Everyday sexism

I guess that I have no other choice than to apologize to you, Alex.
Obviously, it was wrong of me to even begin to conclude anything at all about your Posts on this Forum based solely upon the content of your Posts on this Forum.
So, again Alex, I have no other choice than to apologize.

Alas, if you had only explained this to me about you previously, well...no, my ignorance is no excuse.
...for unlike all of you I am not judgemental
An admiral quality, Alex, and believe me, I am extremely impressed by your ability to determine that all of us are so judgemental without being in any way judgemental yourself.

..clearly you all have terrible flaws which I goes to reflect drama in your lives...the lieing usually means the actor has been lied to..the hater has had hate filled environments..I get all that...I can over look it for a while but the persistence certainly worries me.
My apologies also for thinkng that I could exchange missives with someone of your status while clearly having such terrible flaws in my life/character/personality.
I will no longer persist in making you overlook my terrible flaws...can we not hope that that alleviates your worries?
Even if this is the case you, by calling him Harvey, you say that he is guilty of sexual abuse ... actionable defamation...that is fact not advice..run it by a lawyer mate.
Alex, when was the last time you read up on defamation laws in Australia?

If I had used his real name, photo or anything that clearly identified him, if I had caused him damage or harm by that reference and application of context, if I had damaged his reputation or say, for example, his relationships with others or even, as one example, affected his ability to get a job, then you might have had a point. He goes by the name of paddoboy on an internet forum. No one knows who he is. He's having a rip roaring time going about his life, hardly exhibiting any damage or lasting negative affects on his life, nor has he suffered any actual harm as a result by his own commentary of what he's getting up to.

Your legal bluster? You really should stop.
No it is you that forgets what I say..to wit..after telling my history you say I have no idea.

I have set out things that to any competent person would be understandable clearly you are not interested in understanding in the least but your tactic of twisting words proceeding with out evidence and a tendency to rely on mind readers have all become tiresome and frankly your lack of substance coupled with your lies makes this no fun although certainly it ensures victory goes to me for your failure to provide evidence and inability to refrain from lieing...Sexual abuse you can not establish and was a disgustingly low call...and then ylu say but the context..mmm context is ok but only when you are using it...
Here is what you said:
And thinking about it...can we not extend some consideration for old age given the law recognises that a child under eight can not be guilty of a crime under the law?
I am not twisting your words.

This is to point out your response to my posted links to the domestic violence matters that unfortunately are of no concern to you....
I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Try and pay attention now..

Are you ready?

This thread...?

Is not about domestic violence!

Nothing predates religion that we can tell ..
Wow.. Just.. Wow!
written records go back to the Sumerians who show that religion and society were around together and that they invented the god in the bible, Adam, the garden and the flood...
Sumerians believed in anthropomorphic polytheism.

No, their religious text does not show that they invented the Bible, Adam, the garden of Eve or the flood. Some believe there are parallel's with the Torah - in that they are similar to some of the stories in the Hebrew Tanakh.

Would you deny the church does not treat women badly? Why don't we have a female Pope? There are many many why's.. why is that?

Do you read the bible..do you want me to fill page after page quoting parts of the bible that proves my point?
I'm an atheist. This thread is not about the Catholic Church.

And once more. You keep saying that paddoboy has not done anything wrong and you've seen no evidence that he's done anything wrong, while at the same time you are blaming religion and Hollywood for the bad treatment of women and you have repeatedly claimed that paddoboy is like he is because he was raised a Catholic .. If he isn't doing anything wrong in your opinion, then what does his religious upbringing have to do with it?

Understand now?
Yet you can not point out any without twisting my words can you.

What do you think is contradictory?

Can you be specific.
Are you asking me to repeat myself over and over again because you can't remember? Or because you don't understand?
You want to back that up?
That I provided you with around half a dozen links?

Here is where I provided you with a bunch of links: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/everyday-sexism.163836/page-24#post-3660885
Here is where I also provided paddoboy with links: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/everyday-sexism.163836/page-25#post-3660986
You think because I point out the need for evidence etc etc..that I have no idea..you ignore my history..it is you who have no idea...your determination to belittle Paddo has you making un supported claims...and you don't think I read all material that pertains to what I will comment upon...I am not like you I read what is posted as I likectomknow why folk hold their opinion...you are clearly different..you wont look at anything that may threaten your reality...just like the video explains..you too fit the stereo type ..in my view...but as you have not seen it and James passed judgement without watching all of it I think it is safe to say neither of you will ,earn from it.
Yeah yeah..

