Finish my Sentence

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but had nothing to do with anything, so i thought to myself, "geeze I really suck at telling stories", and then i continued to ponder, "everyone sux at telling stories", and so i put my "dangly"away, fitted on my dancing shoes and...
---disregarding partypooper Jeremirroer----

piranhas and the constant agitation acted like a propeller whisking me away to the river bank. I staggered out and was surprised to find that I had legs again...
So I ran, but felt soo tiny in a supersized organic jungle when i heard the noise of
A gun, which was the last noise I heard in my entire life. I was now dead, and that is where the story ends.
and I think we need to end this story and start a new one...... ;)

Last week on a plane trip to Paris, I ran into an old friend who was on her way to........
get dismembered or decapitated by barbed wire when instead....
but then she realized that she was having a dream while still on the plane, all of a sudden the plane started to............
A boy named James and a Homosexual Grasshopper were crushed by the immense pressure of the...
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