I protest to a thread lock...

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Beer w/Straw

Transcendental Ignorance!
Valued Senior Member
How is it when a moderator posts something meaningful and then locks the thread that could be good and meaningful for discussion is in any way productive?

Is wanting to argue why against forum rules?


If it was a consensus with moderators, well, they didn't post anything meaningful -just lock the thread.
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Enlighten me.
Uh . . . did you read the thread?

To give you a quick recap:

BWS: I didn't want to come of as so conservative, but you're such an ass.

Birch: frankly, you are an idiot.

Tiassa: the discussion will return to some useful function, and immediately, else it will go the way of other such catastrophes of petty hubris.

Birch: idiot.

Bells: The name calling has to stop. If it does not stop, then the thread will be closed and infractions issued.

BWS: birch must be a bot that colluded to get Trump elected. Clearly this is a masturbation thread now.

Birch: fuk off, white bitch. cracker.

Bells: Well, thread closed. Infractions for racism and trolling and flaming issued to two members.

I don't always agree with the moderation here, but the above was a very straightforward issue, and a welcome use of moderator power.
Maybe that was a lull point, or maybe not.

I was curious in responses I got. Or, is that too aberrant in social norms, being curious that is.
I dropped out of the other thread earlier on, so not following, but:

BWS, I'm not sure about the last 2 posts above. Are you saying that the summary in billvon's post 5 is entirely inaccurate? He's lying? He's accusing you of lying? Ambiguous.

I am only asking for the sake of clarification.
I was thinking, billvon, could be promoting that I wasn't actually curious.

That I had some agenda and was intending to mislead.


None of the moderators said that to me openly -maybe they should.
Also, I'm under a threat of being permanently banned, so, I might as well speak up. Figuring out if being perma banned is the best choice for me.
I was thinking, billvon, could be promoting that I wasn't actually curious.
??? What? You asked - "Is wanting to argue why against forum rules?" I explained that it was not against forum rules.

The thread was locked because two different moderators warned that it would be locked if the name calling didn't stop. The name calling didn't stop. It got locked.

What part of that do you not understand?
Also, I'm under a threat of being permanently banned, so, I might as well speak up. Figuring out if being perma banned is the best choice for me.
What does it accomplish?

I mean OK, so of all your contributions here, a fraction of them violate guidelines. That's not personal, it just means some of what you have to say needs to be said somewhere other than SciFo.
Why not just keep SciFo-approved content on SciFo?

Is there anything to be gained by martyring yourself?
??? What? You asked - "Is wanting to argue why against forum rules?" I explained that it was not against forum rules.

The thread was locked because two different moderators warned that it would be locked if the name calling didn't stop. The name calling didn't stop. It got locked.

What part of that do you not understand?

Maybe, in the reality of things, when Donald Trump is president of the USA which means race relations are a relevant subject.
Also, I'm under a threat of being permanently banned, so, I might as well speak up. Figuring out if being perma banned is the best choice for me.
You realize you can achieve an effective "perma ban" by just not posting any more, right?
Why lock a thread? (Don't answer that)

An internet forum is not a psychoanalytic session. Hence, you must provoke responses and think of why said person responds in that way.

But locking a thread after I'm called a bigot, is well, not the ideal...
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