Food Sequence


Registered Senior Member
Please do not post nonsense or pseudoscience to the Science subforums.
A food sequence is a set of foods eaten in a set order. An example would be 'Banana, Chocolate, Peanuts'. The set contains three elements. The three elements are arranged in an order of consumption. First the banana is eaten, then the chocolate is eaten, then the peanuts are eaten. A food sequence could be three elements long or could be 500 elements long. A food sequence can also be repeated indefinitely. What food sequences help with different aspects of health? DE
There is truth to the idea that certain combinations of food eaten synthesize together better as well as combos that inhibit absorption of certain nutrients or are more harmful as more free radical damage is produced due to it being harder to digest and rotting/fermenting in your colon longer than it should. I read a book that said vegetables are best eaten with protein and carbs with fruits, but not protein and carbs together, if i remember correctly. Or just one food group eaten by itself is better overall. The idea is that it taxes your system to have to digest different food groups all at once.
There's no substantial body of evidence supporting any particular combinations of foods eaten in any order being any more beneficial than eating them in the reverse order or separately. That includes the issue of "free radicals" and "anti-oxidants". Unless you're considering something like spicy food + Rolaids, meal order and timing is only known thus far to have a marginal effect at best. Yes, claims abound about the subject, but solid evidence backing such claims does not.
As my father used to say, it all gets mixed together in your stomach anyway. Your digestive system digests different things at different rates but not necessarily in the order that they were swallowed.
There's no substantial body of evidence supporting any particular combinations of foods eaten in any order being any more beneficial than eating them in the reverse order or separately. That includes the issue of "free radicals" and "anti-oxidants". Unless you're considering something like spicy food + Rolaids, meal order and timing is only known thus far to have a marginal effect at best. Yes, claims abound about the subject, but solid evidence backing such claims does not.

Yes there is truth to it just as certain vitamins work together or certain foods in combination with others break down or absorb better than with others. It is NOT all psuedoscience.
As my father used to say, it all gets mixed together in your stomach anyway. Your digestive system digests different things at different rates but not necessarily in the order that they were swallowed.

Of course because your father is an expert, nutritionist and understands how food and nutrients are best absorbed.

The dismissal of this thread has more to do with the impracticality for most of knowing and trying to eat this way, not that its all bs because it isnt.
Yes there is truth to it just as certain vitamins work together or certain foods in combination with others break down or absorb better than with others. It is NOT all psuedoscience.
Can you cite evidence of this, from reputable sources, then?