Everyday racism

Normal common every day banter is not sexist or racist, at least not where I am, and that has been borne out positively in every example I have given,
What has been borne out is that you wouldn't know racist or sexist "banter" if it was coming from a white hood.
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Replying directly to your post, on your topic.
It's something we in the reality based community do.
My post, but not my topic...wanna try again? :D
Uh, sure. And as evidence you can present your declarations of non-racistness, or whatever.
Or you could present some post pointing out my imagined racism if you like?
But Trump is. And that doesn't make him extreme - it makes him an ordinary Republican President, and gets him lots of votes from the regular Republican voting base.
It makes him extreme in every conceivable way, evidenced by the fact that so many of his own party have decided to give him the heave ho.
Have you been drinking?:rolleyes:
Like Will Rogers said: I don't tell jokes; I just tell people the truth, and they laugh like crazy.

I like it but I do think that around here the opposite is true..every time I present the truth in is never met with laughter, the opposite as can been seen just by reading within this and the " other" thread.

The main trick to successful condescension is to be right.

Well if you thought I was trying to be condescending I tell you no I was not..just joking with you and really I was not trying to belittle you...so I am sorry if that is how it came over. Anyways for whatever reason I at least found it funny no more no less.

The responses I constantly get from folk around here suggests they are always reading much more into what I say...I find it annoying..it's like well if I wanted to say what your fire back as what you think I am saying I would have said that...I think you can safely proceed on the assumption that I am not that deep....
Again have a Merry Christmas.
You've got a bit of work to do.
What do you mean? Work to being good at being condescending? Is that what you mean.
Actually, you need to stick with Schmelzer in your debates...you and him are so much alike despite being opposite poles.
There's the matter of reality - being accurate about physical facts and events. We differ in that respect - opposite "poles", as you might say if you were fool enough to think of physical reality as a pole.

But nobody expects that aspect to mean much to the Tribe. As W 's Brain, a major influence on Schmelzer's media source, put it to Richard Suskind: "- - - we create our own reality".
It makes him extreme in every conceivable way, evidenced by the fact that so many of his own party have decided to give him the heave ho.
Have you been drinking?
I'm not drunk enough to try to claim that "so many in his own Party have decided to give him the heave ho".
Don't you guys factcheck anything?

Trump just set the all time record for Republican Party votes. More Republicans voted for Trump than any other Republican candidate for President who ever ran. Almost nobody in the Republican Party voting base voted against him. And most Republicans say they would vote for him 2024, to go with the 85% (minimum) who support him now.

As far as giving him the heave ho, the numbers are even worse - the Congress had that opportunity directly, and no Republican - House or Senate - took it. The only vote for heave ho from a Republican was from Mitt Romney on one of the charges (abuse of power). Given the direct and immediate opportunity, no Republican Congressman voted to impeach Trump, exactly one Rep Senator on one solitary charge voted to convict him, and every Republican in Congress protected him from investigation and trial.

Trump is dead center Republican. His closest parallel is with Ronald Reagan (there are a lot of similarities between Trump and Reagan). His blatant racism is a central Republican Party feature (visible in the vote rigging, BLM rhetoric, etc) and a major structural factor of American society.
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You said "show me where the term 'white male' is not used in hate." I gave you one example (me.) I gave you a second example - you.
I forgot to thank you..I think if you just Google "white male" my point will be obvious.
It is clear there is wide hatred associated with ..white male.. to deny that will require ignoring a whole heap of stuff.
Try a Google.. it will be interesting..I bet you will only find good things...I don't think the term is used by most as a casual way of describing white males as a mere group...it is used to describe a group the person saying white male really hates...

Look I just don't, like racism sexism or any discrimination at all, and most of all I dont the non thinking mob, or abusive behaviour, or bullying, or hypocracy, ... a d I don't like folk who tell you about a dispute with another and demand you choose a side...that's the big problem up here...I always say..well ( whoever) has never caused me a problem I can only go on that and it's best if you keep your issues between the two of you...happily I am friends with everyone..I could visit three consecutive houses in Drake each of whom were enemies of the other two...it's the tribal thing..the reason folk here defend the undefendable is they only want to support their tribe.

Thank you for a nice post.
There's the matter of reality -
Reality and you and your Overlords are separated by a great divide, if you see any need to remotely suggest I am racist. Like I said, you speak from ignorance at best or with forked tongue at worst. Unless you can show me any post suggesting I amracist of course?
But I suggest this is just much ado about nothing. :rolleyes:

On the matter of your ex President, I'm not that interested, but again despite your misinterpretations, claim some of his own party in your party room have rebuked and disowned him.
Unless you can show me any post suggesting I amracist of course?
Already did that - as with your earlier rhetorical demands, all you had to do is read my posts.
On the matter of your ex President, I'm not that interested, but again despite your misinterpretations, claim some of his own party in your party room have rebuked and disowned him.
A fringe group getting paid big bucks to take over the media and separate Trump (rhetorically, in the media feed) from the Republican Party in the minds of the bothsiders (they aren't worried about the Republicans).
They are building lifeboats to get them through the foundering - as with W, the smart money can see the writing on the wall. They aren't worried about the racism - they will be back embracing the bigots and fundies by 2022, 2024 at the latest. This is a pattern.
Now again, if you are claiming I am racist, show me a post supporting your nonsense?
I've been claiming that racism is a major - perhaps the major, although there's a good case for sexism - factor in American society and politics. Until I ran into the bizarre world of Republican media feeds as reposted on this forum, I had no idea there was any serious question about that. It's not like it's hard to see, or even easy to avoid.