We shall rue the day, etc..

I don't expect you to look at any video when you have an ear infection but your tirad re being told suggests you know what you will find and therefore you won't watch the videos...there is one by a nice lady who calmly points out that Christian men are more likely to be abusers..real nasty abuse, domestic violence etc...don't you think that is a more serious issue than old folk calling each other luv?
You know, given you have kept repeating how Paddoboy is the way he is because he was raised a Catholic, perhaps this is not the best way for you to try to defend him..

And this thread is not about domestic violence.

Perhaps you should write that on your hand so you don't forget when you are posting in this thread.

If you want to discuss domestic violence, start a thread. I will gladly participate. But let's try and keep this one on topic, yeah?
I did not give him legal advice..Saying "I would sue her" is not advice in any shape or form..it is an opinion..so casual I see your comments as more of the same tiresome twisting of words of an opponent....and legal advice could only be offered if there was a principle/ client relationship ...legal advice would be along the lines of referencing the law, the acts, the cases the opportunity for damages and the like but a product of a principle client contractual relationship...this is yet another example of your need to twist words ... it really is a disgusting and unproductive habit.
Really Mr "I'm keeping notes"?

Bells referring to you as Harvey is just so wrong...you should sue her for defamation.

I am keeping notes don't worry.

When you tell someone that they should do something, you are giving them advice.
If an older female handed you something and said, “Here you go, dear,” would it bother you?

If it's my mother, my aunt, mother-in-law, or elderly women among my family and friends? Not at all.

If it's my boss, I'd find it somewhat condescending and patronising.
I guess that I have no other choice than to apologize to you, Alex.
Obviously, it was wrong of me to even begin to conclude anything at all about your Posts on this Forum based solely upon the content of your Posts on this Forum.
So, again Alex, I have no other choice than to apologize.

Alas, if you had only explained this to me about you previously, well...no, my ignorance is no excuse.

An admiral quality, Alex, and believe me, I am extremely impressed by your ability to determine that all of us are so judgemental without being in any way judgemental yourself.

My apologies also for thinkng that I could exchange missives with someone of your status while clearly having such terrible flaws in my life/character/personality.
I will no longer persist in making you overlook my terrible flaws...can we not hope that that alleviates your worries?

At least you establish who is disingenious.


I wonder if your career leaves you looking for sex offenders , you know a carry over, such that it could explain your witch hunt for Paddo and inability to be somewhat rational in accepting my observations that different locations see different norms.

Given your career you must have a better understanding than anyone here of the need for evidence and yet I have asked three times that you offer evidence and you refuse to do so saying it's been covered and in that seem to suggest it is not worth the time, you can however find the time to address all other things...my compliments on working out the defamation thing I thought you would get it in time.

Both you and James have been guilty of twisting words and lieing so when we put all these things together and witness your bullying and abuse I doubt if the audience finds you have any credibility what so ever...this is unfortunate because the familiarity issue needs to be gently presented to communities as a judgemental demanding approach will see folk reject the validity.

And I guess you missed the thread "Religion and Women" .


I wonder if your career leaves you looking for sex offenders , you know a carry over, such that it could explain your witch hunt for Paddo and inability to be somewhat rational in accepting my observations that different locations see different norms.

Given your career you must have a better understanding than anyone here of the need for evidence and yet I have asked three times that you offer evidence and you refuse to do so saying it's been covered and in that seem to suggest it is not worth the time, you can however find the time to address all other things...my compliments on working out the defamation thing I thought you would get it in time.

Both you and James have been guilty of twisting words and lieing so when we put all these things together and witness your bullying and abuse I doubt if the audience finds you have any credibility what so ever...this is unfortunate because the familiarity issue needs to be gently presented to communities as a judgemental demanding approach will see folk reject the validity.

And I guess you missed the thread "Religion and Women" .

This would have to be, the dumbest and most insane strawman I've seen in a while.

The fact that you are so blatantly dishonest was obvious from the start. But the sheer level of maliciousness of your actions in this thread is something to behold.

You claim to be his friend, but you ramped him up and you shoved him out there and opened him up to all sorts of risk.

He, being as dumb-fuck crazy as you are, took you seriously and started begging me to take him to court, because you, the crazy and delusional friend with an ego the size of the fucking moon and who does not have a goddamn clue of defamation law, told him "you should sue her for defamation" and then told him how he should not worry because you were taking notes.

