using "today's technology", there's also the issue of redundancy and security. Plus, the Not In My Back Yard. Are we invading Iceland to do this?
There is plenty of energy for our needs, and a network of cables would be easy to install with todays technology.
You are the Boss remember. You wanted the job so you have to price it up.
Are there the materials to take power half way across the Atlantic and be reliable.
In NZ we send power across the Cook Strait a mere 30 kms but the Atlantic might be 2000 kms.
Power is generated in the South Island and sent north. One third of the power is lost in the process.
You might have no power left after sending it across the Atlantic.

There is an enormous difference in difficulty.
Are you running a viable company or not Boss?:)
Iceland might like me to bring them some wealth, sure. Once the infrastructure is built the rest is cheap renewable energy
The heat generated could be radiated out into space.

Do you do that with a heat ray? Or do we just put garbage bags full of heat on rocket and shoot them out to the interplanetary dump?
Do you do that with a heat ray? Or do we just put garbage bags full of heat on rocket and shoot them out to the interplanetary dump?

It would be naturally radiated back into space, to a variable degree, based on the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and other factors.
Nearly 70% of their power comes from GeoThermal.

Of course the country only has 1/100th the population of the US, so it helps to keep the amount of energy you are talking about in perspective.
It would be naturally radiated back into space, to a variable degree, based on the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and other factors.
I would think England and Europe would be happy to have a body of warmth to the west of them. Might improve their climate over all. :)