The only relevance of your racism to my posting has been its apparent effects on your posting here - in particular the ones in which you, like the other Tribesmen, attempt to claim that racism is no longer a significant feature of American life and politics. That it exists only as a "remnant". That black and brown and red people in the US are no longer seriously harmed or significantly afflicted by white racism.

If there is some other explanation for you guys displaying a blind spot that large and that ludicrous, time to tell us what it is. As things stand, your boneheaded refusal to acknowledge even what's motivating the BLM protests, echoing off the political and media podiums whenever a Republican faces a microphone, structuring the current administration's official policies toward everything from immigration and health care and pandemic response to how the census collects information and where the boundaries of voting districts are drawn, is casting you in a pretty sorry light - and there's no reason for me to work hard at inventing excuses or justifications for that. I'm just going to take your posts as written, without complicated speculations you yourself refuse to bother providing.
Hard to get through to you, but I'm not interested in your ex President.
My posts mentioning Trump include many replies to your posts mentioning Trump. I quoted you in them, if you recall. Iirc he comes up frequently in discussions of American racism, which given his enthusiastic representation of the most racist white Americans in the country is not surprising.
(And he's not an ex-President yet.)
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I've been claiming that racism is a major - perhaps the major, although there's a good case for sexism - factor in American society and politics. Until I ran into the bizarre world of Republican media feeds as reposted on this forum, I had no idea there was any serious question about that. It's not like it's hard to see, or even easy to avoid.

The only relevance of your racism to my posting has been its apparent effects on your posting here - in particular the ones in which you, like the other Tribesmen, attempt to claim that racism is no longer a significant feature of American life and politics. That it exists only as a "remnant". That black and brown and red people in the US are no longer seriously harmed or significantly afflicted by white racism.

If there is some other explanation for you guys displaying a blind spot that large and that ludicrous, time to tell us what it is. As things stand, your boneheaded refusal to acknowledge even what's motivating the BLM protests, echoing off the political and media podiums whenever a Republican faces a microphone, structuring the current administration's official policies toward everything from immigration and health care and pandemic response to how the census collects information and where the boundaries of voting districts are drawn, is casting you in a pretty sorry light - and there's no reason for me to work hard at inventing excuses or justifications for them. I'm just going to take your posts as written, without complicated speculations you yourself refuse to bother providing.
Again, I'm not that interested in your philosophical claptrap., other then to say I'm neither sexist or racist.
My posts about Trump include many replies to your posts about Trump. I quoted you in them, if you recall.
(And he's not an ex-President yet.)
My posts mentioning Trump simply account for his extreme stupidity and racism, and I'll class him as ex with only a month or so to go.
The only relevance of your racism to my posting has been its apparent effects on your posting here - in particular the ones in which you, like the other Tribesmen, attempt to claim that racism is no longer a significant feature of American life and politics
Would you like to point to where ever I said anything about racism not being a feature of American politics? And really since it was you jumping in to this thread to preach your version of your political gospel, and another that started both these threads of racism and sexism, it would appear that "tribesmen" would be the best description entailing yourself and the others pushing your line...or probably even more appropriate would be crusade.

But I'll sum it up again for you, I am not racist and never have been, and in my country while certainly still existing among some, is gradually being improved on...maybe not fast enough, but gradually.

ps: And the first mention of Trump by me was in reply to your post 106.
Again, I'm not that interested in your philosophical claptrap., other then to say I'm neither sexist or racist.
You can show people you are not sexist or racist, by posting in a manner different from the familiar sexist and racist posters here. Failing that, telling people you are not sexist or racist will have no effect on their assessments - how could it? When you quack and waddle, people will take you for a duck.
My posts mentioning Trump simply account for his extreme stupidity and racism,
You forget that I've been quoting them. They are not available for revision, and I'm going to continue to reply to them as written - when you try to claim that Trump is some kind of extreme case, not representative of mainstream Americans, that's what I'm going to reply to.

Trump is dead center Republican - the President he resembles most is Reagan. He represents - to the point of ecstatic identification - the entire Republican voting base. He has enjoyed the full support of every major Republican politician except - and only partially - Mitt Romney. He has enjoyed more media support - from every major corporate media news and analysis outlet - than any other single politician in the country. If you agree that he is racist, he thereby disproves for you any contention that racism in the US is an "occasional remnant" without major significance in the lives of most Americans.
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it would appear that "tribesmen" would be the best description entailing yourself and the others pushing your line...or probably even more appropriate would be crusade.
You're too late for "tribesmen" - it's taken, and with solid reasoning.
"Crusade" does sort of vaguely fit - I'm faced with a fascist takeover of a major political Party in my native country, it's bidding to take over my government, and if crusading is what intransigent and ornery opposition to that looks like so be it.