And when you are caught out as a completely delusional fraud, you try to make it seem as though it's a test and accuse me of looking for sex offenders.

I would say you should be ashamed of yourself, but I don't think you are capable of even understanding what that would even entail. Seek help.

I wonder if your career leaves you looking for sex offenders , you know a carry over, such that it could explain your witch hunt for Paddo and inability to be somewhat rational in accepting my observations that different locations see different norms.

This is somehow even more ridiculous and idiotic than much of what I have encountered within this thread, and that's really saying a lot.
This would have to be, the dumbest and most insane strawman I've seen in a while.

The fact that you are so blatantly dishonest was obvious from the start. But the sheer level of maliciousness of your actions in this thread is something to behold.

You claim to be his friend, but you ramped him up and you shoved him out there and opened him up to all sorts of risk.

He, being as dumb-fuck crazy as you are, took you seriously and started begging me to take him to court, because you, the crazy and delusional friend with an ego the size of the fucking moon and who does not have a goddamn clue of defamation law, told him "you should sue her for defamation" and then told him how he should not worry because you were taking notes.

And when you are caught out as a completely delusional fraud, you try to make it seem as though it's a test and accuse me of looking for sex offenders.

I would say you should be ashamed of yourself, but I don't think you are capable of even understanding what that would even entail. Seek help.

So no evidence is it?

who does not have a goddamn clue of defamation law,
When you talk again to your lawyer mate, now that you are somewhat familiar with the need to identify the victim, you may want to address the recent cases in this regard, and mention to that lawyer friend that we know Paddos first name and where he has the occasional drink and where he lives...just follow thru on that and tell me what you said last time ..taking into account those things that you probably forgot to mention...

You probably missed a post I made where in I recalled sitting next to but one, the Late Bob Hawke during one of his defamation cases.... being there because the firm I worked for was considered one of the best in this area.

Mmmm damages...see what you can find out.

Now just because I have confidence and chat with you and wont roll over or let you intimidate me saying my ego is as big as the Moon is perhaps an exaggeration...


This is somehow even more ridiculous and idiotic than much of what I have encountered within this thread, and that's really saying a lot.

Given my ego is so big I can take that as a compliment.

My observation could be valid ...if you are involved with something as a career there can be a carry over...lets face it working in Bells profession would leave some negative impressions dont you think?

Anyways a sensible arguement against my suggestion has more chance of being taken seriously as opposed to what you have done...

When you talk again to your lawyer mate, now that you are somewhat familiar with the need to identify the victim, you may want to address the recent cases in this regard, and mention to that lawyer friend that we know Paddos first name and where he has the occasional drink and where he lives...just follow thru on that and tell me what you said last time ..taking into account those things that you probably forgot to mention...

You probably missed a post I made where in I recalled sitting next to but one, the Late Bob Hawke during one of his defamation cases.... being there because the firm I worked for was considered one of the best in this area.

Mmmm damages...see what you can find out.

Now just because I have confidence and chat with you and wont roll over or let you intimidate me saying my ego is as big as the Moon is perhaps an exaggeration...

And the moronic chest thumping continues.

You know his first name, where he downs the beers and where he lives? Okay. And?

Were you led to believe he was a sex offender so much so that it damaged his reputation with you? No. Did you shun him as a result? No, you clearly have not. Has he been damaged by my comment to the point where it's affected his way of life, he has been shunned by his friends (ie you), damaged him economically and prevented him from living his life? No, he clearly was not.

Was context provided for the opinion I stated? Yes, it clearly was. Numerous times. Damages? What? Is this craven display because you think you're onto easy cash or something?

You, sir, are certifiable. Seek help.
And the moronic chest thumping continues.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me...but you would not want that at a defamation hearing.

You know his first name, where he downs the beers and where he lives? Okay. And?

Well it seems that could be enough..I am not sure just to be clear...but really I mentioned it for no other reason than having you think it thru carefully...for me I will have some fun getting up to date and seeing how this aspect has been extended by judges..they like to have cases where some new inflection is down to them, the lawyers love it also...I just thought you may be interested and as I said mention it to your lawyer friend..I bet he goes..." well on one hand...but on the other..."

But it is clear you can take action with less than the plaintiffs full name and address...and as I said judges love to be the ones who decide to extend something.

Were you led to believe he was a sex offender so much so that it damaged his reputation with you? No. Did you shun him as a result? No, you clearly have not. Has he been damaged by my comment to the point where it's affected his way of life, he has been shunned by his friends (ie you), damaged him economically and prevented him from living his life? No, he clearly was not.

