Enlightenment in 3 quick and easy steps


On ‘I’ as an ‘Identity’, ‘I’ as a ‘Being’

RESPONDENT: G’day Richard, How do I learn and discover the essence of who ‘I’ am? Thank you.

RICHARD: G’day No. 11, In a word: intuitively (aka feeling yourself out subjectively).
Also, much use can be made of what is known as hypnagogic (pre-dormient) and hypnopompic (post-dormient) states which occur, respectively, in the drowsiness stage of intermediate consciousness preceding sleep or in the semiconscious state of transitional consciousness preceding waking ... of the two the identity inhabiting this flesh and blood body all those years ago found the pre-dormient state the easier to manifest.

However, as it was the hypnopompic state which revealed the essence of who ‘I’ am – the precise nature of ‘me’ at the core of ‘my’ being (which is ‘being’ itself) – an anecdote from that period may throw some light on the matter.

I was on a coastal sea voyage, making a northerly passage under sail in a trimaran I then owned, off the north-eastern seaboard of Australia when a storm came up from the south late in the day.
Rather than make a run for the port I was heading for under a storm jib alone (with all that entails) I chose to anchor overnight in the lee of a nearby island until the storm blew itself out. A perusal of the appropriate chart showed a narrow bay, between two jagged coral reefs, with a tiny beach at its head and the notation ‘fair-weather anchorage’. I figured, were the worst to come about, I could beach my yacht (an advantage multihull yachts have over monohull yachts) and weather the storm out thataway.

I negotiated the two jagged coral reefs, dropped anchor several boat-lengths short of what was actually a miniscule beach, and retired below for the evening. I slept soundly, despite the storm howling all about and the yacht pitching and tossing at anchor, only to emerge from deep sleep into a crystal-clear fully-lucid hypnopompic state just after midnight.

(Please note that it was, of course, the ‘I’ who was hypnopompic).

In that crystal-clear fully-lucid hypnopompic state ‘I’ was able to penetrate deeply into ‘myself’ at the core of ‘my’ being (which is ‘being’ itself) – or, rather, the penetration took place via ‘my’ full acquiescence – and there, in the centre of all the feelings swirling around, the essence of who ‘I’ am lay gorgeously exposed ... not all that unlike a beautiful rosy pearl, nestled coyly amidst the delicate fleshy tissue of its host, in its shimmering nacreous shell.

Except that the essence of who ‘I’ am was a void (and not a ‘thing’ like a pearl is) so the analogy of the void at the centre of whirlpool of water – which is the whirling water in motion – is more apt (albeit not conveying the ethereal radiant beauty of the rosy pearl analogy). Or, in other words, the essence of who ‘I’ am is akin to the calm, still centre of a swirling cyclone/ hurricane/ typhoon.

The swirling air/ whirling water is, of course, all the feelings – all of the emotions/ passions – which ‘I’ am comprised of (as in ‘I’ am ‘my’ feelings and ‘my’ feelings are ‘me’).
At that point, as the storm howled even louder and the yacht lurched sluggishly at anchor, I was fully awake in an instant; sitting up and swinging my legs to the edge of the bunk I stood up ... knee-deep in seawater!
Now, when something like that happens in a house one can quickly discern that one’s home is being flooded; on a ship at sea, however, it can mean only one thing ... to wit: one’s home is sinking.

But, all the while I was starting the auxiliary engine (mostly underwater) and hauling in the anchor (getting thoroughly soaked) and somehow driving the water-logged trimaran up onto the miniscule beach (unseeable in the pitch black night) without dashing to pieces on the enclosing jagged reefs, that penetration into the essence of who ‘I’ am became indelibly etched into the memory banks.

And, as ‘I’ knew exactly who ‘I’ was, that very knowledge was in itself empowering (to use the jargon) and thus contributed enormously to ‘my’ eventual demise.

Ain’t life grand!

RESPONDENT: Hi Richard You write:

[Richard]: ‘In that crystal-clear fully-lucid hypnopompic state ‘I’ was able to penetrate deeply into ‘myself’ at the core of ‘my’ being (which is ‘being’ itself) – or, rather, the penetration took place via ‘my’ full acquiescence – and there, in the centre of all the feelings swirling around, the essence of who ‘I’ am lay gorgeously exposed ... not all that unlike a beautiful rosy pearl, nestled coyly amidst the delicate fleshy tissue of its host, in its shimmering nacreous shell.’

