Hows you'r eyes.???


+ Public Dilemma +
Valued Senior Member
Got my driver license renewed to day an good for 6 more years wit no restrictions.!!!

Near 70 an still have 20/20 vision :)

One time i ate so many raw carrots i got a belly ache… haha.!!!
Got my driver license renewed to day an good for 6 more years wit no restrictions.!!!

Near 70 an still have 20/20 vision :)

One time i ate so many raw carrots i got a belly ache… haha.!!!

Glasses since age 12

Free drivers licence runs out in 7 years (had a 10 year active period)

Free eye test optometrist every 2 years with new free replacement glasses

Glasses since age 12

Free drivers licence runs out in 7 years (had a 10 year active period)

Free eye test optometrist every 2 years with new free replacement glasses


Wow... 10 years... an lots of free stuff... im in Indiana whare do you live.???
Wow... 10 years... an lots of free stuff... im in Indiana whare do you live.???
Age 76 pensioner in Australia in Darwin but the free stuff is much the same Australia wide

Recently the government increased the travel allowance

Used to be $500 every 2 years. Now every year. If you don't want to travel can use on your power or water bill (for which you already get a discount)

My last power bill was $0 because my usage was below the value of the discount and I'm working to get my water bill to $0

My $500 from the old travel allowance I used to get a week in China. Airfare return $446 - $144 returned - something about allowance not used for China landing fees

So Visa $120 - Flight $302 - Hotel $300 (1 week)

November Holiday Bali will be Visa $0 - Flight $369 return - $230 from allowance - Hotel $700 (3 weeks including breakfast)

Leaves me with $250 for further flight before end June 2019

Left over does not roll over

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I've had eight operations on my eyes since July, 2017. I can currently see fairly well.

One operation on each eye, cataract removal, a year apart

Home same day first, riding motorbike one eyed

Second operation someone snitched on me and they made me stay in a self care unit, home next morning

All free

One operation on each eye, cataract removal, a year apart

Home same day first, riding motorbike one eyed

Second operation someone snitched on me and they made me stay in a self care unit, home next morning

All free

SOP on the left eye. I didn't have any restrictions after that surgery with regard to my living arrangements, just went home.

Right eye, the "appliance" got loose in the eye and the docs spent three hours trying to retrieve it, and failed. The VA then sent me to a local eye wizard for another three hour surgery that finally got the item where it belonged. Then, in the recovery room we found out that I'm extremely sensitive to fentanyl. Unconscious for eight hours after a standard "something for the pain" shot. And then I developed glaucoma in that eye. The following five procedures were aimed at correcting that. Still waiting to see if the most recent work (in the "hail mary" category) will do the job.
"Astronaut eyes" said my former optometrist. My distance vision is very good. Reading glasses though, for up close. I spend a lot of time doing things wearing an Optivisor, using a magnifier and a microscope.

Pushing 70 here too, Detroit. :D
"Astronaut eyes" said my former optometrist. My distance vision is very good. Reading glasses though, for up close. I spend a lot of time doing things wearing an Optivisor, using a magnifier and a microscope.

Pushing 70 here too, Detroit. :D

Guess you didn't need Black and White TV for the moon landing, you watched it live ON the moon

I was short sighted before got my internal plastic lenses, now long sighted but still need glasses

OK, I'll tell a more personal story.

My father had very bad eyesight that he was never allowed to drive. My mother was a driving instructor for some time and loved to drive. I was one of those babies (and still am if you want me to shut up) that cried and cried but if you took for a drive I would fall asleep.

Anyway, my father berated my brother for his hand writing because it was next to chicken scratch. Whereas me, I'd write like Look I'm writing, read my stuff and love me! There was a total difference. But, when I got a little older I realized that even though my brother could read what he was writing, my father couldn't at all.
Roughly -4.25 in either eye--very near-sighted, but not so much that I can't find my way around without glasses.

That said, I've got a weird neurological quirk that makes testing me for lenses a bit of a challenge. I've got what anthropologists call what "field independent vision," whereas most, erm, "civilized" sorts have "field dependent vision." Domesticated sorts are naturally attuned to boundaries (the forest for the trees), whereas "savages" and HGs and the like are prone to seeing all parts of the "field" discretely. This gives me mad skills at finding that tiny little needle you've dropped on the haystack (yeah, I know it's supposed to be "in"), but makes reading street signs a nightmare.