What would be fun is a trial here say in the debating section...even now I have a feeling I could win. Maybe bet one dollar.

Actually maybe not thinking things thru..hours and hours and hours reading cases..but I think it would be fun...but it can't happen..I could not give my best.

Is this craven display because you think you're onto easy cash or something?

No no no ... I don't need money I have my few toys and these days I can't play with them and honestly I would not take the case for a million even ten million.....its just interesting...and I will say this..if Paddo did sue you and was just after money I would not like it at all and would do my best to help you as opposed to him and what help I gave your lawyers would be free.

You have been nice enough to talk to me when it must be clear things are not great for me and I appreciate it...

You know I feel so much better...in the head that is..I went to town seeing my daughter and ex and having food that I did not cook, bought meat, bread, fruit, milk, sugar, tea, cordial ...but can you believe this I forgot to buy guitar strings..the other day after the nonsense with the place I was waiting at I ran off in a huff and forgot them that visit and did not get food either ....and damn it...I forgot soap...anyways got plenty of detergent ..that works.

I had break fast with my ex and my daughter and told them briefly of the knock down drag out going on here..and I did it nicely...I said to my daughter what would you think if someone called you luv...she said " It seems a bit creepy..why would they call me luv?" My Ex says..."I wouldn't worry it's just crap old people like us grew up with "...... the conversation then went to free speech and we had such a lovely discussion...seeing some real people and get some decent food helped me get past the cabin craziness...

The way I look at all this was it helped me get past certain things and I hope in some way it helped you in a similar way.
You put up such a battle you can be proud.

I just had a look on YouTube could not see any..there were two but put downs on SJW and a feminist which I don't need to see...there must be lots of female comedians...there was in the past..where have they gone?
Maybe there is less because humour is getting somewhat touchy...a good question...see what you can find...

I thought you said you were leaving.

You're still a bit sulky, but you're back now? Or will you be heading off again soon?
I was correct. The usual lies, slurs, and deliberate misinterpretations by two in particular...let's call them Trump and Gialiani, as in Donald and Rudy,
Tut tut! We have rules about referring to members of this forum by their chosen screen names, paddoboy. I'll let it pass this one time, but in future if you want to address somebody or refer to them, you need to use the correct name, clear?

What prompted me into looking back was three incidents/happenings, that show up the lies that Donald and Rudy have continually presented.
Kind of like the real Donald, you've been unable to document any actual lies, so far. You ought to stop making false accusations that you can't support.

The first of those....While having a beer at Easts with a mate, I approached one of the bar attendants that looked after us and kept us well lubricated
on our reunion. I mentioned the "lubricated bit that Donald continually lies about, and the casual everyday banter by herself and us blokes. She pissed herself laughing and
went on to say that the "fun police" are getting more and more desperate everyday. Then I asked her age. She replied 36 years old, and I then said, shit Luv, I told them you were in your twenties.
She then returned the compliment and said I look nowhere near 76 years old.
Who's Donald, here? Is that me, or Bells? Leaving that aside, because it doesn't much matter...

I note that you've repeated the story about "lubricated" - the one I commented on. In other words, far from pointing out any lie on my part, you have once again merely confirmed your initial account.

There's not much to say about your little anecdote here, other than that we're not hearing from the bar attendant in question. We're hearing your second-hand report of something said bar attendant may or may not have said.

I ask readers to note the term "fun police", attributed to the bar attendant, for future reference.
The second incident concerns the little Woolworths shop assistant and the extra virgin olive oil. After an absence
of a month or two, she has finally returned and over the last two weeks, I have always nodded to her when passing and her back..nothing said,just acknowledgemnt. Anyway on Thursday I see
this young assistant [who I didnt recognise] looking after the self service tellers. I went to one of the machines and while checking my groceries,she sidled up behind me [to use Rudy's misleading expression
and said, "Hi, how are you today?"I replied, "Pretty good luv, for an old bloke" she giggled and I further said, "but I hate wearing these bloody masks!"
She said, "yes that's why I am not wearing my glasses, they fog up all the time" I said, "Ahh that's why I didn't recognise you!'shelaughed. Masks are now compulsory.
She "sidled up to you", did she? I note that she isn't here to confirm that.