Would you say that this experience of yours could have been a hallucinatory state which you interpreted according to the fundamental thrust of your seeking, as is common in dream-emergent states? I realize that the last part (after the ellipses in the above sentence of yours) is a metaphor, but I cannot help but think that the ‘I’ is such an inchoate and slippery entity (or void) that to actually see its essence and non-existence in the way you mention could have been due to your persistent desire to look for it in a particular way over an extended period of time, fuelled partly by a memorable insight already in place that there is no ‘me’ or emotional ‘being’ in actuality.

In other words, I suspect that your realization (in my words), that the ‘I’ am the felt illusory center of the eddy of feelings and passions, might have been already there in some embryonic form, which embryonic realization then enabled you to see it and recognize it with your own eyes (as it were) on that fateful day.

RICHARD: G’day No. 2, So as to put it into perspective: it was a response to being asked how to learn and discover the essence of who ‘I’ am, and not who ‘I’ am in general (social-self + ego-self + soul/ spirit-self), and my anecdotal reply refers to what took place the sixth year (1987) of spiritual enlightenment/ mystical awakenment.

Prior to the penetration deep into ‘myself’ at the core of ‘my’ being (which is ‘being’ itself) there had been no pre-existing model, not even embryonic, of such a nature to have insinuated itself into that gorgeous exposure of ‘my’ glorious essence.

Indeed, the only pre-existing model (per favour my second wife in the period before that penetration) was in the nature of a dot in the centre of a circle; the dot represented essence and the circle was representative of (self-protective) egoic activity.

Because you specifically mention ‘a memorable insight already in place that there is no ‘me’ or emotional ‘being’ in actuality’ it must be stressed that the penetration did not reveal that at all; what lay exposed (as in completely unprotected) was the essence of ‘me’ in all ‘my’ glory ... beautiful, radiant, resplendent and unquestionably worthy of the utmost adoration, worship and veneration. (Hence my lustrous pearl analogy; the eddy analogy is for void, in contrast to thing, as the essence of who ‘I’ am is formless).

Kings and Emperors and Sages and Seers alike tremble at the rare honour bestowed only on a graced few, to prostrate before that sacred effulgence, upon choice revelation of its almighty presence.

For instance:

[Ms. Pupul Jayakar]: ‘... the feeling of presence was overpowering, and soon my voice stopped. Krishnaji turned to me, ‘Do you feel It? I could prostrate to It?’ His body was trembling as he spoke of the presence that listened. ‘Yes, I can prostrate to this, that is here’. Suddenly he turned and left us, walking alone to his room’. (page 364; Jayakar, Pupul: ‘Krishnamurti - A Biography’; Harper & Row; San Francisco; 1986).
Regards, Richard.

P.S.: I had to chuckle where you asked whether it could have been a hallucinatory state as the entire phenomenon is nothing but a massive hallucination – a magnipotent delusion – from the very beginning to its absolute end.

Taken from: http://actualfreedom.com.au/richard/selectedcorrespondence/sc-i2.htm

Step 1: Read and familiarize yourself with the above.

Step 2: Search your brain for the "I" based on the description given above and the features described.

Step 3: Keep searching until you notice that your "I" has disappeared.

Notice the first line says "feeling yourself out subjectively". If anyone could clarify what he means please do so.
Here, Richard describes the "seeing" of the "I" as it is "That", or perhaps the source of all gods and imagination. Seer = seen.

June 15 2013
Re: Question to Richard

RESPONDENT: If the essence of who I am is formless as you say on your website, then how can you see it and describe it as a beautiful rosy pearl nestled coyly amidst the delicate fleshy tissue of its host in its shimmering nacreous shell?

RICHARD: G’day No. 11, You are obviously referring to an email exchange of ours, on this forum, over 2 & 1/2 years ago. Purely for the sake of clarity in communication I will re-present it in full.
From: richard.actualfreedom
Date: Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:47 pm
Subject: Re: Richard I have a question

• [Respondent]: G’day Richard, How do I learn and discover the essence of who ‘I’ am? Thank you, No.11.

• [Richard]: G’day No. 11, In a word: intuitively (aka feeling yourself out subjectively).

Also, much use can be made of what is known as hypnagogic (pre-dormient) and hypnopompic (post-dormient) states which occur, respectively, in the drowsiness stage of intermediate consciousness preceding sleep or in the semiconscious state of transitional consciousness preceding waking ... of the two the identity inhabiting this flesh and blood body all those years ago found the pre-dormient state the easier to manifest.
However, as it was the hypnopompic state which revealed the essence of who ‘I’ am – the precise nature of ‘me’ at the core of ‘my’ being (which is ‘being’ itself) – an anecdote from that period may throw some light on the matter.