Don't know why this is the case--epilepsy? Hyperactivity? Who knows?

Edit: HG=Hunter gather or hyper gangsta
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"Astronaut eyes" said my former optometrist. My distance vision is very good. Reading glasses though, for up close. I spend a lot of time doing things wearing an Optivisor, using a magnifier and a microscope.

Pushing 70 here too, Detroit. :D

Pushing 50 here (that means under 50, right? I'm sometimes confused by such expressions), yet I still do not use a magnifier to do electronic work--I'm talking through-hole and SMD. I can actually bring an IC or transistor within 2 or 3 cm. of my eye (in order to read the often strangely hued inscriptions) and it's perfectly clear.
Pushing 50 here (that means under 50, right? I'm sometimes confused by such expressions), yet I still do not use a magnifier to do electronic work--I'm talking through-hole and SMD. I can actually bring an IC or transistor within 2 or 3 cm. of my eye (in order to read the often strangely hued inscriptions) and it's perfectly clear.
"He's about to push his way into his 50s." (Forgot the source, but it sorted that for me at 11 years old.)
"He's about to push his way into his 50s." (Forgot the source, but it sorted that for me at 11 years old.)

Thanks. Colloquialisms that reference relations or directionality frequently confuse me.

How's that Bruce Lee quote go? "Better to be one step behind than half a step ahead." I find myself in the latter position often.
My doc told me i shoud get regular eye exams so i got one… an when it was over i gave the eye doc a form to fill out that i got from the BMV website that alows you to skip the BMV eye test if you have good eyes… i gave BMV the form… the girl took it to her supervison an he was shakin his head… she then took it to the managers office an was gone for about 10 minutes… then her an the manager started walkin my way… when they got to the computer the manager was talkin on the phone to sombody an relayin information to the girl at the computer an then the manager walked away… the girl at the computer said sorry for the delay… that this was the first time any one had brout that form in an they didnt know how to enter the information into the system… haha.!!!

I figered my takin the form in woud speed thangs along at the BMV by not havin to take ther eye test… NOT… but i still got it all done in about 30 minutes… which included me givin ‘em 4 types of identification so i coud get the "Real ID" star on my license which will be needed in 2020 to fly commercially or get access to certan federal buildins… so it was still a good day… escept for the photo they took (very bad)… for some reason pitchers of me never turn out good.???
One time i ate so many raw carrots i got a belly ache… haha.!!!
A bit of WWII propaganda there.

"These orange root vegetables were not associated with strong eyesight until centuries later during World War II. The British Royal Air Force wove a fabricated tale about skilled fighter pilot John “Cats’ Eyes” Cunningham, saying that he attributed his excellent night vision to a steady diet of carrots. Soon, it was mandated that everyone should eat carrots so they could see better during the mandatory blackouts, but this was mere propaganda."

"Binging on carrots would also not improve most Americans’ eyesight. Once you have enough beta-carotene in your body it often will no longer convert to vitamin A, Chew says. The body naturally regulates against excess amounts of vitamin A to prevent accumulation of toxic levels of the substance. "
So thats how that eye-carrot thang got started.!!!

I was cuttin up some carrots for supper an they was so good an sweet that i sampled to many an had a belly ache later... best carrots i ever had but i never over-ate 'em again.!!!

Bonus Carrot recipe:::

Cut up carrots an onions an put in a bowl... add some salt... add some olive oil an dill-weed an stir it all around... spread on a cookie sheet an bake at 400 about 25 minutes or until carrots are tinder an onions start to brown.!!!
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I'm long-sighted and wear glasses all the time. Short-sightedness tends to improve a bit with age, but long-sightedness gets worse, so my sight is getting worse. (There could be other contributing factors, too.) I haven't had new glasses now for about 4 years, and am overdue for some.

I didn't really wear glasses until I was about 25, but now I can't do without them - at least, not if I want any chance of reading anything.

I do a lot of close work and reading (both for work and pleasure), so I put down some deterioration in my vision to reading lots of stuff.

Basically, I blame sciforums. Damn you all!