Third incident was yesterday and gave me the idea of returning to mention these things. Same shop Woolworths, where some of the assistants know me by now...I decided to approach a supervisor...a female supervisor by the way, and explained briefly
that I had addressed the young assistant as Luv [ the supervisor was around 50ish] She seemed surprised and said that no one had complained. When I mentioned the excuse that Donald and Rudy continually raise re being afraid of losing their jobs etc, she said
"Havn't these people learnt that we have unions that most of our girls and guys are in? "Bloody fun police again!the same idiots are trying to change Australia day!!"
Now, I ask the readers: what are the chances that two unrelated women both used the term "fun police", within days of one another, in response to paddoboy's supposed inquiries about what they consider to be acceptable behaviour from men? Could it be that paddoboy isn't accurately reporting what these women said?

Could it be that the entirety of paddoboy's reports of all these interactions present them from an entirely self-interested perspective that takes no account of the actual opinions of the women involved?

Lastly, let us take paddoboy at his word, and assume that he presented two of these women with some version of the points that I and Bells have put to him in this thread. What are the chances that he accurately reproduced our arguments, to them? Not very good, I imagine.

I think we can dismiss at least two out of three of these latest anecdotes as being implausible, in whole or part. I doubt that, if they happened at all, paddoboy has accurately reported them.

But what if they happened more or less as reported by him, after all? Then we only really have evidence that these particular women were willing to humour him and not rock his boat, once again.

Nothing in any of this makes the slightest impact on the fact that paddoboy is habitually sexist and patronising towards women who are obliged by reason of their employment, to assist him. Nor does any of this impact the fact that he is now choosing to knowingly act like a sexist pig, or that he expresses pride that this is how he acts.

I don't simply approach "young women" in fact one was at least my age...the one that said, "excuse me Luv, I only have one item, can I get in front of you?" There was no slap on the bum by me as Donald likes to fabricate...
If "Donald" means me, you ought not to tell lies, paddoboy. I have never alleged any "slap on the bum". That has only ever come up in the context of another of your tales - one in which you decided it was important to flaunt your prowess as a chick magnet, for some bizarre reason, as if that somehow would excuse your unethical behaviours.

....suffice to say, that my beahviour will continue unabbated as described for one simple reason. Because it is common everyday banter without any malice.
You no longer have the excuse that you don't know your patronising and sexist behaviour towards women is inappropriate. You continue it in the full knowledge that you are harassing women and that most women consider your behaviours unwelcome, offensive, and, in some cases, sleazy.

They have a fanatical caause or movement to uphold and are not being to successful in it being implemented.
Asking men to treat women with respect is not fanatical.

One thing I have picked up, is the terminology "fun police"love it!!
Yes. Funny that two different, unrelated women, chose to use that particular term, just at the time you started loving it. Isn't it?

One thing in life I have learnt Alex, is that the extreme nonsense of the right, like the 'proud boys"and other right wing orginizations that the real Donald and Rudy push, are no better or no worse then the extreme leftish views being pushed here with regards to stupid inane political correctness terms etc.

You want to equate the behaviours of the real Donald Trump and his ex-lawyer with the actions here of Bells and myself, in urging you to be better than you are?

You're all at sea, paddoboy. Your moral compass broke somewhere along the line. You should take a long hard look at yourself and fix it.

One also needs to ask themselves [well at least Donald and Rudy] why the likes of Germaine Greer, Bettina Arndt and Ita Buttrose are now poo pooing the extreme feminazi's movement etc.
That's quite a crew you picked there as your support on this, paddoboy. Are you sure you want to tie your boat to theirs?

And the extra virgin olive oil and young shop assistant...always guessing that I said it with a smirk and double meaning...
Do you admit that it can have a double meaning? How about "lubricate"? Or do you agree with Alex that those words are only ever entirely innocent?

The lies are continuious.
You are unable to document a single lie from me or from Bells. Which makes you the liar.

Yet these little piss ants continue on their crusade while real sexual assault continues and without comment.
Do yourself a favour and type "sexual harassment definition" into your favorite search engine. Spend 10 minutes researching it. This talking out of your arse isn't helping you.

Mrs says I'm spending too much time with these idiots!
You haven't let her read the whole thread yet, have you? She gets the filtered version from you, just like we get the filtered versions of your tall tales. We also get your second-hand reports about what your wife says and what she thinks.

Note: please don't waste her time by asking her to respond to this. The best way she can help here would be to read through the thread and to talk to you, paddoboy, about what she really thinks. Because, if I had to guess, I'd say she'll most likely agree with Bells, wegs and myself about what is and isn't appropriate behaviour towards women - particularly women in their workplaces. You might take more notice of what she has to say than of what we have to say.