(side point: as I have noted in the past is common after more than a couple exchanges with the Tribe, your language is breaking down - you are beginning to misuse common words, screw up the syntax, post ungrammatical sentences and linguistic confusion. It's just beginning, with you, unless I've overlooked it earlier, but in my experience it gets worse unless the poster consciously addresses the issue.
This is what needs addressing, in timely fashion, to avoid collapsing into gibberish in the future: "entailing" is not the right word (dictionary time?) ; "crusade" should be "crusaders"; and there are no specified others "pushing {my} line" no matter what you think it is.

That's simple enough - always better to catch this stuff early.).
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You can show people you are not sexist or racist, by posting in a manner different from the familiar sexist and racist posters here. Failing that, telling people you are not sexist or racist will have no effect on their assessments - how could it?
:D You have it arse up matey.....what people on this fart arse forum thinks, is irrelevant.
Plus of course all my posts reflect my non racist/sexist nature, not withstanding the unsupported codswallop by pretentious philosophers that no not what they preach.
You forget that I've been quoting them. They are not available for revision, and I'm going to continue to reply to them as written - when you try to claim that Trump is some kind of extreme case, not representative of mainstream Americans, that's what I'm going to reply to.
Seems you forgot my reminder of you raising Trump back at 106.
As usual, nothing much else to comment on.
The only relevance of your racism to my posting has been its apparent effects on your posting here - in particular the ones in which you, like the other Tribesmen, attempt to claim that racism is no longer a significant feature of American life and politics
Would you like to point to where ever I said anything about racism not being a feature of American politics?
Another miss?
Can you?
"Political correctness"-disparaging mentality has a spotlight shone on it. It's not pretty.

"According to a report done by the Data & Society Research Institute, “Far-right movements exploit young men’s rebellion and dislike of ‘political correctness’ to spread white supremacist thought, Islamophobia, and misogyny through irony and knowledge of internet culture.” Boards like “politically incorrect,” better known as /pol/, are filled with memes like tradwife girl — images that mask violent Nazi ideas, but are passed around as ironic and edgy."

“White-nationalist and alt-right groups use jokes and memes as a way to normalize bigotry while still maintaining plausible deniability..."

"Political correctness"-disparaging mentality has a spotlight shone on it. It's not pretty.

"According to a report done by the Data & Society Research Institute, “Far-right movements exploit young men’s rebellion and dislike of ‘political correctness’ to spread white supremacist thought, Islamophobia, and misogyny through irony and knowledge of internet culture.” Boards like “politically incorrect,” better known as /pol/, are filled with memes like tradwife girl — images that mask violent Nazi ideas, but are passed around as ironic and edgy."

“White-nationalist and alt-right groups use jokes and memes as a way to normalize bigotry while still maintaining plausible deniability..."


Terrible stuff..and these are the people to target not folk who have no malice in behaviours that PC now has on a list that has no regard for context.

Just because such is going on is no reason to jump on folk who find PC in some areas just plain silly..such as requiring that manhole covers be called person covers...which is probably an urban myth...just as we all find the extremism of the right offensive let us not forget that there are extremists in the PC mob who frankly destroy the message and indeed the credibilty because of their extremism in some situation that can only bring ridicule from reasonable people.

The attitude seems to be here rather extreme in so far as it can be rather intollerent ...I suspect now because I rage again the term white male that I will be put in the same box as these right wing racist sexist rat bags...the big problem is those who would have it so can not see the inequity and denial of context...extremism is the first enemy to attack in my view.

Again no one chimes in on sheeting home the blame to Hollywood or the church...exposing this stuff in your post Dave is great and gets us somewhere I feel...I am happy to jump on an evil enemy rather than an old man set in his ways who hold no malice....where do these folk get their influence ..that is what needs to be worked on...imagine if Hollywood was censored such that it could only produce decent stuff...oh we can't have censorship even if such may have a long term positive effect in changing the bad aspects of culture. Look at the movies..most are utter tripe promoting the images we all try to see eradicated...

silly..such as requiring that manhole covers be called person covers...
Easy to think it's silly when you're not one of the gender that makes 20% less income.

Read this (tongue-in-cheek) article and tell me it doesn't shine a new light on pernicious sexism:

"Most of the clamor, as you certainly know by now, revolves around the age-old usage of the noun "white" and words built from it, such as chairwhite, mailwhite, repairwhite, clergywhite, middlewhite, Frenchwhite, forewhite, whitepower, whiteslaughter, oneupuwhiteship, straw white, whitehandle, and so on. The negrists claim that using the word "white," either on its own or as a component, to talk about all the members of the human species is somehow degrading to blacks and reinforces racism. Therefore the libbers propose that we substitute "person" everywhere where "white" now occurs."

"In most contexts, it is self-evident when "white" is being used in an inclusive sense, in which case it subsumes members of the darker race just as much as fairskins."