I was on a coastal sea voyage, making a northerly passage under sail in a trimaran I then owned, off the north-eastern seaboard of Australia when a storm came up from the south late in the day.

Rather than make a run for the port I was heading for under a storm jib alone (with all that entails) I chose to anchor overnight in the lee of a nearby island until the storm blew itself out. A perusal of the appropriate chart showed a narrow bay, between two jagged coral reefs, with a tiny beach at its head and the notation ‘fair-weather anchorage’. I figured, were the worst to come about, I could beach my yacht (an advantage multihull yachts have over monohull yachts) and weather the storm out thataway.

I negotiated the two jagged coral reefs, dropped anchor several boat-lengths short of what was actually a miniscule beach, and retired below for the evening. I slept soundly, despite the storm howling all about and the yacht pitching and tossing at anchor, only to emerge from deep sleep into a crystal-clear fully-lucid hypnopompic state just after midnight.

(Please note that it was, of course, the ‘I’ who was hypnopompic).

In that crystal-clear fully-lucid hypnopompic state ‘I’ was able to penetrate deeply into ‘myself’ at the core of ‘my’ being (which is ‘being’ itself) – or, rather, the penetration took place via ‘my’ full acquiescence – and there, in the centre of all the feelings swirling around, the essence of who ‘I’ am lay gorgeously exposed ... not all that unlike a beautiful rosy pearl, nestled coyly amidst the delicate fleshy tissue of its host, in its shimmering nacreous shell.
Except that the essence of who ‘I’ am was a void (and not a ‘thing’ like a pearl is) so the analogy of the void at the centre of whirlpool of water – which is the whirling water in motion – is more apt (albeit not conveying the ethereal radiant beauty of the rosy pearl analogy).

Or, in other words, the essence of who ‘I’ am is akin to the calm, still centre of a swirling cyclone/ hurricane/ typhoon.

The swirling air/whirling water is, of course, all the feelings – all of the emotions/ passions – which ‘I’ am comprised of (as in ‘I’ am ‘my’ feelings and ‘my’ feelings are ‘me’).
At that point, as the storm howled even louder and the yacht lurched sluggishly at anchor, I was fully awake in an instant; sitting up and swinging my legs to the edge of the bunk I stood up ... knee-deep in seawater!
Now, when something like that happens in a house one can quickly discern that one’s home is being flooded; on a ship at sea, however, it can mean only one thing ... to wit: one’s home is sinking.
But, all the while I was starting the auxiliary engine (mostly underwater) and hauling in the anchor (getting thoroughly soaked) and somehow driving the waterlogged trimaran up onto the miniscule beach (unseeable in the pitch black night) without dashing to pieces on the enclosing jagged reefs, that penetration into the essence of who ‘I’ am became indelibly etched into the memory banks.

And, as ‘I’ knew exactly who ‘I’ was, that very knowledge was in itself empowering (to use the jargon) and thus contributed enormously to ‘my’ eventual demise.

Ain’t life grand!

Regards, Richard.

And, again for reasons of clarity in communication, in a follow-up email I expanded somewhat upon that which lay so gorgeously exposed, completely unprotected, a little after the witching-hour on that revelatory and empowering (to again utilise the jargon) night in mid-1987.


From: richard.actualfreedom

Date: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:13 pm

Subject: Re: Richard I have a question

• [Richard]: [...]. So as to put it into perspective: it [#7620] was a response to being asked how to learn and discover the essence of who ‘I’ am, and not who ‘I’ am in general (social-self + ego-self + soul/spirit-self), and my anecdotal reply refers to what took place the sixth year (1987) of spiritual enlightenment/ mystical awakenment.
[...] what lay exposed (as in completely unprotected) was the essence of ‘me’ in all ‘my’ glory ... beautiful, radiant, resplendent and unquestionably worthy of the utmost adoration, worship and veneration. (Hence my lustrous pearl analogy; the eddy analogy is for void, in contrast to thing, as the essence of who ‘I’ am is formless).
Kings and Emperors and Sages and Seers alike tremble at the rare honour bestowed only on a graced few, to prostrate before that sacred effulgence, upon choice revelation of its almighty presence.
For instance:

• [Ms. Pupul Jayakar]: ‘... the feeling of presence was overpowering, and soon my voice stopped. Krishnaji turned to me, ‘Do you feel It? I could prostrate to It?’ His body was trembling as he spoke of the presence that listened. ‘Yes, I can prostrate to this, that is here’.
Suddenly he turned and left us, walking alone to his room’. (page 364; Jayakar, Pupul: ‘Krishnamurti – A Biography’; Harper & Row; San Francisco; 1986).

Regards, Richard.

Now, back to your question (about how can that which is essentially formless be seen and described as a beautiful rosy pearl and etcetera): first and foremost, the seeing is neither a retinal percipience – as in, the seer –> the retinae –> the seen – nor a dichotomous ‘inner’ perception (as in, the seer –> the seen) as the seer *is* the seen ... or, rather, there is only the seen (‘There is only That’).

(In short, ‘seeing’, in my above words ‘the seeing is ...’, is being used in its figurative sense).
Second, as that which is formless (as in, timeless and spaceless, ethereal and supernal, immaterial and incorporeal and so on) is not only neither existent nor non-existent, but is not neither existent nor non-existent either, then my lustrous pearl analogy serves to convey the ethereal radiant beauty of that which is devoid of any personality whatsoever – utterly non-egoic in any way, means or manner (aka, void) – and, thus, totally ‘other’, resplendently supreme, sacred and absolute.

(In short, ‘seen’, in my further above words ‘... there is only the seen’, is also being used in its figurative sense).
Lastly, as all my words and writings are informed by the post-parinirvana/ mahasamadhi condition known as an actual freedom from the human condition, it must be stressed that the ongoing experiencing, night and day, for the eleven years 1981-to-1992 was *not* of being a (capitalised) ‘Self’ or ‘Being’ – ‘God’ or ‘The Creator’ by whatever name – but of having gone behind that, in the first few weeks or so, into that which all such gods and goddesses arise out of or are grounded in.

(In short, that whence all avatars and buddhas emanate).

• [Co-Respondent]: These are just two quotes of many possible quotes which show that the masters’ teaching is very
well beyond ‘Love Agape’ and ‘Compassion’.

• [Richard]: You may find the following informative in this regard:

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘What do You understand by being enlightenment?’

• [Richard]: ‘There is nothing other than The Absolute’.
And this:

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘I invite all of you who have had a Self experience to try describing it’.

• [Richard]: ‘Sure ... there was only The Absolute (the Self by whatever name) and nothing else existed’.
And this:

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘As an example [of a description of ‘Self’], is the description ‘a very old child’ valid in your case?’

• [Richard]: ‘No, the description ‘there is nothing other than The Absolute’ is what is valid in my case (...)’.

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘If you can provide a brief description for your particular Self image, so as to compare notes, I
would be pleased to read it’.

• [Richard]: ‘Sure ... there was only The Absolute (the Self by whatever name) and nothing else existed’.

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘Or is it indescribable?’

• [Richard]: ‘No, it is easily described: there was nothing other than The Absolute’.
In other words, in full-blown spiritual enlightenment/ mystical awakenment, there is only ‘That’ (the unmanifest by whatever name) and the manifest – all time and all space and all form – is but a dream/an illusion/an appearance ... meaning that in reality there is neither creation nor destruction, and thus, neither bondage nor liberation/ neither a seeker after liberation nor the liberated. (Richard, Actual Freedom Mailing List, No. 89b, 13 May 2005).
I am also stressing this so as to address the mis-information/ dis-information bruited abroad by a pretermitting whippersnapper whose main function in life is, it would seem, to be a mouthpiece for a once-failed Singapore businessman he publicly identifies as Mr. John Tan (he may as well have said ‘John Smith’ or ‘Joe Citizen’).

Ha ... this is all such fun!

Regards, Richard.

Taken from: http://www.actualfreedom.com.au/richard/listdcorrespondence/listd11.htm#15Jun13
This was a recent exchange with Richard:

> "Fred" <fredbrain9080@...> wrote:
> > "Fred" <fredbrain9080@...> wrote:
> > > "Fred" <fredbrain9080@...> wrote:
> > > > richard.actualfreedom <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > > "Fred" <fredbrain9080@> wrote:
> > > > If the essence of who I am is formless as you
> > > > say on your website, then how can you see it
> > > > and describe it as a beautiful rosy pearl nestled
> > > > coyly amidst the delicate fleshy tissue of its
> > > > host in its shimmering nacreous shell?
> > > >
> > > You are obviously referring to an email exchange
> > > of ours, on this forum, over 2 & 1/2 years ago.
> > > Purely for the sake of clarity in communication I
> > > will re-present it in full. Vis.:
> > > [...snip...].
> > > Second, as that which is formless (as in, timeless
> > > and spaceless, ethereal and supernal, immaterial and
> > > incorporeal and so on) is not only neither existent
> > > nor non-existent, but is not neither existent nor non-
> > > existent either, then my lustrous pearl analogy serves
> > > to convey the ethereal radiant beauty of that which is
> > > devoid of any personality whatsoever -- utterly non-
> > > egoic in any way, means or manner (aka, void) -- and,
> > > thus, totally 'other', resplendently supreme, sacred
> > > and absolute.
> > > [...snip...].
> > >
> > Existent and non-existent are one?
> >

G'day Nick,
If by "one" you mean the two faces of the same coin then,
yes, existent/non-existent are one; mystical literature often
mentions how the polar opposites continue to subsist (as
complimentary poles) in awakenment/enlightenment.

Indeed, one of the appellations used to describe that integration
of the divine/diabolical divide upon transcendence, wherein the
opposites unite without ceasing to be themselves, is the phrase
"coincidentia oppositorum" (coincidence of opposites).
Another term is "complexio oppositorum" (union of opposites).

The (mystical) experience of being both existent and non-existent,
simultaneously, is a god-experience (goddess, if feminine).

But behind the god/goddess-experience ("behind", not beyond) is
That which is not only neither existent nor non-existent, but is not
neither existent nor non-existent either.

This double-negation is not just a fancy play of words but a precise
depiction of that which is, essentially, ineffable (as in, no attributes
to speak of).

> > Also, can you describe how one initiates the act of penetration
> > into one's being?
> >

Yes, and I can do no better, for now, than to confirm the selection
made by a discerning reader in an earlier post (#14099) as it is the
very quote I had in mind to re-present for your appraisal.

> Richard,
> God is real?

If you are using "real" as it is used in actualism terminology --
unlike the dictionaries I draw a sharp distinction between the
word real and the word actual[1] -- then, yes, "God" is real
(just as all gods and goddesses are real) but is in no way,
means or manner actual.

With no God (or gods and goddesses) to meddle in human
affairs any longer one walks freely, as this flesh-and-blood
body only, in the already always existing peace-on-earth.

[1]distinction between the word real and the word actual:

RESPONDENT: And now, if my grandmother would ask
me if God exists, I would tell her that it does, He's real
but it's not actual. Ha-ha-ha ! And then she'll ask me what
actual means, I suppose that's where the <go> starts.
RICHARD: Back when I was a father, when my then
children would ask me if Santa Claus was real, I would
say yes but not actual like a table is, for instance, as their
mother was full-on into the traditions and such diplomatic
answers, rather than an outright no, made for relative
domestic harmony ... and they had no difficulty whatsoever
in grasping that concept (and applying it to witches riding
broomsticks as well and fairies at the bottom of the garden
and so on).
Curiously enough many years later (for I was a normal
family man back then) that diplomatic response came in
handy when endeavouring to come to terms with the
existential dilemma I was living at the end of the enlightened
period ... hence the term "actual" in actual freedom.
If a child can grasp it anyone can (even though dictionaries
draw no such distinction).
The goal of this thread is to make your 'I' disappear from your brain. I am not sure if the feeler or exister has to die, but it requires that one discovers one's essence to reach the goal of freedom from the human condition which brings forth happiness and tremendous confidence.
I hate to state the obvious, but a passive awakening is blissful, and retention of humanity pervades without excessive laughter as a medication.

By far beats being awakened through pain and suffering.
Do enlightened people do anything useful?

Yes, obviously. As I am currently in a partial state of Nirvana/ enlightenment, I can speak as a partial authority on the subject. It is freedom from pain and suffering and once you are in that state you can make anybody's day.
Yes, obviously. As I am currently in a partial state of Nirvana/ enlightenment, I can speak as a partial authority on the subject. It is freedom from pain and suffering and once you are in that state you can make anybody's day.

Feel the day enjoy the way, no price to pay, just thrice and you stay in the doorway.
Yes, obviously. As I am currently in a partial state of Nirvana/ enlightenment, I can speak as a partial authority on the subject. It is freedom from pain and suffering and once you are in that state you can make anybody's day.

Freedom from pain.

Make anyone's day.
Is that all?

I don't want my day made.
I want enough money to have a decent lifestyle.
Stuff like that.

I don't want an ego lobotomy.
I'm quite content to be me.
Will ridding myself of my "I" help with my hangover, because I have a killer migraine that needs to go off and die.
In the above description of the is extremely useful to achieving parinirvana or vipassana consciousness where "nothing dirty can get in" since everything dirty is caused by the illusory 'I' identity. It is the key. To achieve Nirvana simply use the above description as a means of locating the 'I' in the brain as the one thing that causes imperfection or dirtiness.